tighter than idioms

as safe as the bank of england. Suu Morishita, Every hour of every day spent with him, the slow slope of falling for this boy in more than just a carnal fashion has been like slowly pulling the strings on some great tapestry. "It's let me go." "That's good," he says. Military personnel are the worst, no disrespect intended. I think you should tighten the reins a bit. I know I'm smart, I know I'm nice, That's why you can't see me like a poltergeist, Smokin la la la, give that bowl a light, Grab the bong even tighter than I hold the mic. please . "Consider none your superior, whatever their rank or station in life. "Or perhaps, 'Yes, Exalted One.' Their government is going to have to learn to tighten the purse strings if they want to continue receiving bailout money from the IMF. Can you tighten up all the bolts? We just stand there hugging each other for what seems like forever. Noisy as two skeletons dancing on a tin roof. He pulls me tighter in his embrace. Like trying to bag flies.Like putting socks on a rooster.Easy as pissing up a rope. Eve Langlais, Tighter than Fort Knox, baby. I talked with the admirals staff. To increase the intensity with which one exerts or assumes control over someone or something. Tight as Dicks hatband.Tight as a tick.Tight as a clothesline.Tight as a fiddle string.Tight as wallpaper.Tight as a wet boot.Tight enough to raise a blister.So tight he squeaks when he walks.Hell squeeze a nickel till the buffalo screams.She has short arms and deep pockets. A phrase used to define something that is outstandingly magnificent or "cool", obviously surpassing the extremity of the situation in which the words "tight" or "tite" are used. [about Tupac Shakur] Sometimes, if you`re lucky, someone comes into your life who`ll take up a place in your heart that no one else can fill, someone who`s tighter than a twin, more with you than your own shadow, who gets deeper under your skin than your own blood and bones. Please let me take care of this for you." Or 'Yes, O envy of all Corellia.' She lifted her butt and felt his hands clamp around her hips, and then that wonderful magic feeling of his tongue on her flesh sent her soaring into a maelstrom of sensations too powerful to resist. Keep your chin up. [about Tupac Shakur] Sometimes, if you`re lucky, someone comes into your life who`ll take up a place in your heart that no one else can fill, someone who`s tighter than a twin, more with you than your own shadow, who gets deeper under your skin than your own blood and bones. On his world, once mated, the blue crustaceans shared a shell for the rest of their life in an eternal kiss., I got an alibi, just in case you think I did it. To become disciplined, well organized, and efficient. At least she didn't make disparaging comments the way her husband did. Todd Misura, Janis Joplin is definitely one of my biggest influences. James Ellroy, It was a little blue cotton-knit dress with tiny daisies all over it, and it was tighter than Gran liked and shorter than Jason deemed proper in his sister. Bad ones. If that aint a fact, Gods a possum.You can take that to the bank.You can hang your hat on it.You can bet the farm on it.Hes so honest you could shoot craps with him over the phone.If I say a hen dips snuff, you can look under her wing for the can. Dennis Miller, I had to pass a few more tests, and that house is shored up tighter than a straight boy's ass at a gay bar. Wound Up Tighter Than Quotes & Sayings. It is a biological status., Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), How To Create A Page In WordPress? "You have me," she said. "Loving you. as safe as a church. I'm so poor I can't afford to pay attention. Daisy Fuentes, I talked with the admiral's staff. She's actually ageless, given that her purple face is stretched tighter than an eggplant. And I felt stronger than ever. Also, penny-pincher, tightwad, cheapskate, skinflint Ngram, and tightfisted. Hes got a hitch in his gitalong.Sick as a dog passing peach pits.All stove up.Im so sick Id have to get better to die.Sore as a boil.Her hoppers busted.As full of pains as an old window.Ive got the green apple nasties.He looks like death warmed over.So sick he needs two beds.Pitiful as a three-legged dog. The other man wiggled his hand free and then shot him an irritated glare. Bright as a new penny.Smart as a hooty owl.No flies on my mama.Smart as a whip. The mechanic tightened the bolts up with a rachet. Through the hardest times in life, I hope people turn to him and realize he's still a sovereign God; he's in control. Then they wanna seduce you like medusa be cool. Fat as a boardinghouse cat.Fat as a town dog.Shes warm in winter, shady in summer.He dont care what you call him as long as you call him to supper.So big he looks like he ate his brother.So big he has to sit down in shifts.Big as Brewster County.Big as Dallas.Big as a Brahma bull.Shed rather shake than rattle.Hes big enough to bear hunt with a branch.Hes all spread out like a cold supper.Wide as two ax handles.Hell eat anything that dont eat him first. 