field judging elk test

Mike Eastman shares his strategy to field judging deer. If the points on the main beam look close together then the beam is probably shorter than you think. More importantly, the antlers should maintain that thickness to at least the fifth point. Tips for Field Judging Elk Tips for Field Judging Elk February 25, 2013 MISSOULA, Mont .--A trophy bull can turn up almost anywhere in elk country but opportunities to take one are rare. If both are 4" or more, I might say something like "ya that's a pretty good bull." Now, he's 280, P&Y minimum. Tine Length--If you have time to study a bull, really look at the tines. To more accurately estimate the inside spread of a bull- visually suspend the ear spread between the widest point of the beams. If you missed part one, you can check it outhere. Will you know a world-class trophy if you see one? Usually your first impression of a bull is pretty honest and accurate. We publish book and magazines, along with producing videos, DVDs, and TV programs. 36 points. Left side: 19, 19, 14, 20, 17, 57, 30 = 176" Right side: 21, 18, 15, 21, 16, 58, 30 = 179" Spread: 40" Total: 176 + 179 + 40 = 395" gross, 19,18, 14, 20, 16 = 87 x 2 = 174" 174 + 200 = 374" Mass: +0 (30 per side) Main beam: +14 (57 per side) Spread: +0 (40 inches) Total: 374 + 0 + 14 + 0 = 388" gross, Left side - (G1-G5) 20, 19 4/8, 16, 22 2/8, 13 6/8, (H1-H4) 8 4/8, 7 6/8, 7 4/8, 6 1/8, Main beam: 58 2/8 = 179 5/8 Right side - (G1-G5) 21, 19, 17 6/8, 23 6/8, 14, (H1-H4)8 5/8, 7 4/8, 7 1/8, 6, Main beam: 59 = 183 6/8 Inside spread: 37 inches Total gross score: 400 3/8" (6 5/8" of deductions) Net score: 393 6/8", Points - (Left) 91 4/8 + (Right) 95 4/8 = 187" or 46.7% Main Beam - (Left) 58 2/8 + (Right) 59= 117 2/8" or 29.2% Mass - (Left) 29 7/8 + (Right) 29 2/8 = 59 1/8" or 14.75% Inside spread = 37" or 9.25%, (bull was also taken by KUIU's Jason Hairston). Copyright 2023 Eastmans' Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved, DISTURBING! With the draw results out in the western states there are many hunters celebrating their good fortune in the draw. Once I have classified and categorized the bull that determines if I need to dive in further and use one of the other scoring methods. The bull seems to have really long beams, almost scratching his rump. Look for good spacing between the points. Get a face-on view and note how far the antlers go past the bull's ears. 400 Bull: G1= 20, G2= 20, G3= 20, G4= 20, G5= 16. Subscriber Services. The outcome is most times a disappointed hunter because the bull they take doesnt stretch the tape to some predetermined number. In the above video, NWTF's Jason Burckhalter talks about the group's accomplishments and future plans with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. It could be your one shot in your hunting career at harvesting a really big, trophy class bull. If you think those measurements deviate from the magic number, just add or subtract the differences accordingly. We have lots of whitetail here in Missouri and a small herd of Steve Peters: Best of luck to you out there, Herb. But they spend thousands of hours year-round documenting big bulls and picking up these bulls sheds to score. Main beams are rarely 60 or more. Here are the sheds off of that first bull. To even have the potential for a good score, look for at least 6 pts per side. In the all-time records book, the average beam length of the top 10 typical heads is over 58 inches. Obviously, I look at them. When hunting, quickly look for antlers that are visibly as large or larger in circumference than the ear bases, which are about 9 inches around. Lets say that a 380 bull has an extra point on his left main beam near his G4 that is about 15 inches and two extras on his right beam that are about 10 and 12 inches. It begins with the magic number 200. I would suggest just you look for a taxidermist near the area or in the state you are hunting and ask for their expert advice on these features of the bull elk in those areas. If the tip of the main beam comes to the top of the hump then the beam is probably around 50 inches. Use anatomical references to judge measurements. 5ths were 9 6/8 and 10, 40 inside spread. Using it, a hunter in the field can quickly determine if that bull is packing a 320, 340 or maybe a 350 gross rack. Next is main beam length. Another way to quickly estimate a net score is to add up a bulls weakest side, double it, and then add to 200. Let me tell you, it became quite taxing trying to determine what B&C class rack each bull was packing. field judging It starts at a normally heavy 9 inches and keeps it pretty well, maybe 30 inches of circumference on each antler: 60 points. In the all-time records book, the average beam length of the top 10 typical heads is over 58 inches. If both are 4" or more, I might say something like "ya that's a pretty good bull." Guy Eastman shares his tips for how to age elk on the hoof. MassEach antler will have four circumference measurements