(11) Specially prepared or alternative food requested instead of the food generally prepared by the facility, if it is documented that the requested food costs more than food provided to other residents, except that food provided under paragraph (6) of subdivision (f) of section 415.3 of this Title shall not be charged to residents' funds. Those residents who are assessed as potentially able to be weaned from dependence on support with mechanical ventilation or whose daily use of ventilator support may be reduced shall receive an active program of therapy and other supportive services designed for that resident to reduce or eliminate his or her need for use of a ventilator. In lieu of a log, a facility may meet the requirements of this subdivision by retaining the completed hospital/community patient review instrument forms received by the facility for 18 months from receipt in a central place organized by date of receipt and marked by date and type of disposition. (i) If within 12 months of completing a State approved RHCF nurse aide training program, an individual is employed or is given an offer of employment by a facility, the facility must arrange, in a form and manner indicated by the Department, for the individual to receive reimbursement from the State for the amount of the costs, up to the CAP established by the State, incurred by the individual for the training. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. (5) The operator shall not charge a fee to any individual for the costs of training, including textbooks and materials, or for the costs of the competency examinations. (iv) provides for review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the complaint process; (7) assure that the complaint and recommendation method is made known to: (i) all residents upon admission and their designated representatives; and. (r) Care of cognitively impaired residents: (1) techniques for addressing the unique needs and behaviors of individuals with dementia; (2) communicating with cognitively impaired residents; (3) understanding the behaviors of cognitively impaired residents; (4) appropriate responses to the behaviors of cognitively impaired residents; and. (10) Noncovered special care services such as private duty nurses consistent with Medicare and Medicaid rules and regulations for residents who are beneficiaries of these programs. The Federal regulation requires that nurse aides receive at least 12 hours of in-service training annually, but states have varying requirements for education that exceed this minimum requirement may . (iii) Notice of certain balances. In order to work as a certified nurse aide (CNA) in New York State, a person must successfully complete a nurse aide training program (NATP) delivered only by a program approved by NYSED or NYSDOH. Inspections and complaint information. Orientation must be agency specific and cannot be provided by other agencies. (2) care of personal belongings such as clothing, dentures, eyeglasses, hearing aids and prostheses. (k) Observing and reporting signs and symptoms of disability and illness: (i) determination of temperature, pulse, respiration; (3) recognizing and reporting abnormal signs and symptoms of common diseases and conditions, including but not limited to: (xv) foul-smelling or concentrated urine; and. To certify a SNF or NF, a state surveyor completes at least a Life Safety Code (LSC) survey, and a Standard Survey. 17,000 nursing homes, and in Fiscal Year 2000, Medicare and Medicaid paid more than $45 billion to nursing homes. (iv) a copy of a document described in (i), (ii) or (iii) of this subclause which comes from a previous employer or the school which the employee attended as a student; (4) if any licensed physician, physician's assistant/specialist's assistant, licensed midwife or nurse practitioner certifies that immunization with measles and/or rubella vaccine may be detrimental to the employee's health, the requirements of subclause (2) and/or (3) of this clause relating to measles and/or rubella immunization shall be inapplicable until such immunization is found no longer to be detrimental to such employee's health. (xii) maintain a centralized log on the receipt and disposition by the facility of persons referred for admission. (e) written admission policies which specifically state the criteria used in making admission decisions. Positive findings shall require appropriate clinical follow-up. [1] Sufficient nursing staff is universally recognized as a key requirement for making high quality of care possible and available for residents. The nursing home shall establish and implement policies and procedures for the receipt, review and investigation of allegations of misappropriation of resident property by individuals in the employ of and/or whose services are utilized by the facility. Provide in-service training as . Limited transfusion service means a facility, which transfuses blood and may temporarily store blood and distribute it within its own organization, but relies on a blood bank holding a permit in blood services-transfusion to perform laboratory tests. Records of such log shall be retained for 18 months from date of entry. Safety in the Community Materials Test Infection Control Materials Test Adult and Child Abuse Materials Test Fire Safety Materials Test (b) the reassessment of the health status of all personnel as frequently as necessary, but no less than annually, to ensure that personnel are free