wwf 1995 results

The PPV portion of the show featured six matches in total, while four dark matches also occurred. Bam Bam Bigelow & Tatanka vs. Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith 02. for WWF World Champion Diesel) pinned Psycho Sid (w/ Ted Dibiase) at 4:59 after Sid was distracted by Diesel at ringisdeAction Zone 6/11/95: Adam Bomb fought Jean Pierre Lafitte to a double count-out at 7:12; after the bout, Bomb won a post-match brawlAction Zone 6/18/95: Shawn Michaels pinned Rad Radford at 9:49 with the superkickAction Zone 6/25/95: Bret Hart pinned Henry Godwinn at 10:45 Wrestling Challenge 6/11/95: WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett defeated Kenny Kendall via submission at 2:25 with the figure-4 Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Reginald Walker at 2:34 with the diving headbutt Skip (w/ Sunny) pinned John Smith at the 58-second mark with a Frankensteiner off the top Rad Radford pinned Jerry Flynn at 3:09 with a northern lights suplex; later in the show, Radford challenged Shawn Michaels to face him the following week on the Action Zone Man Mountain Rock defeated the Brooklyn Brawler via sumbission at 2:40 with an armbarWrestling Challenge 6/18/95: Jacob & Eli Blu (w/ Uncle Zebakiah) defeated John Crystal & Mike Khoury at 4:01 when Crystal was pinned Kama (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned Jerry Flynn at with a reverse kick The Smoking Gunns defeated Doug Stahl & the Brooklyn Brawler at at 3:07 when Billy pinned Stahl Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Barry Horowitz at 3:23 with the PedigreeWrestling Challenge 6/25/95: Psycho Sid & Tatanka (w/ Ted Dibiase) defeated Gus Kantarakis & Buck Quartermaine at 3:13 when Sid pinned both men after hitting powerbombs on both opponents Adam Bomb pinned Reginald Walker at 2:47 with a flying clothesline Aldo Montoya pinned Bill Payne at 2:16 with a bulldog Hakushi pinned Bob Cook at 3:42 with diving headbutt off the top Mabel (w/ Mo) pinned David Haskins at 1:43 with a belly to belly suplex John Pierre Lafitte pinned John Sanowski at 2:44, WWF @ Long Island, NY Nassau Coliseum June 9, 1995 (6,500) Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Aldo Montoya at 8:47 with the Cannonball following a DDT The Smoking Gunns fought Jacob & Eli Blu to a double count-out at 8:28 when all four men began brawling on the floor; after the bout, the Gunns cleared the ring with a pair of double dropkicks Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Doink the Clown Shawn Michaels won a 20-man battle royal by last eliminating King Kong Bundy at 12:47; other participants included: Duke Drose, Men on a Mission, Aldo Montoya, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jean Pierre Lafitte, Man Mountain Rock, Adam Bomb, the Smoking Gunns, Jacob & Eli Blu, Tatanka, Henry Godwinn, Bob Backlund, Doink the Clown, WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna; order of elimination: Yoko by Michaels, Mabel, & several others following several running axehandles from Michaels (1:46); Billy & a Blu twin by Mo (2:05); a Blu twin by Bart via a backdrop (2:08); Bart by Mabel (2:10); Bomb by Tatanka & Bundy (2:22); Mabel by Michaels following a running axehandle (2:45); Aldo by Mo (3:06); Lafitte by Rock (5:05); Doink by Tatanka (6:10); Hemsley by Michaels (6:36); Backlund by Mo (6:44); Rock by Bundy (7:09); Mo by Michaels (7:40); Drose by Tatanka (7:44); Hart by Michaels via a clothesline (11:09); Tatanka elimited himself via a clothesline over the top to Michaels, with Michaels hanging onto the ropes (12:40); Bundy by Michaels via a dropkick from behind as Bundy thought he had won the match Skip pinned Duke Drose at 9:35 by reversing the Trash Compactor into a roll up WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett defeated Razor Ramon in a ladder match at 12:45 after shoving the challenger off the top of the ladder; during the bout, Razor sustained a rib injury that would force him out of the King of the Ring tournament Adam Bomb & Man Mountain Rock defeated Tatanka & King Kong Bundy at 12:54 when Bomb pinned Bundy following a clothesline off the top Bam Bam Bigelow (sub. Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match. for Razor Ramon) at 6:15 when Mabel pinned Kid with a legdrop WWF World Champion Diesel (w/ Bam Bam Bigelow) defeated Psycho Sid (w/ Ted Dibiase, Henry Godwinn, & Tatanka) via disqualification at 4:15 when Tatanka & Godwinn interfered; Bigelow made the save after the bout6/26/95 included Shawn Michaels, subbing for for Jerry Lawler, as a guest commentator alongside Vince McMahon; included a vignette in which Jerry Lawler visited his dentist Dr. Isaac Yankem in order to plot revenge on Bret Hart (Yankems TV debut): The Smoking Gunns defeated Jason Arndt & the Black Phantom following the sidewinder Skip (w/ Sunny) pinned Scott Taylor with a Frankensteiner off the top; Skip performed several push-ups on his opponent prior to the referee counting the pinfall Man Mountain Rock defeated Phil Apollo via submission with the arm bar after about a minute King Mabel (w/ Sir Mo) pinned Kenny Kendall with a belly to belly suplex; prior to the bout, Mabel was carried to the ring on a throne Savio Vega defeated WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett (w/ the Roadie) via disqualification when the Roadie interfered and broke a pinfall attempt as Savio had the champion in a roll up as Jarrett was arguing with Shawn Michaels at ringside; after the bout, Savio and Michaels cleared the ring of Jarrett and the Roadie; in footage shown in the days following, Jarrett returned to the ring after the show went off the air and was knocked out by Michaels superkick7/3/95 included the airing of Jeff Jarretts music video With My Baby Tonight: The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Mike Bell with a crescent kick and an inside cradle (the Kids return match from an injury sustained in late April) Bob Holly pinned the Brooklyn Brawler with a crossbody off the top Henry Godwinn pinned Barry Horowitz with the Slop Drop Psycho Sid pinned Bam Bam Bigelow at 5:38 after Henry Godwinn interfered and pushed Bigelow off the top as Bam Bam attempted the top rope headbutt; prior to the bout, Bigelow and Godwinn had a confrontation in the aisle before officials were able to pull the two