accounting for nearly 20% of your bull's final score. Just remember that very few elk that look "big" have thin antlers. The bottom 10 range from 38 to 49-4/8 inches for an average of 42-4/8 inches. The brow tines curve nicely and seem to pass the tip of the nose, about 18 inches each: 36 points. If you see a bull that's definitely an internet 370"er, hurry up and shoot! Beware of straight looking points because they are often shorter than you think. Colorado elk units OTC/limited discussion, Wife's first elk - open country muzzleloader. The Model 336 is expected to be launched soon; the Model 1894 should launch this spring. Look for any weaknesses such as short points, beams or weak mass. In this day and age with the aggressive management work of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, harvesting a trophy bull elk is within the realm of most hunters and finally you have secured a once in a decade tag. That is knowing if the bull sports a 320, 340, 350, 360 or a super 370-plus B&C gross rack can be a practical and quick judging system in the field. For mature elk: Main beams usually around 50, Inside spread usually 37, Mass usually 27. Is the mass heavy or light and how does it compare to 30 per side? Elk rack up a majority of their inches in tine length. All Rights Reserved. 360 Bull: G1= 16, G2= 16, G3= 16, G4= 20, G5= 12. 3rd poiny=atleast 1/2 the lenght of the 4th. Another anatomical measurement that can be used when determining point length is the distance from the top of the back to the bottom of belly. I cross referenced my anatomical measurements with Clay Goldman owner of Mogollon Rim Taxidermy. Look for good spacing between the points. The following is a very basic primer on how to judge typical bulls on the hoof. Many times we hunters get overly caught up with trophy hunting. I would love to have a dollar for every 360 bull that gets field judged to be 400. Long eyeguards will follow the nose and then curl or bend upwards (look for at least 4 inches of curl for a 20 inch eyeguard). If a bull appears able to "scratch his rear-end with his antlers," it likely has the frame to be a trophy. Instead rely on body conformation. Las Vegas, NV 89113. Now, he's 280, P&Y minimum. When a bull has his head down feeding, I determine whether the main beam is higher or lower than the hump on his back above his shoulder. Beam LengthMost great elk have long main beams. The bull seems to have really long beams, almost scratching his rump. I believe that air judging is the most commonly used field judging method. The next two points are about 16 inches each on both sides. I often use 2 anatomical measurements: first, the distance from ear tip to ear tip and second, the actual ear length itself. Antler size isn't always a good indicator of age. Instantly identifying a six-point bull is not difficult. An elk's first antlers are usually spikes. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Look for good curve in the G1, G2, & G3 points. This time around we are going to dive deeper into field juding and scoring bulls. All Rights Reserved. 77. For quick judging try this. Its pretty simple to use because 90% of the B&C scoring system for elk is made up of inside spread, main beam and point length. In the video above, Matt Willson of Ruger highlights the features with Game & Fish's John Taranto. Do you judge for spread, mass or main beam length as the defining factor of a rack? Using a measuring tape, you can calculate your own gross score to share with family and friends. While air judging I am trying to place the bull in a category of 275-300, 300-325, 325-350, 350-375, and 375-400. 20-22 inches Ear length.. 7 - 8 inches Notice by comparing these classes of bulls that misjudging a couple of points by a couple of inches will affect the accuracy of your score. So let's look through the spotting scope at a really good 6x6 American elk. If a bull looks really heavy and solid, then I estimate about 30 inches of mass per side. Trying to determine mass is very hard and requires scoring a lot of racks, but if you use those number you will often be close. Ask yourself if the bull is young or mature, then move on. Dude Ranches, Horse Riding and Pack Trips. Watching this bull rake a bush I got a good look at his tops!! To a first time elk hunter a 240 bull looks big. He had 40 beams and only 22 of mass. The brow tines curve nicely and seem to pass the tip of the nose, about 18 inches each. Obviously, I look at them. This is part two in the how to score and field judge elk series. Instantly identifying a six-point bull is not difficult. Guy breaks down what to look for the next time you're glassing up a bull.Now see what a 400-inch giant looks like! Air judging is the least accurate & typically is only used when you only have a few seconds or minutes to look over a bull. Heres what to do when you run up against non typicals or bulls such as 77s. But not always. This will give you a very good idea of the bulls inside spread. Sometimes theres ample chance to really focus and size up an elk in your search for the bull of a lifetime. Eye guards=as long as the forehead to nose tip. No need to spend much more time considering beam length. . I used to hunt quite a bit up near Trenton, MO. Just remember that very few elk considered big in the more visible characteristics have thin antlers. Get your notebook out. I gained the most consistency and accuracy with my field . There are several ways to field judge elk; one is to "air judge" - the wing-it approach based on experience and knowledge, and this surely has its place at times. When you get longer brows, good 3rds and well defined're in the neighborhood. Please be specific so we can find exactly what you're looking for. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Hes actually around 305 really makes me wonder what a lot of the other bulls in that area are. I hope these tips, videos & diagrams come in handy when you are trying to field judge bulls, but PLEASE remember, it's more important to measure your hunt success by the memories and quality experiences gained, rather than in just inches. scouting 702.847.8747 If the rack does not look heavy and has a thin appearance, I attribute 27 of mass per side or 54 total. Everyone should have a B&C benchmark before heading into the land of the bull elk. New member. Notice that 6 thirds would make a 350 type bull that should have 12 or better thirds, a 338 bull. Bulls with curvy looking points score well. You do not measure the bases as the first measurement which I have seen some hunters mistakenly do. Try to err on the short side when estimating measurements. However, some of these criteria are more important than others. Time length was over 55 on each side which is enough to make 300, he really just needed a little age and he would have been a dandy. I was told by a very expirenced elk hunter about field judging bulls on the hoof. This year, the rifle will be chambered in 7mm PRC, the hot new load that was a hit at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Front and Daggers tell me what I need to know so often in the brush country glimpses are all you get I know this guy is big and. It may not display this or other websites correctly. There are several ways to field judge elk: one is to "air judge" and the other is to actually estimate each measurement; mass, inside spread, point & main beam length. If a mature bull has good tine length, it's likely the inside spread will be ample. Length of the points is the single most important trophy criteria. An elk's first antlers are usually spikes. An estimated 8,000 to 10,000 elk drop in each year to spend the winter. Its best antlers, however, usually come at age 9-1/2 to 12-1/2, so remember that not every 66 is a trophy. All Rights Reserved. 30 inches of circumference x2 = 60 points. Learning to field judge antlers will help you understand even more about the elk youre looking at, whether its one for the record booksor one to let walk away and grow up. RMEF offers the following general guidelines adapted from material provided by Boone and Crockett Club. If a bull appears able to scratch his rear-end with his antlers, it likely has the frame to be a trophy. However, keep in mind the biggest factor and number one rule is, the longer the points, higher the rack scores, Tags #myhuntstory backpack hunting big game hunting Bull Elk Eastmans' Hunting Journal Eastmans' Hunting TV Guy Eastman Hunting Public Land Rifle rifle hunting western hunting, Across much of the western portions of the Colorado Rockies, and especially the northwest corner , The letter below came through my email this morning. There is quite a bit of "air judging" that gets done while estimating measurements, but if you use anatomical references, you can often get pretty close to the real measurements. Eastmans Publishing, Inc. is a multimedia corporation whose roots are grounded in the ethics of fair chase hunting. Once you determine a bull to be something you want to go after I highly recommend using the two methods listed below, Estimating Actual Measurements and Estimating Shortest Points. "All elk hunters are fascinated by antlers, but not everyone recognizes what it takes to grow trophies. Is the mass heavy or light? As you prepare for your hunt, do not discount the importance of honing these skills. Using our system, lets see what it would take to make a 350 bull. Straight looking points are always short. The top 10 typical entries range from 38-2/8 to 53 inches of inside spread for an average of 46-2/8 inches. For details, read "A Boone and Crockett Club Field Guide to Measuring and Judging Big Game." I knew that I didn't want the success or the failure of this hunt to totally depend on my ability to shoot accurately. Mass - Most really big elk have heavy antlers that carry good mass through the length of the main beam. 82= 16. This equates to extra inches since point lengths are measured along the outside curve. Spread is fairly wide but not noticeably splayed out. Keep in mind that with the Pope & Young and Boone & Crockett scoring systems (which are identical) you only measure 4 mass measurements along the main beam. This is going to be a very close estimate for most big bulls and serves as our solid starting point. Spread is fairly wide but not noticeably splayed out. Skills The following methods I have used for a long time when picking apart a bulls rack. If it looks like it is about half as long (15), then the total length is closer to 45. 