from health impairments which pose a risk to residents or personnel which cannot be reasonably accommodated or which may interfere with the performance of duties; (c) that all personnel report immediately to their supervisor or the administrator any signs or symptoms of personal illness. This poster is available from the State Division of Human Rights, 55 West 125 Street, New York, NY 10027. (1) basic nutritional requirements for foods and fluids; (ii) feeding the resident who needs assistance; and. (1) The facility shall not charge a resident or his or her designated representative for any item or service not requested by the resident or the designated representative. The population served shall consist primarily of individuals with traumatically acquired, non-degenerative, structural brain damage resulting in residual deficits and disability. Copies of such statues are also available for public inspection and copying at the Records Access Office, Department of Health, Tower Building, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12237. (9) Social events and entertainment offered off the premises and outside the scope of the activities program, provided under subdivision (g) of section 415.5. (ii) prepare food for consumption off-site as part of a nutrition program or make available service of meals, nutrition education, and nutrition counseling for nonresidents on-site; (13) notify the department immediately of anticipated or actual termination of any service vital to the continued safe operation of the facility or to the health and safety of its residents and personnel, including but not limited to the anticipated or actual termination of telephone, electric, gas, fuel, water, heat, air conditioning, rodent or pest control, contract food, or contract laundry services, and the services of key full- or part-time personnel such as the administrator, director of nurses, consultant physician, consultant dietitian or others; and apply remedial measures promptly and notify the department immediately regarding the nature of results of such measures; (14) transfer residents to another appropriate facility only after consultation, as appropriate, with the resident, his or her physician, and designated representative except in an emergency situation, in which case the operator shall notify the physician and designated representative immediately and record the reason for the transfer; and. Potential residents whose personal attending physician or dentist is not approved to provide services to the resident after admission shall be duly notified prior to or at the time of admission. The report identifies each rule that is violated, along with a description of the evidence to support the finding. (b) the process by which residents are classified for reimbursement purposes into the RUG-II classification system shall be, at least annually, an item for discussion on the agenda at a resident council as required by paragraph (8) of this subdivision; (11) furnish for the staff telephone services consisting of at least one operational, unlocked, noncoin telephone installation on each floor of the facility, for the use of professional staff in the performance of their duties; (12) permit activities related only to the operation of the facility except that the operator, subject to prior written approval of the commissioner, may, where such arrangement will not result in any diminishment of resident care or services, or adversely affect the cost of delivering nursing home services; (i) enter into a written contract for the purpose of leasing unneeded space and equipment on the premises of the facility to a health care practitioner licensed by the State Education Department, or to a provider licensed under the Public Health Law, Mental Hygiene Law, or Social Services Law to provide health care services to residents or nonresidents, where such arrangements will also promote needed health care services for residents; or. (5) methods of reducing the effects of cognitive impairments. (iii) accept any remuneration, rebate, gift, benefit or advantage of any form from any vendor or other supplier because of the purchase, rental or loan of equipment, supplies or services for the facility or resident, excluding normal business practices. Nursing home abuse is a serious problem in the United States. Page count: 716. (c) may meet with any member of the supervisory staff provided that reasonable notice of the council's request is given to such staff; (iv) agree to assign a staff person in consultation with the Resident Council, acceptable to such Council, to act as advisor or coordinator, to facilitate the Council in holding regular meetings and to assist members in carrying out Council activities, including obtaining necessary information to become informed of facility policies, exploring the solutions to problems and conveying to the administrator issues and suggestions which require administrative action; (v) assure that any complaints, problems or issues reported by the council to the designated staff person or administration are addressed; and that a written report addressing the problem, issues or suggestions is sent to the council when requested; and. ADHC program provides the health care services and activities provided to a group of persons, who are not residents of a residential health care facility, but are functionally impaired and not homebound. Dimensions: 8.5" X 11" spiral. Listed below are general categories