Pick up Paul Simons' PDA and read the emails and listen to the audio log. You can attempt to use the network login computer but it won't work. A couple imps appear, including one behind you. Head . Scurry up the ladder, defeat more spiders, and then go left through the transfer bay into the next level. Follow it through the subsequent rooms and halls. Search the desk behind reception for a video disk. In the open cavern, go right and gather ammo from the scaffolding. Finish off the remaining imps then board the lift. Enter the lift and proceed to level two, communications. Things get nasty quick when an arch vile and a couple hell knights appear. Grab Charles Hollies' PDA, which includes a cabinet code 142. Grab ammo and armor from the right. Go to the end of the hall and through the door. Grab the armor off the desk before going through the door into EPD junction 2. Place the data linker to receive a new objective regarding the reactor control room. Read William Banks' email for information; there are also a couple audio logs. Follow the arrows toward reception; it's through the door straight ahead. Grab Michael Abrams' PDA, a video disk, and then use the console to disable the security lock holding the nearby arsenal. Drop both barrels to unlock the door. Grab more shotgun shells in the center. The audio log reveals the cabinet code: 752. Approach the console and defeat the maggot. Kill it fast with the plasma or chain gun. It's lights out literally! You'll battle a host of cacodemons, imps, and soldiers. Also an imp ambushes you as you leave. Delta Labs - Sector 4 houses the third generation transfer portal. Beware of imps here. Be sure to check the storage area here for some ammo and health. Eventually connect into the main server room. A bunch of spiders enter. Continue into the junction. Objective: Reach old comm. Eliminate him, gather dropped ammo, and then enter the checkpoint to the left. Blast the arch vile with several rockets on sight. If you're hunting here, don't stand too close to the berserk spawn spot or you might be on the receiving end of a rage-filled punch. Just remain stationary and fire the plasma gun at them. In the next room, a cherub hides to the right. Doom 3- Finding the main portal? Take it down with your plasma rifle or chaingun, and then fight off the wraiths and imp that follow. In this puzzle you must select a bin then use the mechanism to ride the bin to the hatch in the upper right. Move inside the substation and restart the system. Objective: Service Lift. Read the email for the code to cabinet #064--the code is 651. M. Caseon up ahead isn't too thrilled with Mars and warns you to watch your back if you plan to stick around. Find the vent hatch in one of the side rooms. Another locked cabinet. The plot of the album continues the story started on Legend of Valley Doom Part 1.It was released on 30 November 2018, with cover art credited to Dusan Markovic. Defeat the imps and revenant. Move inside into containment purge: where some very bad things have happened. Retrace steps to the other lift and descend to level one. Open the console by pressing "CTRL-ALT-~" during gameplay. Move along the curved catwalk and into the lift room. Open it and find the BFG 9000 inside. Check the weapon and enemies section of this game guide for details on the best weapons to use against particular enemies. Move to the teleporter and proceed. Continue into the MFS compressor room and battle a group of enemies before finding the storage locker behind the compressor. It's a slow-moving projectile so it certainly isn't a given that the shot will connect. Search the hall for items and return to a door that is initially locked but soon becomes open. Pick up med kits and armor strategically. Go up the steep ramp along the right wall to find some supplies at the top. Avoid standing in front of it. Battle the hell knight around a pillar. Spot the health behind the pipes. You can check past the door marked blue 19 but the passage is locked. Objective: Contaiminated Chamber. So it goes without saying: proceed with caution through the frag chamber. Reach Reactor Control Room and replace coolant rod 2. Crawl through and emerge in Delta's main lobby. Blast him with the chain gun as he approaches. The email includes a cabinet code (for cabinet #122)--538. Beware of the imp that enters behind you. Find Frank Cerano's PDA on the desk. Defeat its inhabitants and find some health to the left side. Stay well away from this monstrosity. Gather the BFG cell (triggers a revenant) then enter the robust supply room, which triggers an arch vile. Beware of the imp that materializes behind you. Climb the ladder. Use the computer to scan for active pads. As you go to the right, another creature teleports in. Beware of the tick that leaps out. Turn around and battle an imp as you proceed toward the stairs; battle cacodemons and imps at the top. The chainsaw can grind up zombie flesh in remarkably quick fashion. Gather as many supplies as possible before moving to the next level. Find the chain gun on the top of some equipment. Instead, go through the door at the top of the stairs into the offices. Listen to the logs and read the emails. Approach the console and click any bin. Use the health station. Alpha Labs - Sector 4 seals and prepares shipments of processed hydrogen fuel for dropship distribution to UAC bases and subspace platforms. Just back pedal and watch the cyberdemon follow. Proceed to surface access. Kill the spiders in the hall (watch behind you too) and enter the next monorail section. Avoid long-range battles. Sounds easy enough but during a hectic deathmatch, you're unlikely to have 30 fee seconds to pull off the maneuver completely. Walk to the other desk and activate the oxygen purge. Battle a couple guards and a revenant as you maintain pursuit. Also beware of the bloated zombie behind you (search his alcove for armor shards). Take the elevator up to the second floor. Maintain the crosshair on the enemies head if