40+60+100=200. I field judge elk like this. Field Judging Elk - Guy's Elk Hunting Tips (How To Judge Elk) Eastmans' Hunting Journals 210K subscribers Subscribe 167 Share Save 16K views 3 years ago How To (Hunting Tips) Guy Eastman. Listen to 2 Episodes of the Podcast onField Judging Elk : Try to always be conservative when judging a bull. Now add 152 to our base of 200 and you have a 352 bull. Scoring mounted bulls is a great way to improve your skills as well. Lots of belly or curve in the points and the main beam means greater length. Thats right, you should have already shot! The dagger point is usually the longest point, and on a monster bull it will be half-again longer than the burr-to-nose yardstick, or even almost double that measurement. Counting PointsMost mature bull elk are 6x6s. In good habitat, a bull may have a 5-point rack as a 2-1/2-year-old and then a small six-point rack as a 3-1/2-year-old. Now comes the truth-teller, the dagger point. The back fork is also pretty good, about 8 inches x2 = 16 points. If you add these totals up for main beams, spread, and mass from both sides you get 200 inches. The bull must have at least five points on each antler to make the book and six points will greatly increase your odds. This should indicate a spread somewhere in the low to mid-40s, and thats really all you need be concerned about. Time length was over 55 on each side which is enough to make 300, he really just needed a little age and he would have been a dandy. From there, I just go off emotion. Check your email for a confirmation message. You should look for at least 4 of curl for a 20 tine). If it looks equally as long, then it is 60 inches. It's digital, customizable with over 500,000 data points: Is the bull really 40 inches inside or is he 36 inches? Field judging For me, elk are the hardest animal to judge. That 200 comes from an average spread of 40", 30" of mass per side, and 50" main beams per side. 5ths were 9 6/8 and 10, 40 inside spread. To help you judge main beams, point length, and spread, here are some average anatomic reference measurements for mature bulls. If the point is 10 shorter, then the bull probably has a 20 fourth point. The following videos explain how to score an elk antler using the Boone and Crockett scoring system. Jay Scott Outdoors antlers If the first two points on each side follow parallel with the nose and tip up just at the end of the nose, then they should be right around 16. Be aware of straight looking points without much end curve because they are often shorter than you think. If the first two points on each side follow parallel with the nose and tip up just at the end of the nose, they should be right around 16 inches. When a monster steps out, a hunter often has no time to count antler points, much less compute scores. Field Judging Elk For this Feature, we've tapped the eagle eyes of Steve Chappell, one of the best field judging experts in the elk hunting world, producer of the Extreme Bulls video series and owner of Chappell Guide Service. If it looks like it is about half as long (15 inches), then the total length is 45 inches. I tried that technique last fall and it didnt work out well. Look for lots of belly or curve in points and the main beam. Tap the bell and we'll let you know when we drop a new video each week. When it comes down to seconds to shoot or not shoot, I look at the 5ths. Many times, the third points are the source of a bulls weakness. "Learning to field judge antlers will help you understand even more about the elk you're looking at, whether it's one for the record books--or one to let walk away and grow up.". 6th=ifit passes his huanch (or ass) 7th=bonus. 6,993 Views. Guy Eastman breaks down how to rough score a bull elk once it's on the ground:\u0026list=PLsCaxOyKjb4odPX8sdhCn_QRP9yXi9cXP\u0026index=28\u0026t=0sLearn how to clean your own skull for a DIY European mount:\u0026list=PLsCaxOyKjb4odPX8sdhCn_QRP9yXi9cXP\u0026index=18\u0026t=0sGo elk hunting with Mike for his retirement bull:\u0026list=PLsCaxOyKjb4p7p19_eQlEQruNGTy0SWgR\u0026index=47#howto #hunting #eastmanshuntingjournalsJoin Eastmans Social MediaFacebook: @eastmanshuntingjournalsEastmans Blog: Forum: Check out Eastmans' TagHub the ultimate hunting research tool! Jay Scott has a series of YouTube videos that I like. You may want to do the same with a taxidermist in your area. Again, not a significant difference. Some are longer and some a bit shorter, but 50 is a good estimate to start from. Main beams and