This is very easy at 50+, probably doable by a group in their mid-late 30's. If you kill the owlbear leader, sonic wolves attack. 3 mins after ths zone was popped by a gm, 2 lv 60+ people popped in zone and forced the gremlings to wolvs and the bears to wolves. As soon as the chief drops (within 30 seconds), the owlbears set out, and five grimling defenders spawn. the substance, dung, feathers and even perfect pelt have ALL dropped off YELLOWEYES. Anyhow, just a reminder to everyone to be fair with this. IF YOU START THE WAR YOU BETTER FINISH IT!!!!!!!!! Hollowshade Moor lies in the foothills of the Tenebrous Mountains to the north, separating them from the Vah Shir city of Shar Vahl. Nice post there very insightfull. the north, separating them from the Vah Shir city of Shar Vahl. I have a website that explains it all. I have been there the past two days and haven't seen a single grimling anywhere. Aside from TBL, I redid the paths in Shadeweaver's Thicket and Hollowshade Moor. It'e easy to single owlbears, because they stand well apart, but they run fast! 11-19-2007, 04:38 PM. Still not finding what you're looking for? 4 Timing is variable, but it's usually 4-8 minutes for the Owlbears to achieve victory. This is a wonderfull raiding zone, however; there are people that need quest items that only drop when the war isnt running. I second this. If all three sides still exist in the zone, which side attacks will be random. When it comes to planting tomatoes, the first step is choosing the right variety for your climate and soil type. Im not basing this on fact. Did a search for hollowshade moor, then dropped the moor and didn't see it, even went looking in other forums. When I went to Hollowshade Moor today I got this text on entering: this just means the Owlbears occupy the East and SOuth Camps, while the Sonic WOlves are in (by process of elimination) the North camp, and attacking the South camp.. its all part of the Hollowshade wars. Grimling invaders have two types, one of which (in the yellow jerseys) is immune to changes in run speed; the other is not. I should point out that the owlbear smithing drops are also available in Paludal; I am not sure about the wolf ones. Tom Wagner's Varieties: A Gardener's Guide But to get the most out of your tomato plants, its important to understand the basics of planting and caring for them. Here it is from my log file. I dont care what people say, it cannot be "started." So, on the way back through, I killed the Grimling prince in the outpost. The last time someone posted to it was back in June I believe, so that should help find it. WOW! Station a group at each of the camps, and use the fourth to track named mobs in the middle of the zone, plus track the invaders. || Strategy I am a Vah Shir Bard.. trying in vein to complete my Sonic wolf bane quest. Don't see Skriat'Chee on here anywhere - spawns in the wolf cave once owls have taken it over - cakewalk to 54 monk, but so are the otehr mobs - dropped: Yup, after this last patch, it sure is working properly. Each camp has one static point at which a named mob can spawn; the north cave has two of these (one in each of the two end caverns). All times are GMT-6. In the southern portion of Hollowshade Moor, in the large watery area just east of Paludal Caverns you'll find grimling and tortoise enemies which have about a 5 level spread (16 - 20). the owlbears in the south howl in frustration). That will trigger an invasion from the next camp counter-clockwise, which will be defeated if you dont help the invaders; while the invasion is underway (it lasts for 6 minutes), killing any of the other nameds has no effect. Once you hit level 20 - 25 you'll want to progressively move east from the tortoise area where you'll find a bunch of islands that are filled with grimling enemies. The entire region is under constant battle between the owlbears from the northwest, . Well it looks like the zone is broken. So I manage to get the owlbears in control and farm out about 3 stacks via PBAEing all that I can in a short amount of time. Below is a guide that I wrote some years ago, and submitted to EQTraders, which they used. The named mob that spawns is typically level 35ish (dark blue to 40, light blue to 52), and as soon as it is killed, the zone returns back to normal. As it now is, it serves several purposes: as an experience and quest zone for young Vah Shir (14-30); a source for high level smithing components; probably the most exciting mid-level raid zone; and a zone for 49+ people to solo farm interesting drops (many of which are no drop). When everything is reset you have grimlings in the south camp, sonic wolves in the east camp, and owlbears in the NW camp. Then race to the outpost. (The owlbear caves are quite large, and there may be two leaders there - one in each of the back caves. To start the war, just kill the named mob in one of the three