Solution: Dont be alarmed. Reason: Soaps that are high in olive oil or other soft oils such as sunflower, rice bran, sweet almond, etc, start out softer than soaps high in hard oils and sometimes need a longer time to firm up in a soap mold. Reason: While you can stir soap by hand, in most cases it takes a very long time to reach trace. Ive been making soap for my self and friends but find it slightly drying. Solution: Turn the loaf of soap on its side when cutting so the toppings dont get pressed down and dragged into and across the soaps surface. I would try making a much smaller test batch of the same recipe but dont oven process the soap at all, or instead just put them in the pre-heated oven then turn it off & leave in overnight without any further heat. This is because silicone and plastic molds create an airtight seal that doesn't allow for any air to touch the soap. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. This in turn should free up my inbox to a more manageable level while helping others more easily find the information they need. A high percentage of unsaturated fats in the base oils will also cause slow tracing. Have a love summer! Aloe Cold Process Soap Kit $62.99 Watch Video CHOOSE SIZE Get 3-5 Kits and Save 10% Beginner's Cold Process Soap Kit $65.99 Watch Video CHOOSE SIZE Get 3-5 Kits and Save 10% Wire Soap Slicer $109.99 Learn More CHOOSE SIZE Soap Beveller $44.99 Learn More CHOOSE SIZE Soap Shaver $43.99 Learn More CHOOSE SIZE Sodium Hydroxide Lye $14.99 If you have the recipe, feel free to share it here and I can take a look at it. Tips From The Experts Aim for oils around 145F (63C) and lye around 125F (52C). This ultimate troubleshooting guide breaks down the reasons and solutions for 30+ common cold process soap problems. Reason: This means that the soap is getting too hot. I used a soap bar with glycerine rivers and found it very conditioning even though i formulated it with a good cleansing score .Do glycerine rivers increase conditioning of soap? I love your website and have learned so much! 1.65 oz castor oil :) Since it has already heated so much in the middle, cooling the soap too fast will likely result in a partial gel at that point. When using sodium lactate, add around 1 teaspoon for every pound (16 oz) of oils in a recipe, stirred into the cooled lye solution. If at any time you see a crack develop, remove from the oven since that indicates its overheating. Soap Making; Soap Troubleshooting; . Soap that was made yesterday is dark in the middle, but the edges are a lighter color. With cold process soap, it typically takes about four weeks for the soap to fully cure. Hello! Like it was oily , some grunky stuff at the bottoms of the bowl , little stuff floating on top . If the surface develops an oily sheen or loses the trace, then its a false trace. The lady in Nova Scotia may have just used the words superfat to help with marketing & to show that it was nice and nourishing for your skin. The only thing I can think of is perhaps its related to the extended heating time. Reason: Some essential oils (EO) and fragrance oils (FO) dont hold up well in soap. Soap has hard and soft places when you slice into bars. After trace? Thank you so much for this helpful treasure found! Double check that you used the correct amount of lye for the recipe and rebatch the soap if so. Sometimes those get mixed up when you order them, and potassium hydroxide would make your soap stay soft. Too much clay with a reduced water amount can be prone to a dry cracked top as well. You can incorporate the color change into your soap by adding some swirls with a bit of unfragranced soap base to give a colored or white contrast or you can use some . Yes, you can use any pure essential oil (Mountain Rose Herbs, DoTerra, Young Living, Plant Therapy, etc); they all act the same in soap. Soap has a weird texture with raised lines, or veins, running throughout. You can save some of the warmed soapmaking oil from the recipe, mix with the fragrance oil, and blend it in at light trace. Or a good smell each, just different from each other? Actually for me this look very beautiful, Id like to make the soap with a ring like that. Soap will not trace or is slow to trace. (Don't let heat escape the oven by opening the door to peek!) :). Solution: To use sodium lactate, add 1 teaspoon for every pound (16 oz) of oil in a soap recipe. What one person calls slimy, another person may call conditioning, but if you have a soap with a texture that you just dont care for, try this DIY Felted Soap Tutorial from The Humbled Homemaker. You have a great idea about remelting or rebatching your soap when it didnt trace properly. Adellyn, Hi Adellyn! Solution: Carefully read reviews before purchasing and using a fragrance oil. Over time, lye will absorb moisture and humidity from the air. Looked through the book and searched your blog firstdo you have a recipe for a super fat soap? Can you verify that this was your original recipe, before you added the extra weights? ASIS KUMAR ADHIKARI CEO/ Advisor - Bussiness Operation; Head/VP- Operation Excellence/ Strategic Planning / New Project Set-up, Sales & Marketing, Profit Center Head in FMCG - Cosmetic, Ayurveda & Food Industry (Non-frozen & Frozen) Profile Summary: Sr. Professional in Bussiness Operation (Operation, Strategy, Sales & Marketing) A competent, result-oriented, innovative