apart; after the bout, Sid hit the powerbomb on Bigelow Waylon Mercy defeated Jeff Hardy via submission with the sleeper following a brainbuster; during the bout, Vince McMahon announced that Henry Godwinn would be replacing King Kong Bundy alongside Tatanka in the match against Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith the following week (Mercys Raw debut)7/10/95 included Vince McMahon conducting an in-ring interview with Psycho Sid and Ted Dibiase in which Dibiase brought out all of Sids 14 lumberjacks that will be supporting him at In Your House: The Roadie (w/ WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett) pinned Jerry Flynn at 2:38 with a slam and roll up after Flynn failed a leap frog Savio Vega pinned Mike Khoury at 1:46 Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Matt Hardy with the Pedigree at 3:12 Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Henry Godwinn & Tatanka (w/ Ted Dibiase) at 5:49 when Smith pinned Tatanka with the powerslam, as Tatanka prepared to come off the top; the previous week it was announced that King Kong Bundy would be Tatankas partner but Godwinn was named as a replacement before the telecast went off the air7/17/95 included Vince McMahon conducting an interview with WWF World Champion Diesel in a closing segment regarding his title defense against Psycho Sid at In Your House; during the segment, Diesel had all his lumberjacks come to the ring Bam Bam Bigelow, the Smoking Gunns, Bob Holly, the 1-2-3 Kid, Adam Bomb, Savio Vega, Duke Drose, Techno Team 2000, Shawn Michaels, and others; after Diesel asked Bigelow and Michaels what would happen if Sid was to fall out to the floor beside them, McMahon introduced Sid; Sid then walked out to the ring steps as his own lumberjacks joined him; Sid prepared to enter the ring but then opted not to: WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna (w/ Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji) defeated Jim Dimitre & Gus Kantarrakis at 2:54 after Yoko hit a legdrop which was followed by Owens Sharpshooter Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned David Thornberg at 2:32 with the Cannonball Shawn Michaels pinned IRS (w/ Ted Dibiase) with the superkick at 8:33 as IRS charged towards Michaels after avoiding the superkick moments earlier Kama (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned Billy Mack with a right uppercut at 2:02, WWF @ Bethlehem, PA Stabler Arena June 27, 1995 (2,000)WWF Superstars taping: Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Tatanka at 10:57 The 1-2-3 Kid & Savio Vega defeated WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett & the Roadie at 10:11 when Vega pinned Roadie WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Psycho Sid7/1/95 featured Vince McMahon & Dok Hendrix on commentary, with Hendrix dressed in red, white, and blue as he grilled hotdogs at the commentary table; included footage from the Hitting for the Heartland celebrity baseball game in Oklahoma City, OK, which included Tony Danza, Troy Aikman, and WWF World Champion Diesel, among others; featured backstage footage of Henry Godwinn preparing his slop for his match against Adam Bomb later in the show; included still photos recapping the Bret Hart vs. Jerry Lawler Kiss My Foot match at the King of the Ring, followed by footage of Lawler visiting Dr. Isaac Yankem at his dentist office and saying Yankem was coming to the WWF to go after Hart; featured the announcement Shawn Michaels would challenge WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett at In Your House, followed by footage of Michaels and Jarretts confrontation days earlier on Raw; exclusive footage, after Raw went off the air, of Jarrett and the Roadie coming back out to the ring and Jarrett saying he wanted a title match with Michaels; as referees entered the ring, Michaels fought off both Jarrett and the Roadie, put the title belt around his waist, and hit Jarrett with the superkick; included the premiere of Jarretts music video With My Baby Tonight; featured a video package looking at how the WWF would assist with the Special Olympics, coming that summer to New Haven, CT; included a video package recapping the previous Saturdays 1995 WWF Hall of Fame ceremony in Philadelphia, in which Pedro Morales, the Grand Wizard, Antonino Rocca, the Fabulous Moolah, George Steele, Ernie Ladd, and Ivan Putski; during Steeles induction, a video was shown from Bill Murray on the set of his latest movie; featured a vignette promoting Waylon Mercys debut later in the show; included the announcement Men on a Mission would face the Smoking Gunns the following week: The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Ken Reaper with a spin kick and Oklahoma side roll at 1:54; during the match, it was noted the Kid would face the Roadie at the next In Your House (Kids in-ring return after a 2-month absence) Kama (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned Jason Arhndt with a bomb off the middle turnbuckle at 1:28; during Kamas entrance, Barry Didinsky and two young fans showed off new shirts of Adam Bomb, Shawn Michaels, and Bam Bam Bigelow; early in the match and afterwards, Kama confronted two of the Undertakers creatures of the night sitting ringside Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith (w/ two young flagbearers) defeated Billy Mack & Lloyd Lanui at 2:10 when Luger scored the pin with the running forearm; prior to the bout, it was announced Luger & Smith would challenge WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna at In Your House; during the match, Jim Cornette, Mr. Fuji, Hart, & Yoko appeared at the entrance to watch the contest Waylon Mercy defeated Bill Weaver via submission with the sleeper at around the 3-minute mark; Scott Burdette was the guest ring announcer for the match; prior to and after the match, Mercy shook the referees hand (the match began during the commercial break) (Mercys debut) Adam Bomb fought Henry Godwinn to a double count-out at around the 1-minute mark when both men began fighting on the floor; moments later, Godwinn sent Bomb into the ringpost and then dumped the contents of his slop pail over the back of Bombs head; moments later, Bomb got to his feet, screamed Ill kill you and then went off to find Godwinn backstage (the match began during the commercial