camps. The creature type is no longer a factor, except in earning the Slayer Achievements. Kill the defenders before the furious owlbears arrive, and the owlbears will take over the village. Drop a comment on a post or contact us so we can take care of it! So I must know is the war bugged in the A. pathing and B. spawn rate of the majority ruler in the zone. I reset the war to get the grimlings in the south, wolves in the east and owlbears in the north/west. One time, with only the owl cave and wolves left, the owls attacked the sonic wolves three times in a row, then finally the wolves attacked the owls so I could get camp takeover, there was no one else in the zone and I didnt attack anything, which is why I still consider the war random. Was alot of fun, though did **** off the Perfect Pelt Farmers quite a bit and i got some nasty tells about doing the "Stupid" war i'd been waiting since lvl 34 to have fixed. There used to be a sticky in this forum or the quest forum about the War and how to manipulate it. The entrance to Paludal Caverns is located at -1800, 3000., Blackfin Minnow, Grimling Bodyguard, Grimling Chieftain, Grimling Fisherman, Grimling Herder, Grimling Lookout, Grimling Mystic, Grimling Overseer, Grimling Priest, Grimling Recruit, Grimling Spiritist, Grimling Thief, Moor Tortoise, Owlbear Cub, Owlbear Grappler, Owlbear Razorbeak, Patrolling Grimling, Rhinobeetle, Rockhopper, Sonic Guardian, Sonic Packleader, Sonic Pup, Sonic Wolfling, Sonic Wolf, Curfang, Dirtchomp, Gorehorn, Grimling Chieftain, Skrietat'Chu, Skrietat'Cha, Feather, Fishing Grubs, Mushroom, Owlbear Egg, Pod of Water, Roots, Rough Stone Phalange, Silt Slider Egg, Wild Blueberries, 1 Owlbear Caves where Skrietat'Cha and Skrietat'Chu appear, 2 Vah Shir training outpost, Merchant selling Food and other Goods, Hopperhide Armor, various Vah Shir Weapons, 5 Grimling Main Camp with Grimling Chieftain. It appears that this patent is exclusive to the Russian Federation, with exporting to Belarus and K-stan and importing from Germany being allowed. I've been having a lot of fun with this war - at first I thought the only point was to kill the end mob that spawned after it's race took over the zone. OMG i swear i just set the record for # of waves spawnedim at 12 and countingi must be doing sumthing wrong but i cant figure it outive done it this way for forever. You can get about 15 Wailing Substance per hour hunting the 4-spawn and 2-spawn Owlbear Cub caves in Paludal. Ok, i will not go into detail about all the mini bosses of the zone or how to get them, u can figure that out from what i give you here and others have posted. I did some of the earliest Shadowscream Steel work, and got several skillups (242 - 250) on it without ever farming the Hollowshade Moor war. The Vah Shir have emerged as the most vital and culturally active race on the moon. owlbear fleshrender/?? In addition, there are several named mobs that can spawn outside the camps and will wander about their faction areas. The only way to handle the east cave is to kill in to the named placeholder, and sit tight waiting for respawns. I did a search on Hollowshade for that forum, and it brought it up. Hollowshade Moor War Guide by Infernostar Fatalblow, Wizard on Cazic Thule. You may also try to pull him by levitating up the tree east of the fort and pulling with a spell. The Moor you may want to try paludal. The zone announcement has been adjusted to be reasonably clear if the camp attacked will be defended or not. If you want the owlbears to win so that you can try for the FT 1 range item, first kill the grimling chieftain. By waiting for the right group to set out and helping them to win, you can arrange for any combination of two groups in the three camps. He summons, and casts a form of snare (called Quicksand). I have also found, that if a faction loses their own base camp, but is in another area, and takes over whole zone in the end, but takes their home camp back last, then the final named will pop. To start the war, just kill the named mob in one of the three camps. Hollowshade Moor is a hotly contested wetland just south of the Grimling Forest. Attackers from the north and east leave from the caves, but attackers from the south spawn on the sandy spur in the lake by the east wall. Before you get started, you'll need to decide what type of vegetables you want to grow. It's really tough, but I think it's worth it. The entrance to Grimling Forest is located at 3000, -2500. (IE Farming Shreeking stuff for armor) This destroyed any chance of me finishing the quest till the zone is repoped again. I highly recommend it!!! Defenders are all perma-rooted. The Hollowshade War is the ongoing tribal battle for control of the Hollowshade Moor by the inhabitants of the zone: the owlbears in the north, the sonic wolves in the east, and the grimlings in the south. Successfully completed war today. GL to you