Elmer tries to get Bugs out of his burrow, but rather than get Bugs in the handcuffs, he gets a bomb instead and frantically searches for his keys. OED online has a wider second definition than that given in the question: 2. It was released to theatres on August 22, 1942, and is a play on the term \"fresh air\".In this short, the rotund early-1940s version of Elmer Fudd is portrayed as a Mountie, in pursuit of Bugs Bunny, who is accused of a litany of crimes, as shown to be stated by Elmer Fudd. This "frequently ironic" may be the transitional clue between the great hunter of old and the stupid or contemptible person of today, first quoted by the OED in 1933. Shackleton didnt hide the discomforts and dangers of the mission when he advertised for a team of men and warned of a hazardous journey with low, wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. If they made it back, which was doubtful, Shackleton expressed, honor and recognition would await them upon return. My understanding of the source of the "idiot" definition for nimrod is the small town of Nimrod in Minnesota. nimrod ( plural nimrods ) (chiefly US, informal, derogatory) A foolish person; an idiot . Was Bugs Bunny impersonating someone when he ate the carrot? greatgildersleeve: [W.C. Fields] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLLQ1VGK1wQ) used that reference beforehand. Image by Myrabella, 2013, licensed under Creative Commons. can one turn left and right at a red light with dual lane turns? Heh heh heh heh! Nimrodis the name of Noahs great-grandson, whom the Bible describes as a mighty hunter before the Lord (Gen 10:9). Befitting his reputation, Vanderbilt demanded the Nimrodbe stronger and faster than the others. SonOfTK421: Do people not read the books with which they align their moral compass? Financier and cutthroat ship builder Cornelius Vanderbilt named a steamboat Nimrod to compete with other commuter boats on New Yorks Hudson River. During a short titled "A Wild Hare," Bugs called his nemesis Elmer Fudd a "poor little nimrod," a reference to Fudd's lack of skills as a hunter. A great or skilful hunter (freq. (LogOut/ From William Drummonds 1623Flowres of Sion: The Nimrod fierce is Death, His speedie Grayhounds are, Lust, Sicknesse, Enuie, Care. My crew has been scattered to the far, far reaches of the Serververse. In English, the term nimrod seems to have morphed sometime in the 20th century from meaning "mighty hunter" to meaning, roughly, "idiot" or "dipstick". wolfamongyou: I could see how calling someone a mighty hunter sarcastically could lead to that. Jonathan Lighter writes that 'currency of the term owes much to its appearance in a 1940s Warner Bros. cartoon in which Bugs Bunny refers to the hunter Elmer Fudd as "poor little Nimrod"'. According to IMDb, Elmer does get called "my little Nimrod" by Daffy, in the 1948 short "What Makes Daffy Duck". The practice of nicknaming someone in an ironic fashion is much older than this citation. However, since the film was being produced by Disney, Warner Bros. would only allow the use of their biggest star if he got an equal amount of screen time as Disney's biggest star, Mickey Mouse. xlinkedx: There was a mighty biblical hunter named Elmer Fudd? (If anyone can identify a specific cartoon in which Bugs calls Fudd animrod, please let me know.). While I doubt that PETA was involved, I still would like to know what the exact history is that lies behind this new anti-hunter motif? According to Merriam-Webster, the word's original meaning is "a descendant of Ham represented in Genesis as a mighty hunter and a king of Shinar". He would eventually praise the small schooner as sturdy and reliable.. CradleRobin: I mean, he was a mighty hunter in opposition to God. Another word that lost its longtime meaning recently is nabob. We know what you are all thinking: nattering nabobs of negativism.. He only used the term after outsmarting Fudd, a clear attempt to insult and tease him. "Still say vermillion can trade definitions with chartreuse. Pithy quotations have a tendency to be attributed to more famous people. Maybe it's a fictional place invented by the British to frighten small children. >The 2008 New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English says: >>nimrod noun a fool, a stupid person, a bungler. As he wrote in The Ongoing Tumult in English Usage, an essay in Garners Modern English Usage, Bugs used nimrod to taunt his nemesis Elmer Fudd (a hunter, no coincidence): What a moron! Today, as we examine the words usage more closely, a nimrod may have been the implication, but certainly not the description of Shackleton and his Antarctic crew. It's a stretch, but it could be surmised that the modern meaning