break)7/8/95 featured an opening video package hyping the Smoking Gunns vs. Men on a Mission main event; included footage from the previous weeks Henry Godwinn vs. Adam Bomb match, and Godwinn slopping Bomb after the bout; Bomb then cut a backstage promo in which he said he would get his revenge on Godwinn, with Godwinn then replying; featured footage from Raws match between Psycho Sid and Bam Bam Bigelow, with Henry Godwinn costing Bigelow the match; included footage of WWF World Champion Diesel, Lex Luger, Davey Boy Smith, the 1-2-3 Kid, Aldo Montoya, Savio Vega, Dink, and others being part of the opening of the Special Olympics the previous weekend: Bob Holly pinned Mike Bell with an inside cradle at 2:27; during the match, it was noted WWF President Jack Tunney announced his retirement on Wednesday Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Nick Barberri with the Cannonball at 2:37; Adam Hanzel was the guest ring announcer for the match Hakushi defeated Jeff Hardy via submission Men on a Mission defeated the Smoking Gunns at 7:40 when King Mabel pinned Billy Gunn with a splash in the corner and a belly to belly suplex7/15/95: Man Mountain Rock defeated the Black Phantom via submission at 1:57 with the arm bar WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated Mike Khoury & John Crystal at 2:45 Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Duke Drose with the Pedigree at 6:42 Aldo Montoya defeated Tony Devito at 2:46 Waylon Mercy defeated Jerry Flynn via submission with the sleeper at 3:387/22/95 featured Vince McMahon & Dok Hendrix on commentary; included a vignette showing Fatu visiting the Cow Palace and his old neighborhood; featured extended highlights from McMahons in-ring interview with WWF World Champion Diesel from Monday Night Raw in which Diesel brought out his lumberjacks for In Your House and had a brief confrontation with Psycho Sid; included a vignette showing Dr. Isaac Yankem and Jerry Lawler in the dentist office, during which Lawler spoke about Yankem facing Bret Hart before Yankem pulled a tooth out of his patients mouth; featured a vignette promoting the debut of Goldust, during which he was not shown; included a closing segment of highlights from WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarretts With My Baby Tonight music video: Jacob & Eli Blu (w/ Uncle Zebakiah) defeated the 1-2-3 Kid & Savio Vega at 9:31 when the Kid was pinned after Zebakiah came off the top with a knee to the back of the Kids head behind the referees back, moments after Kid hit a spin kick to a Blu and made the cover; prior to the bout, two of the Undertakers creatures of the night were shown sitting ringside Rad Radford pinned Scott Taylor with the northern lights suplex at 2:38; Andrea Lipics was the guest ring announcer for the bout; during the match, it was announced Radford would face Fatu the following week Skip (w/ Sunny) pinned Russ Greenberg with a superplex and float over at 2:11; prior to the bout, it was announced Razor Ramon, the 1-2-3 Kid, & Savio Vega would face Uncle Zebakiah, Jacob & Eli Blu the following week; during Skip & Sunnys entrance, footage was shown from the Action Zone two weeks earlier in which Skip was pinned by Barry Horowitz; after the match, Sunny took the mic and spoke but the commentary team talked over her Adam Bomb pinned Kenny Kendall with a clothesline off the top at 2:31; during Bombs entrance, Barry Didinsky, from the WWF Headquarters, promoted the In Your House 2 T-shirt for sale; after the match, Bomb threw several of his mini football bombs into the crowd, WWF @ Wilkes-Barre, PA Wilkes University Marts Center June 28, 1995Wrestling Challenge taping: Savio Vega defeated King Mabel via disqualification when Sir Mo pushed Vega off the top rope Aldo Montoya pinned Phil Apollo with a bulldog off the top Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna via count-out after Yoko was hit with Lugers running forearm The Smoking Gunns defeated WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett & the Roadie after Jarrett was hit with a bulldog off the top as he attempted to apply the figure-4 WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Psycho Sid with a boot to the face7/2/95: Hakushi defeated Russ Greenberg Rad Radford pinned Jeff Hardy with a northern lights suplex Bob Holly defeated Tony Devito Duke Drose pinned Mike Bell WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated Jeff Williams & David Thornberg following a legdrop from Yoko7/9/95: Savio Vega pinned Lloyd Lanui Barry Horowitz pinned Skip (w/ Sunny) with a half-nelson into a cradle as Skip was doing push-ups in the ring Man Mountain Rock defeated an unknown via submission The 1-2-3 Kid pinned the Black Phantom with a spin wheel kick Waylon Mercy defeated Scott Taylor via submission with a sleeper7/16/95: Jacob & Eli Blu defeated Bill Weaver & Nick Barberry Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Jason Ahrndt with the headbutt off the top Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Kenny Kendall with a legdrop off the top Phantasio pinned Tony Devito at 2:08 (Phantasios only TV appearance) Kama defeated the Rockin Rebel7/23/95 included an interview with WWF World Champion Diesel: Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Jim Dimitri & Gus Kantarakis The Roadie pinned Matt Hardy with a face-first suplex Henry Godwinn pinned Jerry Flynn with the Slop Drop Waylon Mercy defeated Jeff Lavolt via submission with the sleeper Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Barry Horowitz with the Pedigree; after the bout, Skip attacked Horowitz, WWF @ Baltimore, MD Arena June 30, 1995 (4,500; 3,000 paid) Skip defeated Doink the Clown WWF Womens Champion Alundra Blayze defeated Bertha Faye The Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu Sir Mo defeated the 1-2-3 Kid Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Jean Pierre Lafitte (sub. for Bam Bam Bigelow) Louie Spicolli defeated Miguel Perez Bob Holly (sub. Kama defeats Ken Raper RAW #101: March 6, 1995 Shawn Michaels defeats The British Bulldog Bob Backlund defeats Buck Quartermaine Duke Droese defeats Steven Dunn RAW #102: March 13, 1995 The Blu Brothers (Eli & Jacob Blu) vs. for Skip) with a spinebuster Savio Vega pinned Isaac Yankem DDS Goldust pinned Marty Jannetty with the Curtain