you are using the weapon at close-range so you minimize possible damage. In the next hall, approach the security door ahead. Shoot the orb above the guardian to defeat it. When. It's nearly a waste of ammunition. It also moves directly into the lab containing the teleporter to the berserk. But as soon as he turns the corner, move up close and blast the imp with the shotgun. Enter and use the computer to unlock the secured area. Speak with the nearby marines if you want then enter headquarters, which completes your objective and initiates another. Cycle the airlock, which opens you to the surface. If you encounter a group of zombies, don't get surrounded. Speak with this frightened worker and grab the nearby keycard. LEVEL 3 ENTRANCE and CHAMBER 1 ACCESS Open up the door at the end of the LEVEL 3 ENTRANCE hall and immediately watch out for the three ZSECs that come in, followed by a commando zombie. Objective: Hazard Door Sealed. A few more minions arrive. Maneuver through the hall and drop down into artifact research. If you plan on snagging the plasma gun and walking along the same catwalk, time your advance when the machine is closed. Go through the hall and leap over the floating blocks. A shotgun blast could kill the cherub in a single hit but most of your projectiles may miss the creature. It was Doom that put the term first-person shooter on the gamer map. It'll keep you alive during the early going but once you begin to acquire more powerful arms (first the shotgun then the machine and chain gun), the pistol becomes all-but unnecessary. When firing at the revenant from long-range, the rockets can serve as a shield to block your attack--at least momentarily. Return up the lift. Use the console to unlock the secured area. Site 3 A hellknight spawns at the end of the hall as you make your way forward. Go to the level 3 access door and input the code 463. Enter the control room. Continue through. Kill it then take out the guard and zombie now behind you. Grab the items he's hoarding. Ride up the lift. Back out and don't face them all at once. Toggles on third-person view. This armored skeleton brandishes a rocket launcher on each shoulder. The sourceport I discuss further, is called 'Dhewm'. Site 3 is the ground level access point to the original subterranean Mars base structure. Continue around the corner toward the observation area. Find the airlock controls in the back corner. You can drop down and gather ammo but there is another mancubus to the left--before dropping down, walk over to the left and peak down and kill the beast with your rockets. The light from the stasis transfer helps guide you through the dark chamber. Go left along the catwalk into convergence chamber two. But your firsts can be extremely powerful when enhanced by the berserk power-up. Kill all of them to trigger the stairs back up. In a frantic firefight, you may find yourself reloading too often giving your enemies a chance to reach your position. Stock up before pressing on. Remain at a distance and use your chain gun, plasma gun, or rocket launcher to blast the hell knight. Grab the video disk off of the console; there's ammo on the other. Zombies are fairly slow, though, so you should be able to move in, slice and dice, and back out before getting struck. Along with Frank's lunch you'll also find some ammo and armor. Gather armor on the left side. Defeat him and grab his chain gun and nearby ammo. You're now in the old comm. There's armor inside. Grab some ammo off the crate nearby then use the button to the marine's left to cycle the airlock. Take cover near the controls and wait for a player to try and snag that invisibility power-up. Exit through the next hallway and into the EP control unit. Also, as is the rule with most combat situations, when you spot imps arriving in front of you expect there to be some arriving behind you. Great time for a soul cube or several BFG blasts. If you hear the low clip sound warning, retreat to a safe location and reload. Go to the right. When dodging the hell knight's projectile, don't stand too close to a wall. Move to the balcony overlooking the common area and spot another arch vile below. Approach the next storage area and back up when you hear the imp. Go through the door and speak with I. Sinclair. The maggots can be handled rather easily from long-range with a machine gun or stronger weapon but a patient, and daring, player could eliminate the maggot from close-range with a single shotgun blast. Collect the ammo near the corpse then go into the room on the right. The map's plasma gun rests on a small ledge. The resulting blow knocks you around and can cause disorientation. You don't have to use it immediately. Drop down and prepare for a big battle. Time to battle the Vagary--it's half-humanoid, half-spider, and all-nasty. Use the barrels to help. You'll trigger monsters down either path. If you haven't discovered it by now, which the email clarifies, you possess unlimited stamina in Hell. Meet your first Doom 3 imp. Defeat the imp. Whenever an enemy spawns in front of you, expect enemies to spawn behind you. Tomiko Reactor is defined, understandably, by a double-floor, circular walkway reactor room. It's the same intro as you watched in the lobby. Waste material from the MFS system is also processed here, and sent to the recycling plant for post-refinement and disposal. Its code is 409. Use the console, first the left monitor then the second. Use the console to open another security locker to reveal some armor. Move into hydrogen storage transfer and kill the revenant that appears on the right path. Spot the ladder. Kill the flying demon in the crumbling room then climb the ladder. Exit and cross the chamber (where you saved the guy) and move through the junction. Proceed to the right and find the door up ahead. This game guide covers everything you need to know to conquer id Software's latest creation. This is a powerful weapon and worth saving for closer encounters. Hop to the bottom