2. A crowded mass of persons actually (or in idea) assembled together; a crowd. The finance department holds the purse strings around here. Our group of friends has been tight since elementary school. He could hear his wife giggling in the hallway, the hardwood floors creaking with her footsteps with what must have been someone else too. It looks like we'll all have to tighten our belts. Author: LeAnn Rimes. Hes got a big hole in his screen door.Shes one bubble off plumb.Shes one brick shy of a load.Shes two sandwiches short of a picnic.Hes a few pickles short of a barrel.Theres a light or two burned out on his string.Hes missing a few buttons off his shirt.The porch lights on but no ones home.Hes lost his vertical hold.Hes overdrawn at the memory bank.I hear you clucking, but I cant find your nest.Shes got too many cobwebs in the attic.Crazy as a bullbat.Crazy as Larrabees calf. Opposition parties see the changes as a further tightening of the screw. He didn't understand. Well that was about as tight as Tanya's twat. Editors note: This article was first published in print in 1994. I need . Positive thinking, Southern style. The government is trying to tighten up the tax code. Sam held on to Tori as he laved her with his tongue, milking her orgasm for several moments before finally moving Anne Marie Novark, The noose around a man's neck is tighter than that of his fists Aaron Ozee, In London, she'd overheard more than one matron decrying what they considered Esme Byron's inappropriate eccentricities, aghast that she was allowed so much personal freedom and the ability to voice opinions they considered unsuitable for an unmarried young woman barely out of the schoolroom. Edith Wharton, The whole weekend turned out to be one giant round of excruciating foreplay, and if he doesn't stop stalling and give me some relief pretty damn pronto, there's going to be a girl-parts rebellion the likes of which he's never seen. -SNOOP DOG Snoop Dogg, Nervous? You could ride all the way to Big Spring on it and never split a hair.It wouldnt cut hot butter.You could scratch your back with it and never draw blood. "You haven't exactly been Mr. Easygoing lately either, you know." How are you feeling? He went rigid, his thrusts shorter and tighter. Once fairly lax in its admission policy, the police force has tightened up considerably in recent years. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Heather Jax. Dissolved in wine, it would make the muscles of a man's throat clench tighter than any fist, shutting off his windpipe. It was a great film. His fingers gouged into her backside as he held her, poised exactly where she needed to be. . Tighter than dick's hat band? She oversees the magazines travel and style sections. Men loved their wives more because they could lose them; and during a period when anyone was quite free to divorce, more than five hundred years went by before a single one did Michel De Montaigne, There is no captive in a worse state than the one who is captivated by his worst enemy (Shaytan) and there is no prison which is tighter than the prison of hawa (desire) and there is no bond/fetter more strong than the bond of desire. In tall cotton.Running with the big dogs.He didnt come to town two to a mule.Shes got more than she can say grace over.So rich they can eat fried chicken all week long.Rich enough to eat her laying hens. L.D. Whiskey is your friend when nobody else comes around. Don Henley Hes so busy youd think he was twins.Theyre doing a land-office business.Busy as a one-legged man at an ass-kicking convention.Busy as a funeral home fan in July.Busy as a one-eyed dog in a smokehouse.Busy as a one-armed paperhanger.Busy as a stump-tailed bull in fly season.Busy as a hound in flea season.Got to slop the hogs, dig the well, and plow the south forty before breakfast.Got to get back to my rat killing.Shes jumping like hot grease (or water) on a skillet.Panting like a lizard on a hot rock.No grass growing under her feet. He forgot to tighten the new antenna on the top of the car, so I couldn't listen to the radio on the drive home. Tighten your belt up so your pants don't fall down. He blames everything on the weather or his raising.He got caught in his own loop.He came close to the dollar knife. Liquor shines when the light hits it, reminiscent of precious things like jewels and gold. Yeah, Dundee was great. Marty and I are playing with the same intensity. J.R. Ward, I wasn't sold on 3-D until it was in my own home. Then get the torque wrench (if you have one) or use the Allen wrench and, Other procedures such as Thermage or Titan heat the skin from the outside to, TITAN FDA-approved skin tightening treatments are safe, non-surgical procedures that, By introducing fresh air (that you know is actually fresh) through your mechanical system's ductwork, you can, Mexico's central bank, which had set a target 3 percent rate for inflation in 2004 found the private economists' pessimism a good enough reason to, China's government has promised to clamp down, and is moving to, Even with lower exports and flat domestic use in 2002-03, wheat carryover stocks are expected to, Researchers have used a new biodegradable material to make surgical sutures that knot and. One finger. 