Call Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Henry Godwinn in a slop bucket match with his feet on the ropes Owen Hart pinned Hakushi with a German suplex WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Skip & Rad Radford when Radford was pinned WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon pinned Dean Douglas with the Razors Edge after guest referee the 1-2-3 Kid kicked the challenger; Douglas originally won the match and the title with his feet on the ropes but the match was ordered to continue WWF World Champion Diesel, Bret Hart, & Shawn Michaels defeated Yokozuna, Davey Boy Smith, & King Mabel when Michaels pinned Mabel with the superkick, WWF @ Westerly, RI November 12, 1995Cancelled, WWF @ East Rutherford, NJ Meadowlands November 12, 1995 (3,500) Fatu defeated Skip Ahmed Johnson defeated Rad Radford Hakushi defeated Aldo Montoya Savio Vega defeated Isaac Yankem DDS Hunter Hearst Helmsley, King Mabel, & Kama defeated Henry Godwinn & WWF Tag Team Champions Smoking Gunns Dean Douglas defeated Bam Bam Bigelow Goldust defeated WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon via disqualification when the 1-2-3 Kid interfered Davey Boy Smith pinned Bret Hart WWF World Champion Diesel & Shawn Michaels defeated Owen Hart & Yokozuna in a lumberjack match at 12:28 when Michaels pinned Hart after a Rocket Launcher, Yoko accidentally splashing his partner when Michaels moved out of the way, and Michaels hitting the superkick on Yoko, knocking him to the floor; lumberjacks included Henry Godwinn, Aldo Montoya, Ahmed Johnson, Fatu, Isaac Yankem DDS, King Mabel, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Kama, Savio Vega, Rad Radford, Hakushi, and WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns; after the match, the babyfaces brawled with the heels and cleared them to the floor, Survivor Series 95 Landover, MD USAir Arena November 19, 1995 (14,500; 12,500 paid) WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Public EnemyPay-per-view bouts featured an opening segment in which Howard Finkel introduced Mr. for Savio Vega) with a kick to the back of the head at 10:45 Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Doink the Clown (sub. 1) IRS pinned Buck Quartermaine; during the bout, Roddy Piper called in to promote the Royal Rumble Encore Plus which would include an exclusive interview segment between he and Shawn Michaels Davey Boy Smith pinned the Black Phantom with the running powerslam1/30/95 featured Shawn Michaels doing guest commentary; included Vince McMahon attempting to get an apology from Bam Bam Bigelow regarding his actions at the Royal Rumble but Bigelow refused to do so; included Bob Backlund as a guest of the Kings Court in which he stated that from now on he would only release the Crossface Chicken Wing after the opponent said I quit, Mr. Backlund: King Kong Bundy (w/ Ted Dibiase) defeated Mabel in an over-the-top-rope match after IRS and Tatanka interfered; after the bout, Lex Luger, Mo, and Oscar came out to make the save Hakushi (w/ Shinja) pinned Ricky Santana after a dive to the floor Aldo Montoya pinned David Sierra WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly via referees descretion after the Kid injured himself with a failed top rope move Kama defeated Jumbo Berretta via submission with a modified STF (Kamas Raw debut)2/6/95 featured Shawn Michaels on guest commentary; included a statement from Lawrence Taylors agent Bobby Cupo who asked that the WWF refrain from attempting to sign a match between LT and Bam Bam Bigelow or legal counsel would be brought into the situation; featured a pre-recorded interview with WWF World Champion Diesel conducted by Vince McMahon in which Vince brought up all of the champions recent public appearances as well as mentioning Shawn Michaels as the man who would face Diesel for the title at WrestleMania; included that Diesel would defend the title against Jeff Jarrett in two weeks and Shawn Michaels would unveil his new bodyguard; featured a closing segment in which Michaels said he was officially done with the announcing job: Tatanka, IRS, & King Kong Bundy (w/ Ted Dibiase) defeated Lex Luger & Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) at around the 12-minute mark when Bundy pinned Luger after Tatanka hit a DDT behind the referees back (Mega Matches 95) Man Mountain Rock defeated Charlie Hunter Mantaur (w/ Jim Cornette) pinned Leroy Howard with a belly to belly suplex Razor Ramon pinned Frankie Lancaster with the Razors Edge Henry Godwinn pinned Bill Weaver with the Slop Drop, WWF @ West Palm Beach, FL Auditorium January 24, 1995 (5,000)WWF Superstars taping:Included Man Mountain Rock playing the national anthem to begin the showRoyal Rumble Encore Plus 1/31/95 included Roddy Piper (on crutches) hosting a segment from a podium in the entranceway where he first showed highlights of Shawn Michaels winning the Royal Rumble match on the video wall, and then interviewed Michaels when he came out early to interrupt the segment; Michaels kept pushing and poking at Piper and eventually slapped him when he said he had something to share with him after Piper insulted his manlihood and referred to him as Cher; Michaels then kicked one of the crutches from under Piper when he began stalking him down the aisle; Piper ended the segment by telling Michaels that come WrestleMania, WWF World Champion Diesel wouldnt have a bad wheel like him, and would have 18 of them to run right over Michaels and you dont throw rocks at a guy whos got a machine gun Bill Payne defeated Jim Tillquist Lex Luger pinned Tatanka with a small package Razor Ramon defeated WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett (w/ the Roadie) via disqualification when Roadie interfered Kama defeated Reno Riggins Mantaur (w/ Jim Cornette) defeated an unknown Davey Boy Smith pinned Bob Backlund with a sunset flip Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart in a no holds barred match via submission to the Sharpshooter; after the bout, Bret kept the hold applied until several referees came out to pull him off; after releasing the hold, Bret then briefly reapplied it2/18/95: Hakushi defeated Buck Quartermaine WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns fought the New Headshrinkers (w/ Afa & Capt. for Psycho Sid) & Tatanka when Michaels pinned Tatanka