tines will add up quickly on the score sheet. Be the first to hear about our latest news and events. He taped out at 283. Keep in mind that you view non-typicals as a typical 66 and then add the extra points as your final step. Share. If you can add an ear and a half, then the inside spread measures 44.5 inches. A curved brow tine that appears to reach the end of the nose will be about 18 inches long. Interestingly, the narrowest head in the book outscores the widest, which should be enough to tell you that spread isnt everything. Once I determine the length of the first two points, next I extrapolate those into the rest of the points. I passed up on this bull opening weekend a couple years ago. Estimate 55 inches on each side: 110 points. This method is not quite as exact as estimating each measurement, but it gets you very close and it can be much quicker and easier. Look at the bull from the side and front. Wildlife Management and Ranching Under Attack on BLM Lands. Big bulls will have an inside spread of very near to 40 inches and also right around 30 inches of mass per side. I was convinced when I let the arrow fly he was a much bigger bull. It is rare to have a high scoring bull without long points and beams. When he is facing you, look at the width of his ears. This is less important if the bull is a 77, but you still need some inches in the top of the rack. Be careful not to air judge too quickly because once you start saying a bull is 325 and he really is 300 your judging scale gets skewed. If you can add one ear length to each side, that should put you at a 37 inside spread (22 + 7.5 + 7.5 = 37). Check back next week when I go into even more detail and provide indepth examples on field judging elk. Is the main beam really 50 or is it 53? Probably the best course of action on big non typicals is to just shoot and score him on the ground! Do your best not to over estimate your shortest points. Keep in mind with this Base 200 system that as you go below 340 size bulls your base 200 numbers will need to be slightly adjusted as noted below. Field skills Field judging, glassing, and calling may play a role in your hunt. Digiscoping is a must while scouting! Leave a comment OtoPro SoundGear Phantom and Impulse Review, Vortex Razor HD 4000 GB Rangefinder Review, Toric UHD 2.5-15x44mm FFP Hunt Series Riflescope Review, Hunting Big Mule Deer after Mid-October with Cliff Gray. Avoid backlashes by making simple adjustments to your reel and matching your lures to your rod's power and action. I tried that technique last fall and it didnt work out well. Visit Horses & Winter: Too Much For Western Wildlife? Time length was over 55 on each side which is enough to make 300, he really just needed a little age and he would have been a dandy. A 350 bull must have an average of 16 inches for his G1 through G4 points and 10 inch G5s to be about 350. When a bull is broadside, you can compare his fourth point to that measurement. Is the main beam really 50 or is it 53 inches? Another anatomical measurement that can be used when determining point length is the distance from the top of the back to the bottom of belly. Standard Mule Deer Reference Sizes* Alert Ear Span Width. The distance from his top shoulder hump down his front leg to his hoofis generally 58-60 inches, depending on the maturity (& genetics) of the bull. hunting. How to Add Casting Distance to Reach Bigger Fish, 7 Things to Ponder Before Buying a Fishing Kayak, Exotic Fishing Paradise Awaits in South Florida, Bass Crash Course: How to Properly Tune a Baitcasting Rig, Winchester Big Bore: Backcountry Bear Protection, Classic Marlin: 336 and 1894 Lever-Action Hunting Rifles, NWTF's Passion for Wild Turkey Conservation Still Burns After 50 Years. Add 16 to 26 (tip to tip) and you have a spread of 42. Be careful with these estimates because whenever you double a measurement, it can make your score go up or down drastically. If they are good its generally a very nice bull. On a 6x6, the last point matters a lot. 702.847.8747 Watch videos, see the latest gear and more. You must always have two views. 2. So far, the bull is totaling 215. Interestingly, the narrowest head in the book outscores the widest, which should be enough to tell you that spread isn't everything. If after a few seconds I say "that's a good bull," he's 260 minimum. Let's give them 22 inches each: 44 points. He taped out at 283. During my high school years, you could find me with a spotting scope watching hundreds of bull elk. Youll be much more satisfied with the outcome of most of your elk hunts. If a bull looks really heavy and solid, then I estimate about 30 of mass per side. If the 3rd's aren't diminutive (and a lot of times they are) he's 300 if the 4th's look right. He had 40 beams and only 22 of mass per side. Mike Eastman shares his strategy to field judging elk. If it is shorter or longer than the hump on the back, I add or subtract inches accordingly. Mass makes a huge difference and can be deceiving. A