1. I'm wound tighter than Jane Fonda's latest facelift, goddammit. Kyle Cooper, No one could tie you tighter than you could tie yourself and it was the ropes you couldn't see that bound you tightest. The country has tightened its borders up to prevent drug smuggling. The team has a lot of raw talent and potential, but you'll need to really tighten them up if they're going to find any consistent success. A version of this article appears in our 2019. | Privacy Policy Down the road a piece.A fur piece.Turn left past yonder.I wont say its far, but I had to grease the wagon twice before I hit the main road.Two hoots and a holler away. Keep in mind, I am an only child, so I was always fiercely close with both my parents. You can tell that just by looking at him. "I'm yours. The fleeting caress of Sam's tongue stretched her body taut, stringing her nerve endings tighter than a barbed-wire fence. I know what you need." If you think people in your organization are predisposed to rip you off, maybe the solution isn't to build a tighter, more punitive set of rules. Courtney Bond is an executive editor of Texas Monthlys Food & Drink and BBQ sections. My core felt tighter than ever., Gasoline inventories are tighter than they were a few weeks ago. His lips are warm. His grip around the handle tightened up and he refused to let go. Where did the phrase tighter than Dick's hat band come from? 1. His back arches, and every muscle in his body tightens. Hell eat anything that dont eat him first. (Snored. Living on my own during college taught me how to tighten my belt and get by on not very much. Lick your calf Steve 11/09/99 The last step of the assembly is to tighten these four feet onto the legs of the table. Shes frying size.Hes knee-high to a grasshopper.Hed have to stand up to look a rattler in the eye.About as big as the little end of nothing.Half as big as a minute.No bigger than moles on a chigger.Scrawny as Ace Reid cattle.Nothing between the horns and hooves but hide.Thin as a bars ear.Thin as a gnats whisker.Thin as store-bought thread.Thin as Depression soup.Thin as a fiddle string.Thin as a rake and twice as sexy.Flat as a fritter.Scarce-hipped.So skinny she has to stand twice to make a shadow.So skinny you could give her a Big Red and use her as a thermometer.So skinny she shades herself under the clothesline. Hot as Hades.Hot as the hinges (or hubs) of hell.Hot as a depot stove.Hot as a two-dollar pistol.Hot as a billy goat in a pepper patch.Hot as a summer revival.Hot as a pot of neck bones.Hot as a stolen tamale.Hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalk.Hotter than whoopee in woolens.Hotter than a honeymoon hotel.Hotter than a burning stump.Hotter than blue blazes.Hotter than a fur coat in Marfa.So hot the hens are laying hard-boiled eggs. White, I've got more talent than everyone on their payroll put together," I said. He wiped at my tears. (Your fly's down.) Davroe, THERE ARE FEW THINGS as beautiful as a glass bottle filled with deep amber whiskey. "I want you. Posted by ESC on November 08, 1999. Riz Ahmed, The bond of sisterly love is much tighter than the bond which binds men. "But I am worth a great deal more than what you see. "We'll start with you. ESC 11/09/99. women of hips and heft, who learned how to burn beneath the wild and searing sun, who made loud love I didnt mean to make you cry, he said., And right away as soon as I started doing Pilates, about 2 to 3 weeks into it I could tell that my clothes were already fitting differently. Patricia Sharpe writes a regular restaurant column, Pats Pick, for Texas Monthly. Donna Augustine, The grip of vice is tighter than a prison lock. 35 matching entries found. His department controls the purse strings, and he will make sure that other departments spend money to meet targets he has set. She and I have always been tight, so her sudden silence is a little bit alarming. 3. concr. Continued government belt-tightening has helped to reduce public debt. Six out of ten women think that financial institutions treat them like idiots, even though they usually hold the domestic purse strings. Synonyms of tight 1 a : having elements close together a tight formation a tight line of type b : so close in structure as to prevent passage or escape (as of liquid, gas, or light) a tight ship a tight seal compare lightproof, watertight c : fitting very close to the body tight jeans also : too snug tight shoes d (1) : closely packed : very full After my dad's gambling problem came to light, my mother started holding the purse strings. The company is tightening up their management in an effort to reduce wasteful spending. Nate said, his smile tighter than before. It seemed to be tighter than normal, and he knew that something new was being introduced tonight. Backup Appliance? . Find 201 ways to say TIGHTER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The Texanist: Why Do So Many Texas Women Have Mens Names? "That's 'Yes, Wedge' until we're formally returned to duty." Frank was tight and didnt want to drive. If the Treasury loosens the purse strings, many authorities will be delighted to spend. Whiskey is a living thing capable of any emotion that you are. Make sure you regularly tighten everything up on your bikeit all gets loose over time. the phrase comes from Oliver Cromwell's son, Richard who assumed some Lord Position in England after his fathers death. To dictate the spending of a given group, such as a family, company, country, etc. How are you feeling?""Annoyed. tight 1. slang Friendly in a very intimate manner; close-knit. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. Gary Keller, I would say that God is much bigger than all of this. Some sayings are instantly familiar because our parents or grandparents quoted them; others parallel the indisputable wisdom of biblical proverbs or Poor Richards Almanac; plenty just make us laugh. It's interesting that instead of having to get tighter and more restricted for a collaboration, strangely enough, from the beginning, we've actually been more confident that we could handle this. . Bethanne Snodgrass, Nothing makes my buttocks clench tighter and my teeth itch more than 'Full Time Mummy'. We had so much wine at lunch that we were all pretty tight by the time we left. Brave as the first man who ate an oyster.Brave as a bigamist.Brave enough to eat in a boomtown cafe.Hes double-backboned.Hes got more guts than you could hang on a fence.Hed shoot craps with the devil himself.Shed charge hell with a bucket of ice water. "Like this. His breaths so strong you could hang out the washing on it. Don Henley I'm here, Emma. So, this was the human trying to steal his Annabelle? Close as siblings, tighter than blood because they were chosen., I think beauty is rarely worth the trouble. Shahrzad gripped Irsas hand tighter in sisterly solidarity. | Sitemap |. He wasnt born, just squeezed out of a bartenders rag.Drunker than who shot John.Snot-slinging drunk.Drunk as Cooter Brown.Drunk as a skunk.Dont chop any wood tonight; Daddys coming home with a load.Tighter than bark on a log.Ive got the whistlebelly thumps and skull cramps. 28. Don Henley, Are thing really gettin' better like the newspaper said/What else is new my friend, besides what I read/Can't find no work, can't find no job my friend/Money is tighter than it's ever been/Say man, I just don't understand/What's going on across this land Marvin Gaye, nub. I had always had a way with words., It had seemed like a good idea aTighter Than Quotest the time, a sure-fire way to impress this girl, who was as cute as hell but wound tighter than one of his fathers antique clocks., You love me, but you dont want me, he said with such sadness, I burst into tears. The bank has really started tightening the screws on me ever since I began missing my mortgage payments. He looked down at his body, seeing that he was tied with an intricate rope pattern - a pentagram - on his chest, the hemp fibers tight. It's a tighter way to connect what you do with what you want. Tighter than a crab's ass, and that is air tight. Tori thought she'd die if Sam didn't touch her again. "Thank you, no, Pauline," he said. Davis, He bent his gaze sternly on them. Cant dance, never could sing, and its too wet to plow.I could sit still for that.You cant beat that with a stick. Bree reached out and gripped his shirt, tugging him until he was flush against her. On his world, once mated, the blue crustaceans shared a shell for the rest of their life in an eternal kiss. Southern Voice: a few funny redneck sayings and a photo of my pet dear. How to Make Money Online by Selling Guest Post, Transitioning to Senior Living Tips for a Smooth Move, The Secret to Looking and Feeling Younger: Exploring the Benefits of NMN Supplements, Breach of Duty: What It Means, and How You Prove It in Court, 5 Signs Its Time to Replace Your Residential Roofing, 5 Reasons Why Invisalign is the Best Choice for Your Orthodontic Treatment, Top 4 Reasons To Consider an L-shaped Computer Desk For Your Office. Tori nearly came unglued and started rocking and trembling so hard, the bed shook beneath her. Example: Driving a car isn't rocket science. Matshona Dhliwayo, The kiss was everything she hadn't dared let herself think about. And I felt stronger than ever. Maybe the answer is to hire new people. List 7 wise famous quotes about Locked Up Tighter Than: The place was locked up tighter than my fist around a piece of bacon. Lady Pauline smiled fondly at the young man. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite, have a tight grip on (someone or something), have a tight rein on (someone or something), keep a tight grip on (someone or something), keep a tight rein on (someone or something), the webmaster's page for free fun content, Football: Ryan states the case for Robins defence; WELSH PREMIER, Tories urged to support Burma; THIRD WORLD CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE, Shaun Ashmead, MD of Newbridge- based Axiom Manufacturing Services, Mobile Airport Authority expects tight budget due to Airbus engineering centre, How to determine measurement variability in the pattern shop, US Fed considering tighter rules on foreign bank branches, British banks approve fewer home loans in July than June, tighten (one's) grip (on someone or something), tighten (something) onto (something else). 'S throat clench tighter than normal, and that is air tight the dollar knife just stand hugging. 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