after Diesel knocked IRS out of the ring Fatu pinned Henry Godwinn WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith The Undertaker defeated Kama in a casket match, WWF @ Warwick, RI Musical Theatre July 28, 1995 (1,500) Skip defeated Aldo Montoya Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Duke Drose Razor Ramon defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley via count-out The Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu Bob Backlund defeated Man Mountain Rock Savio Vega defeated Hakushi King Mabel defeated Bam Bam Bigelow, WWF @ Jean, NV Buffalo Bills Star of the Desert Arena July 29, 1995 (3,750; 2,900 paid) Fatu pinned Henry Godwinn at 5:53 with a splash off the top Adam Bomb pinned Tatanka at 12:47 Waylon Mercy (sub. The 1995 FIFA Women's World Cup, the second edition of the FIFA Women's World Cup, was held in Sweden and won by Norway, who became the first European nation to win the Women's World Cup. for Jimmy Del Ray_ Tatanka pinned Bob Holly Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Jerry Lawler; Lawler originally won the match with his feet on the ropes but another referee disputed the call Man Mountain Rock defeated Mantaur Jacob & Eli Blu defeated the New Headshrinkers after Uncle Zebakiah interfered WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Psycho Sid Bret Hart defeated Hakushi via submission with the Sharpshooter Razor Ramon defeated WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett to win the title in a ladder match, WWF @ Halifax, Nova Scotia Forum May 20, 1995 WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated Jeff Jarrett Man Mountain Rock defeated Mantaur Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Scott Taylor WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Psycho Sid Fatu defeated Eli Blu Tatanka defeated Bob Holly Techno Team 2000 defeated Tom Prichard & Barry Horowitz (sub. 384 in Bushwick, NY read an essay she wrote about drug abuse, with an appearance from the Undertaker; featured the first vignette promoting the debut of Hunter Hearst Helmsley in which he made fun of the Bushwhackers, the New Headshrinkers, and the Smoking Gunns for not having his level of class: WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett (w/ the Roadie) defeated Scott Taylor at 3:35 via submission with the figure-4 after avoiding a crossbody off the top Aldo Montoya pinned Mark Starr Men on a Mission defeated Charlie Hunter & John Sinouski at 2:37 when Mabel pinned Hunter with a belly to belly suplex; after the bout, Ray Rougeau interviewed MOM outside the ring regarding the Smoking Gunns but MOM ignored the question and walked off The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Barry Horowitz at 2:48 with a spin kick; in footage shown on the 4/16/95 Action Zone, Ray Rougeau interviewed the Kid outside the ring immediately after the match about his altercation the previous week on the Action Zone against King Kong Bundy Kama (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned John Crystal at 2:12 with a modified belly to belly suplex; after the bout, Dibiase grabbed the mic and introduced the members of his restructured Million $ Corporation Tatanka, King Kong Bundy, IRS, Bam Bam Bigelow, and the newest member and the crowning jewel of the group Psycho Sid; moments later, Kama and Bundy lifted Sid up on their shoulders; during the segment, Bigelow was noticably snubbed by Dibiase and the other group members Duke Drose pinned Mike Khoury4/23/95 featured the announcement Bret Hart would face Hakushi and Razor Ramon & the 1-2-3 Kid would face WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett & the Roadie at In Your House; included a second vignette of Bob Backlund in Florida during Spring Break in which he interrupted a wet t-shirt contest and told a crowd of several hundred they needed stronger morals (Ted Dibiases last appearance on commentary): Hakushi defeated Bert Centenno Bob Holly defeated Nick Barberry Mantaur defeated Buck Quartermaine Adam Bomb pinned the Brooklyn Brawler at 3:08 with a clothesline off the top Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Ben Jordan with the Cannonball at 3:07 WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna (w/ Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji) defeated Tim McNeany & Bill Payne at 2:58 when McNeany submitted to Harts Sharpshooter following a legdrop from Yoko, SMW Bluegrass Brawl III Pikeville, KY College Gym April 7, 1995 (2,000) Boo Bradley defeated Killer Kyle SMW Heavyweight Champion Bobby Blaze fought Buddy Landel to a draw Al Snow & Unabomb defeated SMW Tag Team Champions Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson in a coal miners glove match to win the titles The Dirty White Boy defeated Buddy Landel in a chain match The Undertaker & Tracy Smothers defeated New Jack, Mustafa, & D-Lo Brown in a handicap loser salutes the flag match when Taker pinned D-Lo, SMW Fright Night Johnson City, TN Freedom Hall April 8, 1995 (1,800) Al Snow fought Robert Gibson to a draw Killer Kyle pinned Boo Bradley in an anything goes match The Dirty White Boy pinned Buddy Landel Unabom pinned Ricky Morton in a coal miners glove match Buddy Landel defeated SMW Heavyweight Champion Bobby Blaze to win the title Bob Armstrong, Tracy Smothers, & the Undertaker defeated New Jack, Mustafa, & D-Lo Brown in an I Quit match when Armstrong forced Brown to submit, WWF @ Dortmund, Germany Falenhalle April 17, 1995 (13,000; sell out) Adam Bomb defeated Kwang Henry Godwinn pinned Aldo Montoya Lex Luger & the British Bulldog defeated Tatanka & Kama Hakushi defeated the 1-2-3 Kid WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett & Psycho Sid Bret Hart defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart with the Sharpshooter The Undertaker defeated Bam Bam Bigelow, WWF @ Dusseldorf, Germany Philitshalle April 18, 1995 (6,500; sell out) Adam Bomb defeated Kwang Henry Godwinn defeated Aldo Montoya Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Tatanka & Kama Bret Hart defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart with the Sharpshooter The Undertaker defeated Bam Bam Bigelow Hakushi defeated the 1-2-3 Kid WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Psycho Sid & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett, WWF @ Hamburg, Germany