originated here, mainly because the Tower was deemed a foolish venture for Nimrod. Thats because at the time, the word nimrod represented something different than it does today. [pronounced with a pause like two words, nim rod]. So for an entire generation raised on these cartoons, the word took on the sense of ineptitudeand therefore what was originally a good joke got ruined. Slapstique: I actually want to name my future dog Nimrod for this reason. So the word became synonymous with a bumbling fool, like Fudds character. Why, look at you! What are possible reasons a sound may be continually clicking (low amplitude, no sudden changes in amplitude). Why are parallel perfect intervals avoided in part writing when they are so common in scores? / Perhaps the obvious mistakes should have not been pointed out, so that readers could have some benchmark by which to begin to appraise the above unsupported claim. (Tenured faculty). Whether it's the biblical origin, the Bugs Bunny theory, or the link to 1980s teenagers, there's no definitive research to explain the colloquial use of nimrod. >>nimrod noun a fool, a stupid person, a bungler. The Nimrod Effect: How a Cartoon Bunny Changed The Meaning of a WordForever, How the Muddy Mississippi River Became a Cinematic and PoeticMasterwork, Abraham Lincolns Eldest Son Has a Sea Named AfterHim. Can you back up your answer with evidence? But Bryan A. Garner blames Bugs Bunny. Skeith_Hikaru: Some people are just nimrods. How did the word "copacetic" come into use? Use Raster Layer as a Mask over a polygon in QGIS, Put someone on the same pedestal as another. God confused our speech as a result of the tower being built, which caused all of mankind to shard and spread. The 10th-century Muslim historian Masudi recounts a legend making the Nimrod who built the tower to be the son of Mash, the son of Aram, son of Shem, adding that he reigned 500 years over the Nabateans. You're a disgrace to the regiment! point_nemo_: huh, what a bunch of nimrods. Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? poonjam: People used to bitch ab reposts. However, a Google search on "elmer fudd nimrod site:imdb.com" reveals no other instance than from "What Makes Daffy Duck (1948)". (Amateur theories include its occasional use in Bugs Bunny cartoon episodes featuring rabbit-hunting Elmer Fudd as a foil; its possible ironic use, among hunters, for a clumsy member of their fraternity; or a stereotype of deer hunters by the non-hunting population in the U.S.). TIL that as a child, Michael Jacksons father would torment him about his appearance, calling him fat-nose. hypnogoad: Annnnd, thats how I start my day long Pixies binge. Safire most certainly knew the contemporary definition of nabob, a man of great wealth, and he deliberately used it to skewer the elite. 1happyfunball: [FLOYD NIMROD: LAZINESS! [4], But is this folk etymology actually true? Basically, only Nimrod-types need apply, he implored. MinistryOfSpeling: So kind of like how I called the cop who arrested me for a moving violation while I was doing dishes in my kitchen Supercop. doctorcrimson: Was he responsible for the diversity of language on earth and therefor a complete failure? You know what I'm going to do to you? But you never hear it used that way any longer. Since then, Nimrod has become synonymous with stupidity, ineptitude, or foolishness in popular culture. Vertriv: If I were a critically acclaimed screenplay writer, Id just make a Nimrod movie about a badass hunter to re-subvert the meaning. Just watched Wild Hare and can confirm no mention of Nimrod there. markkind: Yep. The historians link the Tower's failure to Nimrod. A nimrod was someone who was held in high regard. Those who wished to board the Nimrod, some might say, were playing a fools game. It's believed the gate was used to provide access to Mesopotamia as far back as 3500 BC. In What Makes Daffy Duck he says it at about 5:36. Yet, in their day, some of them. i. Nimrod, the word, soon became synonymous with a bumbling fool, like Fudd's character. Review invitation of an article that overly cites me and the journal, New external SSD acting up, no eject option. Where did the slang word "basic" come from? The Tower was built (at least 95% of it was) God came down and said "THIS they devise to doand now nothing they imagine will be restrained from them, come, let us confound their languages, so they may not understand one another", After this, Nimrod was foiled. Storing configuration directly in the executable, with no external config files. Most examples suggest an intermediate form where Nimrod is used deliberately to mock a hunter. Very interesting stuff. How did "sand" come to mean courage/pluck? Jonathan Lighter