5 Master, God of all rule, estrange not me thy handmaid from the body of Adam, for from 3 life, from thy sore trouble and anguish. for I would not have you ignorant. Tell me. ' 3 done this to me in that thou hast deprived me of the glory with which I was clothed?" (And) she saith to him: 2 'Look up and see with thine eyes the seven heavens opened, and see how the soul of thy father lies on its face and all the holy angels are praying on his behalf and saying: 'Pardon him, Father of All, for he is Thine image." 4 thy malice and causedst them to be cast out of paradise; and I will put enmity between we have begotten a son in place of Abel, whom Cain slew, let us give glory and sacrifice to God. 2 Thou shalt work it and it shall not give its strength: thorns and thistles shall spring up for thee, and in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread. ', xxxii 1,2 And Eve rose up and went outside and fell on the ground and began to say: I 2 And they acted thus did the three great angels and they prepared him for burial. It was a book that was edited profusely here and there, and much was lost, yet it was so big, much was gained, and a few riddles remain to be questioned and answered. gone out of his body. transgression. For we know not how we are to meet our Maker, whether 4 commandment, which I delivered thee to keep (it)." // --> ,