Sporthalle April 19, 1995 (6,000; sell out) Adam Bomb defeated Kwang Henry Godwinn defeated Aldo Montoya Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Tatanka & Kama Bret Hart defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart with the Sharpshooter The Undertaker defeated Bam Bam Bigelow Hakushi defeated the 1-2-3 Kid WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Psycho Sid & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett, WWF @ Stuttgart, Germany Hanns-Martin Schleyerhalle April 20, 1995Adam Bomb pinned Kwang with the Atom Smasher Hakushi pinned the 1-2-3 Kid after Shinja interfered The Undertaker pinned Bam Bam Bigelow with a powerbomb WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Psycho Sid & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett when Diesel pinned Jarrett; after the bout, the Roadie sustained both the Razors Edge and the powerbomb Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Tatanka & Kama when Luger pinned Tatanka Henry Godwinn pinned Aldo Montoya Bret Hart defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart via submission with the Sharpshooter in a No Holds Barred match, WWF @ Munich, Germany Olympiahalle April 21, 1995 (9,800) Adam Bomb defeated Kwang after about 12 minutes Henry Godwinn defeated Aldo Montoya after about 13 minutes; after the bout, Godwinn slopped ring announcer Carsten Schaefer Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Tatanka & Kama when Smith pinned Tatanka after almost 25 minutes Bret Hart defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart with the Sharpshooter in a No Holds Barred match; Bret had previously won the match via disqualification after Hakushi interfered but Bret requested that the match continue The Undertaker defeated Bam Bam Bigelow Hakushi defeated the 1-2-3 Kid; after the bout, the Kid was taken from the ring on a stretcher while holding his neck WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Psycho Sid & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett when Diesel pinned Jarrett; after the bout, the Roadie sustained both the Razors Edge and the powerbomb, WWF @ Bielefeld, Germany Seidenstickerhalle April 22, 1995 (7,000; sell out) Adam Bomb defeated Kwang Henry Godwinn defeated Aldo Montoya Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Tatanka & Kama Bret Hart defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart with the Sharpshooter The Undertaker defeated Bam Bam Bigelow Hakushi defeated the 1-2-3 Kid WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Psycho Sid & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett, USWA @ Memphis, TN April 24, 1995 Bill Dundee & Brian Christopher defeated Bob Backlund & Tommy Rich, WWF @ Omaha, NE Civic Auditorium April 24, 1995 (5,800; 4,000 paid)Monday Night Raw taping: Bertha Faye pinned an unknown with a tiger driver Mantaur pinned Tommy Ferrara Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned an unknown Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated two unknowns WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett & the Roadie defeated Razor Ramon & the 1-2-3 Kid when the Roadie pinned the Kid with a DDT; late in the bout, the Kid further aggrevated a fractured vertebrae attempting a double team spot, thus leading to an impromptu finish; the injury put the Kid on the DL for two months Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Tatanka via count-out Mabel (w/ Mo) pinned Adam Bomb with a roll up Bret Hart pinned Hakushi (w/ Shinja) with a roll up after Hakushi collided with Shinja on the ring apron The Undertaker pinned Psycho Sid with the tombstone4/24/95 featured an opening package detailing the fall from grace of Bam Bam Bigelow dating back to his loss at the 1995 Royal Rumble, the post-match altercation with Lawrence Taylor, the loss to LT at WrestleMania, his comments from the post-match press conference, and the announcement that Psycho Sid had joined the Million $ Corporation; included an In Your House report with comments from Sid about the upcoming match between Diesel and Bigelow, where he said he had friends in low places; it was speculated Sid wasnt happy about Bigelows title shot because if Bigelow won Sids match with Diesel at In Your House would not be for the championship; featured the announcement Psycho Sid would face Razor Ramon the following week on Raw; included a clip of USAs Duckman; featured closing footage of what happened between Bigelow and Diesel during the commercial break after Diesel saved Bigelow from the Million $ Corporation, with Bigelow and Diesel shaking hands: The Smoking Gunns defeated Barry Horowitz & the Brooklyn Brawler at 2:15 when Billy pinned the Brawler following a reverse bulldog double team; during the bout, it was announced the Gunns would challenge WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna at In Your House; after the match, Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler spoke with Bam Bam Bigelow & Ted Dibiase backstage about Bigelows upcoming title shot against Diesel, during which Bigelow was seen with a serious black eye; after the commercial break, McMahon spoke to WWF World Champion Diesel backstage about his title defense later in the show Bertha Faye (w/ Harvey Wippleman) pinned La Pantera Serena at 3:55 with a sit-down powerbomb, gorilla press slam, and a splash (Berthas in-ring debut and first appearance with Harvey and in her flamboyant clothing) WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Ted Dibiase) at around the 16-minute mark with a boot to the face and the powerbomb after Tatanka, who came ringside mid-way through the match, tripped the challenger as he ran the ropes; after the bout, Dibiase grabbed the mic and verbally assaulted Bigelow in the ring, fired him, and then slapped him across the face; Bigelow then got in Dibiases face until he was attacked from behind by Tatanka, with Bigelow throwing Tatanka to the floor and telling Dibiase he couldnt fire him because he quit; IRS and Tatanka then double teamed Bigelow with Psycho Sid soon appearing and dropping Bigelow with the powerbomb; moments later, Diesel made the save, threw Tatanka to the floor, and scared the remainder of the Million $ Corporation backstage Aldo Montoya pinned the Black Phantom at 2:44 with a reverse bulldog off the middle