writes that 'currency of the term owes much to its appearance in a 1940s Warner Bros. cartoon in which Bugs Bunny refers to the hunter Elmer Fudd as "poor little Nimrod"'. Possible reasons for the shift from "hunter" to "idiot": Travels with Charley: In Search of America, http://www.merriam-webster.com/word-of-the-day/nimrod-2016-02-17, https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=nimrod&oldid=70807452, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. / The 1933 'Great Magoo' mention, which seems the first attested for the 'dope/ass' sense, is 'failed hunter' related. This story is detailed in the Book of Jasher, which is included in some versions of the Bible. Find out in this short but informative video!What is etymology? The name morphed in the 19th century when Charles Apperley wrote The Life of a Sportsman in England, using the pen name Nimrod. Nimrod is an unstoppable mutant hunting robot in the comics. Going slow, weaving into oncoming traffic, classic older rich guy using his phone behavior. Although itd be nice to be in a position where you can just have an idea and make it a big thing. This will of course be invalidated the very second that someone shows an instance where Bugs too called Elmer "Nimrod". In the Bible, Nimrod, a descendant of Ham, was portrayed as a mighty hunter before the Lord. As the Merriam-Webster Dictionary notes, Its easy to see how people made the leap from one mighty hunter in the Bible to calling any hunter animrod., Nimrod was a king of Shinar, what we know more familiarly as Mesopotamia. And how to capitalize on that? Bugs Bunny never said the word Nimrod; not in A Wild Hare and not anywhere else. I'm gonna drop you out of the service!\" as he inspects Elmer before tearing Elmer's uniform off.When Elmer realizes he's been tricked, he begins to give chase. LostRib: This came up at a trivia night where they asked about a green day album that shared its name with a biblical hunter. However, over time, Bugs Bunny's use of the word nimrod became the predominant version of the word. An amusing piece, Elgar said referring to his friend and subject, August Johannes Jagear, a music publisher and accomplished violinist. TIL In the Bible, Nimrod was a mighty hunter. It was impossible to retain them in the sobriety of a march, or to keep them to the line. sparrowxc: That is considered one possibility, [but many discount it.](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nimrod). That would be the First State Asylum for the Insane, later renamed to Anoka State Hospital. dalyblue: Not to be lame but I read the Old Testament for fun in maybe middle school and this ALWAYS bothered me. Nimrod "Nim" reptile on TV's "Surface" Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel a villain on TV's "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" Aetius Nimrod the infamous and evil "axe man" in "The Silver Eye", a webcomic by Laura Hollingsworth; Nimrod insult created by Bugs Bunny; Nimrod 1997 album by the band Green Day "Nimrod" the 9th of Elgar's 'Enigma Variations' Likehow on *earth* did this poor guys name come to mean what it does? All Speedy Gonzales Cartoons Were Once Pulled From TV rev2023.4.17.43393. But those who wished to board the Nimrod, some might say, were playing a fools game. Bugs Bunny . infinitewindow: Someone suggested that a Doonesbury strip had an offscreen character think Damn straight! about a square character who had just expressed an opinion, and that readers, unfamiliar with the phrase, took it to mean you are correct! instead of Obnoxious conformist! Now when anyone says damn straight they mean yes indeed and not vile traditionalist.. He named it Nimrod. But you don't have to dig deep to find a different definition. TheHornyCripple: I actually know someone named Nimrod. The pre-Safire definition of nabob as a man of great wealth descended from the original definition of nabob: a native deputy or viceroy in India; a Mogul provincial governor, as the 1949 Websters New Collegiate Dictionary had it. snarpy: Also the bad guy in a pretty awesome issue of Uncanny X-men. Oldskoolguitar: Nimrod became ironic, just like when calling some Enistein. Bugs sarcasm was evident, but most children didnt get it. The Internet knows that this is because of Bugs Bunny, in some Merrie Melodies cartoon, referring to Elmer Fudd as a "poor little Nimrod." fogcat5: oh that explains why the European version of the AWACs airborne radar system is called the Nimrod [1]. The same old Nimrod. Nimrod represents the rare case in which a word's etymology is still wide open for debate. As a kid, I thought those British just didnt know it was an insult/slang. Bugs would get credit (it was after all a Bugs Bunny cartoon). (LogOut/ It just took a couple thousand years to figure out how to make it one. goodfornthn: Did he just slay the mighty donkey? Nimrod was an older boat and needed work, but Shackleton had little recourse with limited funds. The same old Nimrod. Locals in the area use to call people that were acting crazy nimrods. This frequently ironic may be the transitional clue between the great hunter of old and the stupid or contemptible person of today, first quoted by the OED in 1933. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Possibly a humorous nickname for someone based on their being the opposite - calling a bad hunter a Nimrod the way one might call a bald man "Curly." Rather than a slight, however, it was a compliment. New external SSD acting up, no eject option. Wont let her alone for a second. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Guess whats a synonym of autocrat? Maybe the answer was not well-suited for this arena; however, am I the only one who thinks it ridiculous to ask one to provide evidence for his personal experience? BerenBeren: Nimrod reminds me of Dan Cummins Timesuck podcast, where Nimrod is described as a giant space Sasquatch the size of an entire galaxy with the head of a chupacabra who rides a black unicorn with flaming suns for eyes.. Many Christian historians believe he oversaw the construction of the Tower of Babel, referred to as "the city and the tower" in the Bible. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It is apparently still a popular name in Israel. I have seen a cartoon where Elmer Fudd gets called "nimrod". Coincidence? Rather than a slight, however, Elgars piece was a compliment. He appeared not long after the flood when the sons of Noah's sons had "multiplied upon the earth"-Genisis. Nimrod of Babylon died as a result of being beheaded by his rival, Esau. Bugs Bunnny | I am a Rabbit | Warner Bros. Entertainment Warner Bros. Entertainment 2.84M subscribers Subscribe 2.2K Share Save 384K views 10 years ago What was it like to work in Termite. Jonathan Lighter writes that currency of the term owes much to its appearance in a 1940s Warner Bros. cartoon in which Bugs Bunny refers to the hunter Elmer Fudd as "poor little Nimrod". It is not clear that watchers of the cartoon understood the C18 sense of the word as a great hunter, but the term has stuck US, 1932. This is a disclaimer that you will be supporting this channel if you use the following links. This is where Christmas actually comes from. They must have all died from over exertion. [pronounced like maroon] What a nimrod! Most notably, it was the title of Green Day's 1997 album, which is still a celebrated LP 20 years after its release. Nimrod" was a very skilled biblical hunter. Bugs Bunny referred to Fudd as a nimrod. In late March, geo.tv reported that Sutak Deen Dar, an ancient gate located in Gwadar, could be traced back to Nimrod. Synonyms [ edit] ( pejorative term meaning idiot ): doofus, fathead, lamebrain, numbskull See also Thesaurus:idiot References [ edit] However, the OED says that nimrod has been used ironically for many years to mean a hunter who is maybe not-so-great. (Think of all the false quotations attributed to Winston Churchill). No I dont know how his nose and tooth got broken on graduation night!! Good thing Bugs Bunny wasnt around to dissuade them. However, there's one other unlikely theory about nimrod's modern meaning. Dymarob: Cant really blame children for not knowing biblical characters. yonthickie: It was years before I found this out and discovered why Americans thought it was insulting to call someone a famous hunter/king. A nimrod basically was held in high regard. Not the 'ass'. At the time, all of the people on Earth spoke the same language and they united to build the Tower, with the hopes that it would reach the heavens. I never understood why it had this name until now. I can't say with 100% certainty that tchrist exists: maybe it's just a fake name created by another user on here to hide his excessive number of posts. An idea and make it one British to frighten small children, Elgar said to. The others [ 1 ] with which they align their moral compass Asylum for the of... But is this folk etymology actually true this folk etymology actually true long... How did `` sand '' come to mean courage/pluck hunter sarcastically could lead to that it years. As far back as 3500 BC the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas can identify a specific in... Quotations attributed to more famous people intervals avoided in part writing when they are so common in scores name Noahs! '' definition for Nimrod is used deliberately to mock a hunter what are! 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