all. Those tallons you've gotten are part of the Vah Shir chain quests. I had quite a bit of thouble there with my level 20 alt, but if you are the right level-- around level 30-- it is an awesome place for loot and XP! You should be able to get owlbear/sonic wolf claw earrings for everyone, and a variety of other items. Kill them so they never make it to the Owlbear caves. You'll see a message saying that the Owlbears have taken over the shores in the south. sonic wolf/Dreadmaw Wolfkin We see the grimlings invaders come down from the mountain but then they disappear..:(( no smithing.. Defenders are all perma-rooted. The attackers are variously called grimling invaders, furious owlbears, and sonic wolf fiends. That will trigger an invasion from the next camp counter-clockwise, which will be defeated if you dont help the invaders; while the invasion is underway (it lasts for 6 minutes), killing any of the other nameds has no effect. I have a lowbie kitty shaman and am wanting to complete the sonic bane weapon quest. The east cave is by far the toughest to deal with. If you're unlucky, it takes a few waves of sonic wolves (and 12 minute respawns) and it can take closer to an hour to finish a war. There are alternatives to Hollowshade Moor for substance farming, although they aren't pretty. Killing named does increase the chance of a mob attacking another but it is still not one hundred percent guaranteed. He sometimes resists both Splurt and Bond of Death, which are generally never resisted; life taps seemed to always land. This page was generated at 07:31 AM. if you have the bears in N and S and wolves in E, then killing in E will advance ITS home race, the wolves. It doesn't seem to matter what I do but upon entering the moor all I ever see is wolves with the occasional owlbear, i killed the owl bear prince once and the war did not end, oh well Im gonna try again today, and what a surprise only wolves today as well what ever Im gonna try the out post later ill post if it helps Can anyone post how to make the Merchant area spawn the ringleaders of the dominant tribe? It is possible that they can be spawned by killing the aggressive green beetles and rockhoppers (i.e. Basically, you have three camps whenever the zone is reset. It's does seem however that there are already some bugs in itagain. 5 Timing is again variable, but within 2-5 minutes one of 2 things will happen: 5a (best case) The owlbears will attack the sonic wolves. Prince Garzemort, Wanderer (North Central, between the two rivers): Hollowshade Moor would be cool. This is a good zone with lots of monsters suitable for the level range The war seems to be working now. These three often drop acrylia, as well as the usual grimling drops. itself is a hotly contested area between the grimlings, the owlbears, You cannot start the war, it simply starts on its own with a zone message. 7 Once the owlbears take over the sonic wolf caves, you'll see a zone message indicating the Vah'Shir retreating into town. If you haven't been grouped up until this point, I would strongly suggest finding people to assist you with things moving forward - there'll be very few single pulls!! As others have stated though you can force the fighting by killing the named at one of the camps. South of the lake on the west side, below the entrance to Paludal Caverns, is another area with a slightly higher density of hoppers and beetles good to hunt in if you need their drops. Trust: Overhead Removed out of era tradeskill items from new zones - real-time issue Hollowshade Moor Fixed the Hollowshade War - (forum post) Toxxulia Forest Fixed Luggald Rumors Quest for good/evil - (Issue #1303) Regent: Merchants High Quality Ore prices set to era correct - (forum. If this happens, Sonic Defenders will appear at the caves you should be in front of. This is great news for those of you who eed quest items, or for aspiring GM smiths who want to be able to farm wailing/shrieking substances on the islands. See you around! My theory is that this true for one of two reasons: All times are GMT-6. The Zone has everything where it needs to be and I am farming the grimlings to get the item and then a single high lvl character (has happened well over 20 times now different characters each time) starts the war killing the grimulings first then leaves the zone without completing the war. When killed, he only uncommonly has any of his drops but youll need to kill his two bodyguards to loot. Once a faction owns all three camps, they will take over the Vah Shir outpost at #2 on the map and will have a stronger named here. Okay here is my beef. did Owlbears. If this is your first visit, be sure to If the wolves attack the owlbears, five sonic wolf fiends will set out. If you kill the sonic wolf leader, Grimlings attack. "Hollowshade Moor was created for NoS, but they had no time to actually fill it with content so it was scrapped for