68. Ron DeSantis has dropped from 30 to 25 percent in the RCP average. True. Mr. Trump promised in 2016 to end Common Core, but according to PolitiFact, 37 states still use some version of it. . Drew Angerer/Getty Images. In 2019, Mr. Trump signed the Spokane Reservation Equitable Compensation Act for the loss of land that was flooded by the Grand Coulee Dam. Michael Stratford, Trumps Interior Department set a new standard for ignoring Congress, David Bernhardt testifies during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing. Meanwhile, The New York Times in June 2020 reported that US intelligence officials determined Russia paid bounties to Taliban-linked Afghan militants to kill US troops. But the Trump administrations National Defense Strategy stands out as one of the most important defense policy shifts of the last generation, reorienting the American military to confront rising and increasingly aggressive powers Russia and China. But there are bright spots: for example, the first time around the military pay system, an enormous stream of dollars, came back clean. 89. Officials now predict the Defense Department wont be able to pass a full audit until 2027 at the earliest. But his most significant imprint on the Affordable Care Act was an accidental boost that happened when he stumbled into pouring billions of extra federal dollars into subsidizing Americans coverage. The upshot: The Biden administration is facing pressure to quickly rehire scientists to get USDA research agencies back to full capacity, and they are expected to boost spending on research studying threats facing the food system, including climate change. 91. Richard Vogel/AP Photo. 83. The administration has made it harder for victims to obtain the special T visas they used to get when they turned to authorities for help and provided information about their abusers. In fact, the country gained more jobs about eight million between 2014 and 2017, the last years of the Obama administration. Businesses rely on these workers to fill jobs they say they cant fill with U.S. citizens. The impact: Not much, yet. Interior was also sued by outside groups and subject to an internal watchdog audit over complaints it was slow walking public information requests. 110. The impact: The information businesses report to the Treasury Department would be accessible to law enforcement agencies that would have an unprecedented tool to investigate shell companies. Todd Harrison, who directs the Aerospace Security Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, recently told NPR: "It will create a centralized, unified chain of command that is responsible for space, because ultimately when responsibility is fragmented, no one's responsible.". Tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act was a provision that gave all federal workers 12 weeks of paid parental leave for the first time in history. While it was no surprise to anyone who followed his 2016 presidential campaign that Trump wanted to crack down on illegal immigration at the southern border, his administration also imposed tighter restrictions on legal immigration, even of the high-skilled workers he claimed to want in the country. The hotline identified 16,862 potential human trafficking cases. Congress deserves the credit for passing this legislation, which received such broad support that 173 House members and 41 senators were co-sponsors. True. Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic also left the US embarrassed on the world stage, and created a void in global leadership that China has rushed to fill. Congress should also get the credit for passing it. committed $124 Million to rebuild rural water infrastructure. 81. He signed an executive order directing all agencies to repeal at least two existing regulations for each new regulation issued in the 2017 fiscal year and thereafter. Mr. Trump signed an executive order that called for the vigorous enforcement of federal laws protecting religious freedom. Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic. On the eve of the #MeToo era, Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress repealed transparency safeguards designed to protect hundreds of thousands of people working for companies bidding for federal contracts from sexual harassment. The Department of Homeland Security has hired more victim assistance specialists, helping victims get resources and support. The U.S. government has imposed sanctions on Venezuela for more than a decade. Polls showed the tax bill was never very popular, with the Democrats doing a good job of convincing voters it mainly benefited the wealthy. Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels since the U.S. began collecting such data. Ben Lefebvre, Trump imposed a near-ban on government use of Chinese drones, A DJI Mavic Pro Quadcopter drone is seen in flight. The move: The Obama administrations plan would have required automakers to improve fuel efficiency by 5 percent per year, but the Trump administration rolled those targets back to just 1.5 percent improvement each year. In the wake of the brutal death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police and the nationwide protests that followed, Trump also failed to rise to the occasion. 18. But senior military leaders publicly opposed its creation, including Mr. Trumps secretary of defense, James Mattis, because they argued it would create further complicated bureaucracy and counteract the Air Forces work to defend the countrys space assets. Had his Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh confirmed. As was also the case with . He repeatedly attacked the media, leading UN experts to warn that Trump's rhetoric raised the risk of violence against journalists. 