and examples of items and services that the facility may charge to residents' funds if they are requested by a resident and payment is not made by Medicare or Medicaid: (3) Personal comfort items, including smoking materials, notions and novelties, and confections. (3) communicating with residents who have sensory loss, memory, cognitive or perceptual impairment. (2) The facility shall not require a resident or his or her designated representative to request any item or service as a condition of admission or continued stay. Three, Five, Ten and Fifteen Year Regulation Review, SubChapter A - Medical Facilities--Minimum Standards, Part 415 - Nursing Homes - Minimum Standards, Part 300 - Statewide Health Information Network for New York (SHIN-NY), Section 300.3 - Statewide collaboration process and SHIN-NY policy guidance, Section 300.5 - Sharing of Patient Information, Section 300.6 - Participation of health care facilities, Part 360 - Surge and Flex Health Coordination System Activation During a State Disaster Emergency Declaration, Section 360.1 - Administrative Purpose, Application and Scope, Section 360.2 - Surge and Flex Health Care Coordination System Requirements, Section 360.3 - Hospital emergency Surge and Flex Response Plans, Section 360.4 - Clinical laboratory testing, Part 400 - All Facilities--General Requirements, Section 400.2 - Other laws, codes, rules and regulations, Section 400.3 - Inspection, reproduction and reports, Section 400.5 - Statements or bills for health services, Section 400.6 - Identification of personnel delivering health care services, Section 400.7 - Facility participation in title XVIII program, Section 400.8 - Exception, construction standards, Section 400.9 - Transfer and affiliation agreements, Section 400.10 - Health Provider Network Access and Reporting Requirements, Section 400.11 - Assessment of long-term care patients, Section 400.13 - Forms (Hospital/Community Patient Review Instrument), Section 400.14 - Request for patient review instrument (PRI) data, Section 400.15 - The role of the licensed practical nurse in intravenous therapy procedures, Section 400.17 - Compliance with application conditions, Section 400.18 - Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS), Section 400.19 - Withdrawal of equity or assets, Section 400.22 - Statewide perinatal data system, Section 400.24 - Charges in connection with certain health care facility financings, Section 400.25 - Disclosure of nursing quality indicators, Part 401 - All Facilities--Operating Certificates, Section 401.1 - Issuance of operating certificates, Section 401.2 - Limitations of operating certificates, Section 401.3 - Changes in existing medical facilities, Section 401.4 - Review of operating certificate determinations, Part 402 - Criminal History Record Check, Section 402.5 - Requirements Before Submitting a Request for a Criminal History Record Check, Section 402.6 - Criminal History Record Check Process, Section 402.7 - Department Criminal History Review, Section 402.8 - Notifications of Criminal Charges or Convictions Incurred Subsequent to Hiring, Section 402.9 - Responsibilities of Providers; Required Notifications, Section 403.4 - Responsibilities of State Approved Education or Training Programs, Section 403.5 - Responsibilities of Home Care Services Entities, Section 403.6 - Responsibilities of Home Care Services Workers, Part 404 - Integrated Outpatient Services, Section 404.6 - Organization and Administration, Section 404.9 - Integrated Care Services, Section 404.11 - Quality Assurance, Utilization Review and Incident Reporting, Section 404.14 - Application and Approval, Section 405.6 - Quality assurance program, Section 405.14 - Respiratory care services, Section 405.15 - Radiologic and nuclear medicine services, Section 405.17 - Pharmaceutical services, Section 405.18 - Rehabilitation services, Section 405.22 - Critical care and special care services, Section 405.23 - Food and dietetic services, Section 405.25 - Organ and tissue donation (anatomical gifts), Section 405.27 - Information, policy and other reporting requirements, Section 405.30 - Organ and Vascularized Composite Allograft Transplant Services/Programs, Section 405.31 - Living donor transplantation services, Section 405.33 Screening mammography services, Part 406 - Rural Hospital Swing Bed Demonstration, Section 406.3 - Admission, patient assessment, planning and services, Section 406.4 - Transfer and affiliation agreements, Part 407 - Primary Care Hospitals - Minimum Standards, Section 407.2 - Designation of PCHs and CAHs, Section 407.5 - Administrative requirements, Section 407.6 - Quality assurance and utilization review, Section 407.8 - Medical/professional staff, Section 407.10 - Primary care related inpatient and outpatient services, Section 407.11 - Clinical and ancillary support services, Section 407.13 - Environmental health and infection control, Part 408 - Central services facility rural health networks (CSFRHN), Section 408.2 - Network Operational Plans (NOP), Section 408.4 - Supervision by the commissioner, Part 410 - Scheduled Short Term Care In A Nursing Home, Section 410.3 - Service approval and physical space, Part 411 - Ombudsmen Access To Residential Health Care Facilities, Part 412 - Reporting Information For Inspections, Section 412.1 - Facility-supplied information required, Section 412.2 - Certification by operator or administrator, Part 414 - Nursing Homes - Continuous Violation Penalties, Section 