NoS Launch at least" This is awesome. Spawns seem to be faster now for named and their PH's (about 5:50 each) and the attacks are on the normal schedule. The sonic wolves had the islands to the south. Once the three at the front are down, take out the spiritists. More info to come as I live here now. Then three sonic wolf defenders will spawn; kill these I think they can summon as well, but it is possible that they dont. Map last updated: 02/22/02. This certainly clears up any questions I had with this zone. In the chieftains place will be a screechmaw, who drops an owlbear claw earring or a sinew wrapped owlbear ribcage (chest slot). Backbone - Unrest (Pit Area near Dwarf ghost) Jawbone - Everfrost Ice Cave (+4525, -5238) Finger - Kedge - Phin's room, on a rock next to the wall (-147, +145, -251) Deep Soil - The Hole. Looted one as a young 16 beastlord. The March 2023 Patch changed Banestrike. Any one seen it or am I just a blind fool? No aggro. The defenders are always stronger and will win unless you kill them first. I have done the whole "kill the named" mobs and this did nothing for me. Remapped large portions of The Hive and recolored the layers to make it easier to see how the different areas connect. I would recommend this quest highly if you have the time and are aroung level 40. :), To restart the war kill the main guys in the little fort near shar vahl. Myself (necromancer) went with there with a Magi, warrior, and a sk. The Hollowshade War provides an opportunity for several named with desirable loot. 2. Back to top . Wiknak Grimglom (not seen personally) Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the RSS feed. Spending many months of play time here..I have discovered the following. Did this just this week in fact. I needed Owlbear and Sonic Wolf talon and the staff from gremlings. If you're lucky (5a happens right away), you can finish a war in about 20 minutes, mostly running around. i got one too.thats why i came here to see if there is any info.maybe something with the wars..they always seem to go buggybut gms say its not bugged..just we are missing something, The Horrors of War (or How Four Greenies Took My lvl 50). Your druid should own this. He sometimes resists both Splurt and Bond of Death, which are generally never resisted; life taps seemed to always land. Running the War sonic packleader/Ghowlik Also keep in mind that Im basing this on exp gained months ago. To start there are 3 final victor situations: Grimlings win, Wolves win, or Owlbears win. They maintain several small settlements in Hollowshade Moor, and now fight a continual war with the owlbears and sonic wolves of the region. When the wolves come to take over, kill the owlbear named (at the chief hut) and the defenders that spawn. I target her from the road, then run around the back and cast on her she warps through the wall onto me, and can be safely killed without interference from the other owlbears. sonic wolf/Fireclaw Wolfkin Check here for details of the drops the list of mobs is rather incomplete. Occasionally one side will spontaneously attack another, but you can cause one side to attack another by going to any of these locations (owlbear cave in the north, sonic wolf cave in the east, grimling village in the south) and killing the named NPC there and its two guardians, causing another side to attack. Excellent, I just got in to test out the war, I get the wolves to obtain 2 camps and "SERVERWIDE MESSAGE: All Servers will be coming down in 4 minutes" ehh I test it out when They start back up! Then it's a matter of wash, rinse and repeat! All of these four points can be occupied at various times and different combinations by the three factions (owlbears, sonic wolves and grimlings). Allakhazams Hollowshade Moor Quest. Next, you will have 18 minutes from the chieftains death, 12 minutes from the owlbears taking over the village, to get to the wolf cave in the east. I've spent several hours there and only seen one, count them one, owlbear cub that is on at least a 10 minute respawn timer in the entire zone when all factions are up. The rare drop is the eye (FT1). These random, automated attacks will stop after . Anyone can confirm this? You can just wait and a zone message will pop up telling you that one group is attacking another. On top of that, the sonic wolves It is easiest to kill them as they parade outside the cave. IE., the defenders wouldn't spawn when grimlings were attacking. South of the lake on the west side, below the entrance to Paludal Caverns, is another area with a slightly higher density of hoppers and beetles good to hunt in if you need their drops. Hollowshade Moor lies in the foothills of the Tenebrous Mountains to the north, separating them from the Vah Shir city of Shar Vahl. On top of that, the sonic bane weapon quest any one seen it or am I just a fool... 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