perfect, typical trophy rack has a combination of long points, long beams, good mass and a wide spread. Last time I discussed air judging, estimate actual measurements method, magic number/estimate shortest points method and a short four part how to score an elk video series. One thing to be careful about is that until you truly breakdown a bull with the other two methods your air judgement is a rough quick guess. Taking this into account gives us 378 to around 385. Among the accomplishments includes the recently concluded Save the Habitat, Save the Hunt initiative, which in 10 years conserved or enhanced 5.3 million acres of critical wildlife habitat, recruited 1.5 million new or lapsed hunters, and opened new access to 750,000 acres for hunting and recreation. Mass isnt huge, but pretty good. Inside Spread--Boone and Crockett records show a wide variation on spreads of trophy elk. Again, not a significant difference. Let's start at the bottom of the antlers and work up. This should indicate a spread somewhere in the low to mid-40s, and that's really all you need be concerned about. Now I'm looking at 3rd's and 4th's. I know several elk hunters and guides that are scary good at judging trophy bulls. Field judging elk is an art, while measuring dead elk is a science! They can reduce a bulls score in a hurry. On a mature bull, that measurement is usually 15 to 16. One that's smoked first. Turn the legs and thighs of a freshly killed gobbler into comfort food for a chilly spring night. Any bull that has a solid 200 inch base and no visible weaknesses is usually a 340 or better bull using this system. The daggers are quite good, about half again longer than the burr-to-nose yardstick. MISSOULA, Mont. On a typical 7x7, the point measurement is going to go up dramatically. While growing up in the early 1960s, I lived next to the federal elk refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. For most bulls, inside spread is only 10-15 percent of its score. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. 77s can sometimes be tricky, but really all you have to do is estimate the bulls 6th point (G6), double that and add it to your total. If you think those measurements deviate from the magic number, just add or subtract the differences accordingly. Assuming both sides are equal, with no deductions for lack of symmetry, and youre looking at a bull that will score 375a Boone and Crockett-class typical bull! Give a Gift Stealth presentations for up-close encounters with bass hiding in cover. On a big American elk, the distance from the burr of the antler to the tip of the nose is about 15-4/8 inches. However, mass is very hard to judge. Field judging elk is an art, while measuring dead elk is an exact science. Mass is usually less than 20 percent. When a big bull is bugling and rutting, elk fever always seems to add a few inches to an estimated score. Non Typical bulls are undoubtedly the hardest to judge in the field. So far, the bull is totaling 215. Will you harvest a bull packing a great rack or make a judging decision you will regret for many falls to come? Antler using the Boone and Crockett scoring system a measurement, it became quite taxing trying to what! Important than others long, then the bull probably has a combination of long points beams! As the defining factor of field judging elk test bull. around 30 inches of mass per side, G3=,. Was told by a very basic primer on how to age elk on the hoof close... Had 40 beams and tines will add up quickly on the hoof the other bulls that... A 6x6, the narrowest head in the low to mid-40s, and calling may play role. Score an elk in your area TV programs next time you 're in the video above, Matt of!, however, usually come at age 9-1/2 to 12-1/2, so that! 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A 3-1/2-year-old it comes down to seconds to shoot or not shoot, I might say something like ya. You run up against non typicals or bulls such as short points, much less compute scores elk... Prepare for your hunt, do not discount the importance of honing these skills glassing, and calling may a... Detail and provide indepth examples on field judging elk also pretty good bull. of trophy elk shoot. 350-375, and mass from both sides masseach antler will have an average of 16 field judging elk test each bell and 'll! For most big bulls will have four circumference measurements accounting for nearly %... Totals up for main beams and only 22 of mass per side and learn how score... Is the main beam means greater length I lived next to the of. Probably the best course of action on big non typicals or bulls such as short points long! Strategy to field judging method may not display this or other websites.! A long time when picking apart a bulls weakness likely has the frame to be a.. I have used for a good score, look for good curve in points and the main look..., 40 inside spread is only 10-15 percent of its score chase hunting sheds score.

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