108. ET. Lastly, Mr. Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019, which included a provision that gave long-overdue federal recognition to the Little Shell Tribe. Public health experts have cited Trump's nonchalant approach to the virus and tendency to reject science as one of the primary factors in why the US emerged as the epicenter. True. Withdrew the U.S. from the job-killing TPP deal. Recent interest-rate cuts in 2019 also contributed. 84. He riled up his supporters in an inflammatory speech, urging them to march on the Capitol and "fight like hell." Alex Wong/Getty Images. Calling on Congress to do something is not really an accomplishment. According to a study published in May 2019 in Science, Mr. Trump is responsible for the largest reduction in the boundaries of protected land in U.S. history. The move: Many religious education groups praised DeVos changes, which she often described as effort to expand religious liberty. Iran also abandoned the 2015 nuclear deal, which was designed to prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon. 87. But it's always a good idea to compare the rhetoric of politicians with what they have actually done. True. A number of large lenders escaped Federal Reserve rules targeted at the biggest systemically important banks. Trump recently signed 3 bills to benefit Native people. For marijuana supporters, Sessions anti-cannabis rhetoric harkened back to reefer madness days, and they feared he would crack down on the burgeoning state-regulated marijuana industry. Under Trump, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. The upshot: All in all, the agency got away with it: Democrats complained but never followed through on a subpoena threat. In just four years, Trump appointed 54 judges on the 13 US circuit courts. Unclear what data this item is referring to. Congress moved to block the rules, with 10 GOP senators joining Democrats, but Trump vetoed the legislation and the new rules took effect. The upshot: While the tax cuts benefited the economy in the short turn, they failed to pay political dividends for Trump. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress. Trump dismantled Obama-era policies that were designed to curb abuses by for-profit colleges, including rules designed to make it easier for borrowers to obtain loan forgiveness if they were cheated or duped by their college. Manufacturing jobs are growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years. The incoming Biden administration isnt likely to reverse course. Mark Schiefelbein/AP Photo. It was true, but since the pandemic, the Trump administration has seen a net loss of about 200,000 manufacturing jobs, wiping out the past six years of growth, according to the Alliance for American Manufacturing. 44. That bill was introduced by Senator Tom Udall, Democrat of New Mexico. Made HBCUs a priority by creating the position of executive director of the White House Initiative on HBCUs. President Trumps historic tax cut legislation included new Opportunity Zone Incentives to promote investment in low-income communities across the country. 113. The tax cuts signed into law by President Trump promote school choice by allowing families to use 529 college savings plans for elementary and secondary education. True. 9. This list of President Trumps accomplishments has been circulating on social media for months and has most likely been viewed by millions of people. . 26. Krystal L. Williams, an assistant professor at the University of Alabama College of Education who has studied federal funding of H.B.C.U.s, points to publicly available data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System on this matter. The First Step Acts reforms addressed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed Black Americans and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes. The move: In 2018, the Agriculture Department introduced a new rule that aimed to more strictly enforce certain work mandates under the program, making it more difficult for states to seek waivers from SNAP work requirements for able-bodied adults who arent caring for children or other dependents. President Trump leaves office reluctantly Wednesday after compiling one of the most consequential and turbulent records of any one-term leader. . Attempts to expand and modernize apprenticeships, a goal shared by Democrats, are widely seen as a bipartisan bright spot in the Trump administration. It was championed by a bipartisan group of lawmakers and passed unanimously in 2018. True. The passage of the bill marked the first major legislative win in decades to address mass incarceration at the federal level. The move: Officials refused to publicize dozens of studies that carry warnings about the effects of climate change on the agriculture sector. Joe Raedle/Getty Images. Instead, health plans and states quickly figured out a way to claw back the federal dollars they lost: They built the costs of the subsidies into premiums for Obamacares benchmark silver policies. 73. Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, was praised for his efforts to streamline the process of drug approval before he left the administration. Mr. Trump has made reducing regulations a signature part of his legacy. Trump's relentless dissemination of disinformation on an array of topics, particularly the electoral process, led historians and experts on fascism to compare him to dictators like Benito Mussolini. The impact: In the end, as widely expected, the Pentagon failed the audit overall; too much paperwork was missing or incomplete. "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.". President Trump premised his 2016 campaign for the White House on "keeping his promises," a pledge long ignored by lifelong politicians inside the beltway. Providers and other parts of the industry successfully argued that complying with the rules would be too heavy a lift amid the pandemic, so the Trump administration has delayed the effective date. Trump in 2016 campaigned on reducing undocumented immigration, pledging to take a hardline approach. Before the pandemic struck, low-wage workers saw wage increases. In a five-part series, we're bringing you The Trump Years: a look back at what Donald Trump did during his four years as president of the United States and what it means for the future of the . After weeks of rejecting the election result and attempting to overturn the outcome, the president provoked an attempted coup at the US Capitol on the day lawmakers met to certify Biden's Electoral College victory. True. 116. 2. "President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist, neo-Nazis and KKK members," Graham added. Automakers took advantage of Trumps election to ask for moderate changes to those targets, but Trump instead completely scrambled the regulatory scheme, attacked Californias special regulatory authority and created a schism among automakers. True. The impact: Since the passage of the legislation, large banks that lobbied for the looser restrictions have begun to merge. The president routinely flouted public health recommendations before getting infected. Trump at times falsely claimed that ISIS is totally defeated, embellishing the extent of the US military's success against the terrorist organization during his presidency. 56. 98. Bidens campaign also pledged to double the number of OSHA investigators to enforce the law and existing standards. 33. Credit also goes to criminal justice reform advocates from across the political spectrum who pushed these changes for years. the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act, the most comprehensive childhood cancer bill, did not directly change the rules for the credit. The First Step Act expanded judicial discretion in the sentencing of nonviolent crimes. This meant that premiums for these silver plans spiked and as a result, the premium subsidies the government had to pay for low-income enrollees vastly increased. The bill also makes retroactive a 2010 federal sentencing law reducing the sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine offenses. True. Many countries are still mulling whether they share the alarm coming from U.S. officials. 71. Trump never offered a replacement for the Affordable Care Act. True. The pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6 destroyed property and clashed with police. The upshot: One of the first things a Biden administration will likely move to do is instruct OSHA to step up worker safety enforcement including by enacting an emergency standard and ramping up penalties on violators. Trump was subsequently impeached for inciting the violent insurrection. Mr. Trump signed a revised version of the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement, which had been in place since 2012. Heres what I found when I looked into these claims. 85. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said the Obama administrations approach was too lenient, akin to allowing borrowers to access free money at taxpayer expense. Donalds' endorsement is particularly notable because he has been considered a DeSantis ally. . While it is likely the Biden administration will take a more holistic look at future chemicals EPA reviews, it is unclear whether it will have time to re-analyze the chemicals the Trump administration already finished reviewing. The United States has Liberated All ISIS-Controlled Territory Trump signs order directing an increase in Cyber Security Combating High Nonimmigrant Overstay Rates ICE arrests 364 criminal aliens. This appears to have been true at the time. Democratic ads are focused on. One of the most controversial provisions in the legislation shields small lenders from mortgage disclosure requirements intended to help fight discrimination. But tensions over Mr. Trumps 25 percent tariffs on some European goods remain. The impact: Some changes including those that narrow the definition of a specialty occupation and that require employers to pay foreign workers more were expected to reduce the number of approved H-1B visa petitions by one-third. Richard Grenell is leading an effort to decriminalize homosexuality around the globe. As of January 20, the US COVID-19 death toll was on the verge of surpassing the total number of American service members killed during World War II. This proposal bears no resemblance to Mr. Trumps 2016 promise to use the buying power of the federal government to negotiate lower prices for drugs for Medicare patients, which would save hundreds of billions of dollars over a decade. But he would also be hamstrung in a race against Trump by an obvious truth he nodded to in his remarks: his accomplishments as vice president flowed from Trump's as president. With just a week left in office, Trump was impeached for inciting a violent insurrection at the US Capitol. 29. says that he and "other faith-based leaders still support President Trump's 2024 campaign due . Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, two days after announcing an exploratory committee for president, brought his . Zachary Warmbrodt, A Transportation Security Administration employee stands at a booth to learn about a food stamp program. Toby Eckert, Trump cracked down mostly successfully on unwanted calls and texts. The move: DeVos rewrote the Obama administrations rules that govern when federal student loan borrowers can have their debt wiped out as a result of their colleges misconduct, imposing stricter standards of proof. GOP Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah also made history by voting to convict Trump, marking the first time ever that a senator voted to convict a president from their own party. Katy ODonnell, Trump made trade a top priority, but had only mixed results, World Trade Organization logo. And heres our email: letters@nytimes.com. In October, a judge halted the rule and said that it radically and abruptly alters decades of regulatory practice, leaving states scrambling and exponentially increasing food insecurity for tens of thousands of Americans. But the Trump administration appealed that decision in December, prolonging the legal battle. Mr. Trump signed that pay raise into law when he put his signature on an omnibus budget bill, according to Jacqueline Simon, policy director of the American Federation of Government Employees. The upshot: While a Biden administration might be less prone to take actions to disrupt the global supply chain, it also might try to avoid perceptions of being soft on China. Trump signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding Moms. Trumps rejection of strict methane standards has also allowed Europe to claim the global mantle for fighting climate change. Mr. Trump, who campaigned in 2016 on eliminating or drastically reducing the size of the Department of Education, tried to slash federal funding for public schools and dramatically increase funding for school choice and voucher programs. President Trump's policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty. The impact: Perdues contentious decision to relocate hundreds of scientists to Kansas City was among the reasons morale has been so low among department employees, prompting many of them to jump ship, leaving research agencies with a fraction of their former staff. Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo. It is also true that the bill will increase the U.S. debt by at least $1.5 trillion, a shocking amount during prosperous times. It is true that Mr. Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord. The former president was acquitted in a Senate trial, but will still go down as just the third president in US history to be impeached. Lawmakers furious at Silicon Valley have for years taken aim at Section 230, a crucial 1996 legal provision that shields online platforms from lawsuits over the user content they host or decide to restrict. But the sting against Backpage was years in the making. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Michael Gruber/Getty Images; Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images; Samantha Lee/Business Insider, Visit BusinessInsider.com for more stories. In late October, a US raid led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The Pentagon makes up the largest slice of discretionary spending in the federal budget, so it might surprise you that until Trump, no one had conducted an audit of where Americas defense dollars go, and its financial accounting systems were notoriously messy and complicated. 115. Critics argued it was a windfall for massive corporations at the expense of the middle class. He's the first outgoing president since 1869 to refuse to attend the inauguration of his successor. Womens unemployment rate is at a 65-year low. Among the 11 million new voters rallying to Trump's candidacy were millions of Latinos, as the president split the Hispanic vote in Florida and gained 10 percentage points over 2016 to earn. 7. Despite its name, the new branch has not been established to protect the planet from extraterrestrial threats, but is tasked with protecting the US military's assets in space. . At least six migrant children died in US custody, leading to widespread condemnation of conditions in detention facilities. The upshot: While theres bipartisan support for revamping the law, those GOP-led efforts focused on the bias charges are likely to be blocked by Democrats in Congress. And since the pandemic began, between 10 million and 20 million jobs have been lost. Mr. Trump has not kept that promise. | . Those efforts have since been halted in court. According to the Tax Foundation, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act doubled the maximum child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000, while the phaseout threshold was increased from $75,000 to $200,000 for single filers and $110,000 to $400,000 for married couples filing jointly. Top public health experts have repeatedly urged Americans to wear a mask or face covering, touting the practice as the best tool available in fighting the virus. I found when I looked into these claims top priority, but to! Leading an effort to decriminalize homosexuality around the globe lowest levels since the pandemic struck, low-wage saw. Support president Trump & # x27 ; s 2024 campaign due billion in new funding to the. In 2016 campaigned on reducing undocumented immigration, pledging to take a hardline approach children died in US custody leading! By outside groups and subject to an internal watchdog audit over complaints it was championed a... 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