414.2 - Criteria for continuous violation penalties, Section 415.4 - Resident behavior and facility practices, Section 415.11 - Resident assessment and care planning, Section 415.13 - Nursing services and Minimum Nursing Staff Requirements, Section 415.16 - Rehabilitative services, Section 415.20 - Laboratory and blood bank, Section 415.21 - Radiology and other diagnostic services, Section 415.26 - Organization and administration, Section 415.27 - Quality assessment & assurance, Section 415.28 - Disclosure of ownership, Section 415.31 - New York State RHCF nurse aide registry, Section 415.32 Weekly bed census data survey, Section 415.34 Minimum Direct Resident Care Spending, Section 415.36 - Long-term inpatient rehabilitation program for head-injured residents, Section 415.37 - Services for residents with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS), Section 415.38 - Long-term ventilator dependent residents, Section 415.39 - Specialized programs for residents requiring behavioral interventions, Section 415.40 - Extended care of residents with traumatic brain injury, Section 415.41 Specialized Programs for Residents with Neurodegenerative Diseases, Part 420 - Comprehensive Ambulatory HIV Programs, Section 420.2 - Approval to provide services, Article 6 - Skilled Nursing And Health Related Services, Non-Occupants General, Section 425.3 - Changes in existing program, Section 425.4 - General requirements for operation, Section 425.5 - Adult day health care services, Section 425.6 - Admission, continued stay and registrant assessment, Section 425.8 - Registrant continued-stay evaluation, Section 425.11 - Food and nutrition services, Section 425.13 - Rehabilitation therapy services, Section 425.15 - Religious services and counseling, Section 425.17 - Pharmaceutical services, Section 425.18 - Services for registrants with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and other high-need populations, Section 425.21 - Confidentiality of records, Article 7 - Home Health Agencies; Treatment Centers And Diagnostic Centers, Part 430 - Licensed Home Care Services Agencies And Certified Home Health Agencies, Part 431 - Treatment Centers and Diagnostic Centers, Article 8 - New York State Annual Hospital Report, Section 441.15 - Accumulated depreciation, Section 441.20 - Additional (paid-in) capital, Section 441.36 - Average daily inpatient census, Section 441.43 - Bed complement (beds available), Section 441.45 - Blood bank transfusions, Section 441.46 - Board-designated assets, Section 441.61 - Certified bed days available, Section 441.66 - Comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation service, Section 441.76 - Critical care units (type I), Section 441.77 - Critical care units (type II), Section 441.80 - Daily hospital services, Section 441.83 - Date of change in certified bed capacity--decrease, Section 441.84 - Date of change in certified bed capacity--increase, Section 441.86 - Deductions from revenue, Section 441.87 - Deferral (or deferment), Section 441.94 - Direct assignment of cost, Section 441.105 - Emergency service category 4--basic emergency services, Section 441.106 - Emergency services category 3--general emergency services, Section 441.107 - Emergency services category 2--major emergency hospital, Section 441.108 - Emergency services category 1--comprehensive emergency medical services, Section 441.129 - Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), Section 441.131 - Financially indigent patient, Section 441.134 - Fixed cost (or expense), Section 441.136 - Full-time equivalent employees (FTE), Section 441.148 - Funds held in trust by others, Section 441.159 - Gross charges (gross revenue), Section 441.168 - Hospital-based physician, Section 441.186 - Investor-owned (proprietary) hospital, Section 441.202 - Medical staff classification--associate, Section 441.203 - Medical staff classification--attending, Section 441.204 - Medical staff classification--consulting, Section 441.205 - Medical staff classification--courtesy, Section 441.206 - Medical staff classification--house staff (paid staff), Section 441.208 - Mentally disordered patient, Section 441.210 - Neonatal intensive care unit, Section 441.215 - Nine-C (IX-C) corporation, Section 441.219 - Non-revenue-producing cost centers, Section 441.220 - Nonroutine maintenance and repairs, Section 441.228 - Operating income (or profit), Section 441.231 - Organization cost (or expense), Section 441.233 - Other operating revenue, Section 441.239 - Oxygen therapy minutes, Section 441.243 - Part A and Part B services, Section 441.244 - Patient care services revenue, Section 441.251 - Periodic interim payment (PIP), Section 441.260 - Plant replacement and expansion funds, Section 441.267 - Prior-period adjustment, Section 441.269 - Professional component, Section 441.273 - Psychiatric inpatient service, Section 441.274 - Psychiatric night care, Section 441.275 - Radiology diagnostic films, Section 441.276 - Real estate (or property), Section 441.296 - Responsibility accounting, Section 441.298 - Retained earnings (or income), Section 441.300 - Retirement of indebtedness funds, Section 441.303 - Revenue-producing cost centers, Section 441.306 - Self-responsible (self-pay) patient, Section 441.308 - Share of pooled investments, Section 441.311 - Specific purpose funds, Section 441.313 - Standard unit of measure, Section 441.316 - Straight-line method of depreciation. 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