and look at the table to find the keycard to the upper storage room. Go onto the catwalk and defeat the two imps to the left. Snag some health on the right (backup files too if you wish). Defeat two imps and push onward. Inside you'll find the PDA of Ron Ridge. A hell knight waits in an alcove to the left. Spot the guard entering from the door on the right. Use the computer on the other side to unlock the checkpoint. Gather supplies and climb up the ladder. When you press the trigger, the chain gun begins to spin and moments later the weapon starts to fire. Make your way to the old communications building. The demon is fast and lacks ranged ability; it will charge you on sight and gore you like a bull. Locate the rocket launcher in its own storage room. It'll handle many enemies for you; assist the bot. The Saboath is like one-third tank, one-third cyborg, and one-third BFG. At close-range, an accurate shotgun blast can eliminate these enemies in a single blast. Like the wraith, the maggot huddles close to the ground and attacks with a melee strike only--but it will also leap at you like the imp. Beware of the guard and imp (another materializes if you approach the health station). Hide behind the corner and ambush them. Move it to station 3. Gather ammo and health from the room. Kill this beast quickly! Go to the opposite side of the terminal and enter the decontamination chamber. After defeating the imps, beware of the soldiers and their chain guns. Go through the door marked security/bio labs. Return down into the cavern and go through the dark passage ahead. Be cautious, though. on January 18, 2006 at 12:23PM PST. Battle another cacodemon. Follow him along the engineering catwalks. Battle another imp around the corner then check the security station. Be ready. Locate the rocket launcher in one of the labs. Take cover behind a cover or other object and lure the soldier to your position. Proceed until the monorail crashes. An imp appears ahead of you. The main tactic is keeping your distance and constantly moving backward around the circular path. Drop down onto the moving platforms to reach the bottom of this area. It'll backtrack to near the level's start position and usher you into maintenance. Walls close around you and when they open, a gang of imps and zombies have arrived. Open the locker for ammo and armor. Be cautious around the explosive barrels. Exit through the unlocked door. There's a. Across from the door, find some ammo and health. Battle a zombie to the left and grab the ammo behind him. You emerge inside storage 21D--the same one mentioned in one of your logs. Maneuver out onto the surface. Go to the left and through the door. Go right and spot the health items in the recess below. Unlock the doors and release the bridge using this console. Practice effective weapons management. Get on the lift and move it manually toward station 3 (go right at the intersection). Ascend the other stairs and enter the door at the top. Return up and open the locked door. You may need to move away from these enemies and require a safe place to reload. You have a choice of your teleport destination: pad 1 main or pad 2 balcony. Go through the hall and to the door on the right. Late in the game, it's wise to save your soul cube to easily eliminate a hell knight. Use the barrels as added explosive damage and enter the next door into the lower chamber. Return to the command Message Center for a status update from Sergeant Kelly. Objective: Site3 Security Lockdown. Ready your shotgun (the best close-range weapon) and fire when the z-sec enters into your line of fire. Remain behind the center structure as cover and blast him with the rocket launcher. There's a broken storage area containing ammo and a rocket launcher. Then all hell breaks loose. Eliminate them and continue on toward the left side. Follow it to a ladder and up to the room's balcony overlook. If you hear the low clip sound warning, retreat to a safe location and reload. Listen for the cries of help. Enter this control room and speak with the technician for your next objective. Now go to the other side to encounter the final boss. Kill the creature and locate a secret hatch on the right side. The cyberdemon is massive. An imp appears in the next room; shoot him with the machinegun then battle another guard through the new path. Main Objective: Gain entrance to the Alpha Labs. There's also George Poota's PDA on the floor nearby, some chain gun ammo on a cart, and you can use the console to raise the lift. Gather the plasma gun and ammo from the rack on the right then climb the ladder in the elevator shaft. He must be stopped immediately! Kill it with the machinegun. It's useful against slow-moving zombies because you can reserve your other ammunition for tougher foes. A nearby wall opens to reveal a hidden chamber. Enter chamber 1. Clear the level, grab supplies, and find another lift that takes you to the third level, routing. The "ambush" is one of the best tactics against most Doom 3 enemies. Return to the previous room and the opposite exit door. Grab the PDA resting next to him. Fix the door panel and move through. Follow the dark tunnel to the levitation site. Three seekers hover around the guardian. In the next hall, there's health to the left but also a demon. Find the plasma gun; grabbing the weapon triggers a new sequence. Objective: Enpro Plant. Beware of an imp from behind then go board the freight. A hell knight waits behind the next door. If your aim is true, the lost soul dissipates before striking you. The security station includes a PDA and some health. Use the health station, locate some armor behind the crates, grab ammo off the console then move through the door into reactor control. If you're facing more than one, retreat through a doorway and fire from under the safety of a roof. Search the station for health and armor (there's more underneath the monorail track). Maneuver to the door. 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