turnbuckle; during the bout, it was announced Shawn Michaels would be back in action in about a month5/1/95 featured footage of the controversial finish of the Bob Holly / Jeff Jarrett IC title match the previous day on the Action Zone; included the announcement that Bret Hart would battle Hakushi at In Your House and that Adam Bomb would face Mabel in a King of the Ring qualifying match; featured the announcement that the 1-2-3 Kid would not be able to compete at In Your House due to a neck injury and that Razor Ramon would face both Jeff Jarrett & the Roadie in a handicap match instead; included a Man Mountain Rock / WWF New Generation vignette in which he was shown being interrogated by NYPD Blues Nicholas Tuturro about whether he was a rock star or pro wrestler; featured a vignette promoting the debut of Hunter Hearst Helmsley; included the announcement that Doink the Clown would face Jeff Jarrett and WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart would wrestle Bart Gunn the following week; featured a closing segment in which Bret Hart came ringside to confront Jerry Lawler and offered to face Lawler at In Your House after his already scheduled match against Hakushi: Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Ron Hagan & George Anderson when Smith pinned Anderson with the running powerslam at 2:41 after Anderson hit the corner; though not shown on TV, Luger & Smiths fireworks caused a small fire Bob Holly pinned Butler Stevens with a crossbody off the top at 2:48 Mantaur (w/ Jim Cornette) pinned Sonny Rogers with a press slam into a powerslam at 2:25 Razor Ramon fought Psycho Sid (w/ Ted Dibiase) to a no contest when Sid ran through Razors pyro and hit a clothesline before twice powerbombing Ramon until WWF World Champion Diesel came out, leading to Sid and Dibiase leaving ringside; later in the show, Raymond Rougeau attempted to interview Ramon backstage as he was taken care of by Diesel and various agents, including Dave Hebner and Tony Garea Adam Bomb pinned Dave Sigfrid with a clothesline off the top at 3:41 Men on a Mission defeated Kevin Krueger & Bill Duke when Mabel pinned Duke with a belly to belly suplex at 4:375/8/95 included the first vignette promoting the debut of Skip & Sunny the Bodydonnas; featured a Bam Bam Bigelow vignette in which he discussed his loss at the Royal Rumble, his problems with Lawrence Taylor, his loss and newfound friendship with WWF World Champion Diesel, and stated he would go through each member of the Million $ Corporation as payback; at the end of the segment, Vince McMahon announced Bigelow would face IRS the following week on Raw; included McMahon conducting an in-ring interview with Psycho Sid & Ted Dibiase regarding Sids upcoming title shot against Diesel at In Your House, with Dibiase admitting it was he who told Shawn Michaels to get a bodyguard and it was he who suggested it be Sid to show he and Sid had been working together for quite some time, and then discussed Sids recent attacks on Michaels and Razor Ramon; featured a closing segment in which Jerry Lawler announced he would have his own mother in his corner at In Your House since Bret Hart was dedicating his match with Lawler to his mom: WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett (w/ the Roadie) defeated Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) in a non-title match at around the 8-minute mark via subission with the figure-4 after the Roadie interfered behind the back of referee Tim White and clipped Doink as he had the Stump Puller applied; prior to the bout, footage was shown of Jarrett winning the vacant title the previous day on the Action Zone against Bob Holly; moments later, footage was shown from WWF Superstars a year before in which Jarrett, pretending to be Doink, roughed up Dink during an interview; during the bout, Vince McMahon said Bob Backlund would have a major announcement the following week on Raw Hakushi (w/ Shinja) pinned Gary Scott at 2:50 with a springboard splash into the ring; prior to the bout, McMahon said Shinja & Hakushi were seen in Calgary, Alberta over the weekend and the only way to find out what they were doing there was to call the WWF Hotline and listen to the Ross Report Bart Gunn (w/ Billy Gunn) pinned WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette) at around the 7-minute mark with a roll up after Billy interfered and crotched Owen on the top rope, with Owen then reaching for a tag to the absent Yokozuna, seemingly forgetting that this was a singles match, WWF @ Des Moines, IA Veterans Memorial Auditorium April 25, 1995 (4,500; papered)WWF Superstars taping:Matches originally scheduled were Bret Hart vs. Bam Bam Bigelow and WWF World Champion Diesel & the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels & Psycho Sid Razor Ramon fought WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett to a double count-out; during the bout, the Roadie was placed in a small cage above the ring; after the contest, Razor hit the Razors Edge on the Roadie and threw both he and Jarrett into the cage before it was raised back up (WrestleFest 95) Barry Horowitz pinned Lenny Carlson Bret Hart pinned Hakushi (w/ Shinja) after Hakushi collided with Shinja on the ring apron Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) via disqualification The Undertaker pinned Kama at 9:20 with a chokeslam WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Psycho Sid after a matter of seconds with a boot to the face4/29/95: Psycho Sid (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned Aldo Montoya with the powerbomb (Sids return match after a 3 year absence) Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated the Brooklyn Brawler & the Black Phantom when Smith pinned the Phantom with the running powerslam Hakushi (w/ Shinja) pinned Kwang with a senton bomb off the top at 5:38 (Kwangs last TV appearance) Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Gary Scott with the Cannonball Bret Hart defeated Jimmy Del Ray (w/ Jim Cornette & Tom Prichard) via submission with the Sharpshooter at 4:09 after avoiding a monkeyflip out of the corner; after the bout, Dok Hendrix interviewed Bret who said he would confront Jerry Lawler on Raw (WrestleFest 95)5/6/95 included the first vignette promoting the debut of Skip & Sunny the Bodydonnas: WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna (w/ Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji) defeated the New Headshrinkers when Yoko pinned Sionne with a Bonzai Drop off the bottom rope Adam Bomb pinned Rock Werner with a flying clothesline Bertha Faye (w/ Harvey Wippleman) pinned Jessica Rivera at 3:00 with a sit-down powerbomb; prior to the bout, footage was shown of Bertha breaking the nose of WWF Womens Champion Alundra Blayze during the 4/3/95 edition of Raw (Berthas debut on Superstars) Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Sonny Rogers with a move later named the Stone Cold Stunner (Helmsleys Superstars debut) Tatanka defeated Kevin Kruger The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) pinned Dave Sigfrid with the tombstone at the 38-second mark; after the bout, Sigfrid was stuffed inside a bodybag5/13/95 featured Ray Rougeau conducting an in-ring interview with WWF World Champion Diesel regarding his upcoming title defense against Psycho Sid at In Your House, with Sid & Ted Dibiase appearing in the entranceway mid-way through the segment: Razor Ramon pinned Todd Becker with the Razors Edge Rad Radford defeated Jerry Lynn Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) defeated the Brooklyn Brawler Men on a Mission defeated Buck Zumhoff & Tommy Ferrara WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Henry Godwinn with the powerbomb in a non-title match; Diesel appeared to injure his leg during the bout, WWF @ Moline, IL Mark of the Quad April 26, 1995 (5,500; papered)Wrestling Challenge taping: The Undertaker pinned Kama (w/ Ted Dibiase) The Smoking Gunns defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Yokozuna & Owen Hart via disqualification when Jim Cornette interfered Bertha Faye defeated an unknown WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Psycho Sid with a side slam at the 28-second markAction Zone 4/30/95: Bob Holly pinned WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett with a clothesline off the top to win the title, even though Jarretts feet were on the ropes during the cover; moments prior to the finish, Jarrett scored the pin with his feet on the ropes but the match was ordered to continue; after the bout, the title was vacated and a rematch ordered for the following weeks episodeAction Zone 5/7/95: Jeff Jarrett pinned Bob Holly at around the 11-minute mark with a roll up out of the corner after avoiding Hollys charge; Jarrett originally won the match at around the 5-minute mark but referee Earl Hebner told referee Tim White that Hollys foot was on the ropes during the cover so the match was ordered to continue; the Roadie was in Jarretts corner for much of the contest but was sent backstage around the 7-minute mark after he removed one of the turnbuckle pads and Jarrett attempted to throw Holly head-first into the uncovered steelAction Zone 5/7/95: Bret Hart pinned Mantaur (w/ Jim Cornette) at around the 9-minute mark with a roll up after Mantaur collided with Cornette on the ring apron as Cornette distracted Hart from applying the SharpshooterAction Zone 5/14/95: Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Men on a Mission via disqualification at 12:18 when referee Tim White stopped the match when Mabel attacked Luger from behind as Luger had Mo in the Torture Rack, after Mabel illegally interfered multiple times late in the contest; prior to the bout, Luger & Smith were escorted to the ring by two guest flag bearers; after the bout, Mo held Luger down allowing Mabel to hit a splash after Smith was knocked to the floor; moments later, Mabel attempted to do it a second time from the middle ropes but another referee came out and Smith crawled back in the ring to protect his partner4/30/95 featured the return of Jim Ross to commentary, joining Gorilla Monsoon: Tatanka defeated Sonny Rogers Doink the Clown defeated Barry Horowitz The Heavenly Bodies defeated Jerry Lynn & Lenny Carlson Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Buck Zumhoff at 2:15 with a Diamond Cutter (Helmsleys TV debut) (Triple H: The Game) Razor Ramon defeated JS Tiask The Smoking Gunns defeated Tom Stone & Dave Siegfried5/7/95 included an interview with Bret Hart: Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith defeated Chad Miller & Todd Becker Kama (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned Buck Zumhoff at 2:29 after throwing Zumhoff in the air; prior to the bout, Kama destroyed a black wreath left for him at ringside; after the contest, Kama stuffed part of the wreath in Zumhoffs mouth Duke Drose defeated the Black Phantom Rad Radford pinned Gary Scott with a northern lights suplex at 2:47 (Radfords TV debut) Men on a Mission defeated Ron Hagen & Butler Stevens Bam Bam Bigelow pinned the Brooklyn Brawler with the diving headbutt at 2:26 (the debut of Bigelows new music, costume, and pyro)5/14/95 included a vignette promoting the debut of Skip & Sunny; featured footage from WWF Superstars of Ray Rougeau interviewing WWF World Champion Diesel, with Psycho Sid & Ted Dibiase appearing in the aisle mid-way through: Hakushi (w/ Shinja) pinned Sonny Rogers with a springboard splash into the ring at 2:44; prior to the bout, footage was shown of Hakushi attacking Bret Hart during the 3/25/95 edition of WWF Superstars Adam Bomb pinned the Black Phantom with a slingshot clothesline into the ring at 2:52 Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Butler Stevens with the Cannonball at 2:38 Bob Holly pinned Barry Horowitz with a dropkick at 1:43 Henry Godwinn pinned Gary Scott WWF Tag Team Champions Yokozuna & Owen Hart (w/ Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji) defeated Kevin Krueger & Gary Anderson, USWA @ Memphis, TN May 1, 1995 Jerry Lawler defeated USWA Champion Razor Ramon to win the title Jerry Lawler & Psycho Sid defeated Brian Lee & Razor Ramon via count-out, USWA @ Memphis, TN May 8, 1995 Jerry Lawler & Psycho Sid defeated Brian Lee & Ron Harris (Eli Blu), WWF @ Providence, RI Civic Center May 12, 1995The scheduled Davey Boy Smith vs. Hakushi match was cancelled after Smith was involved in a car accident on his way to the show Man Mountain Rock defeated Kwang Jacob & Eli Blu defeated the Bushwhackers WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett defeated Bob Holly (sub.

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