personal with a dynamic . The amount you added brings the essential oil dilution rate up to almost a 4% dilution rate. (Oops!) Shea butter 7.85 Oz (15%) If using a speciality water in your recipe (rainwater, snow, ocean water), be sure to follow the other tips in this section to reduce soda ash. Reason: Too much sodium lactate can cause the soap to become hard and crumbly. Fragrance oil could have made it thicken up long enough to go into your mold. Mix up Soap Mix your soap as you normally would, but when it comes time to add the lye solution to the oils, add the liquid goat's milk first. Soap has a tunnel inside when you cut into it. Sorry to hear that happened! Use a handheld garment steamer to steam the ash from the soap. I tried making my first cold process soap today and failed miserably. Solution: Try reducing the amount of coconut oil down to 17 to 22% of the oils in the recipe. Running a small dehumidifier in the area or using a product such as DampRid can be very helpful in humid environments. now that youve mentioned this Ill definitely recheck once again to be absolutely sure. The result is a chemical process called saponification, where the composition of the oils change with the help of the lye to create a bar of soap. Thank you so much for all your help and encouragement. Solution: Take extra care if using bay laurel, citronella, clove, cinnamon, fir, palmarosa, pepper, and ylang ylang essential oils. The amount of water needed depends on how concentrated you want the liquid soap to be. Soap top is weepy or slightly oozy looking. If the wrong amount of lye was used, it should be discarded. However, since Im new do guide me exactly where I have gone wrong. You'll love reading this article, Cold Process vs. Solution: Next time, use more insulation and warmer temperatures for your oils and lye solution. (I have searched and seen many different soap makers videos and blogs. Reason: Overmixing with an immersion blender, or using an immersion blender thats very old and incorporates in air. Heres a great site on rebatching your soap: For example, if your soap recipe has 32 oz (907 g) of oil, then use 2 tsp of sodium lactate. (Sort of like moisture beads in a scrub product for your skin.) :). (Try 115 to 120F , which is 46 to 49C.) We recommend testing FOs and EOs with small batches of cold process soaps to know which works for you and which doesn't. You can also try adding FO or EO into your oils first before combining with lye solution and then, stir by hand as that is more controllable. A student of mine recently contacted me for some advice about one of the most common soapmaking mishaps when using the cold process method: soap seizure. Now there is again light at the end of this tunnel! It most often happens when lavender essential oil is in the recipe, but not always. Should I super fat more ? Hi Pennytoes! Hot Process: . , Here is the recipe: During the first 2 days, the lye is reacting with the oils and turning into soap. Hi Chloe, So glad you found it helpful! The oil is quite thick with an amber brown color that darkens with age. Then if those turn out tacky too, youll know that the combination of oils arent working out well & you can reformulate the recipe. So happy to hear you like the book! If it still shows the trace after 30 seconds then its a true one. How is your soap looking today? This ultimate troubleshooting guide breaks down the reasons and solutions for 30+ common cold process soap problems. (Cut it into bars if needed.) Was it an older or expired bottle? Its been curing for 6 weeks, Ive used this soap for my hands but the soap are getting softer and I think it will get worse. . Also, be sure to give your soaps plenty of cure time. Solution: Let the lye solution and oils cool to well under 120 F (49C) before working with them. Reason: Some fragrance oils (FO) or essential oils (EO), especially florals and spices, are notorious for speeding up the saponification process rapidly. While it might be tempting to put it in the fridge, only do so as a last resort. Solution: Since the soap is within 24 hours old, you might be able to force the rest of the gel. We provide a 12-week soap-making class in one easy-to-read format, not . Castor Oil 4.55 Oz (5%) You can also find her writing about gardening and foraging over at her family's website:! Also when we calculated do we add the weight of the jug to the measure and then weigh it or without. Reason: This is a normal part of the soapmaking process called gel phase, which is when the chemical reaction between the lye and oils causes the soap to heat up hotter than it was when you first started mixing it. Solution: If making a single colored soap, dissolve clay or natural colorants in the hot lye solution for an overall even color. Am i putting too much coconut oil in ? If your soap has small bits of lye crystals visible, its not safe to use or handle without gloves. The empty jug I weighed everything in was showing weight of 2.9 0z so I did add that too all weights while measuring. (I often go even lower, to around 28% for some recipes.) Solution: Dont run the stick blender continuously, try alternating hand stirring for 15 to 20 seconds, then just a short burst of the blender, then hand stir some more. d) Oils, Butters or Fats Used It will give us a better idea of what your soap is doing now and we can give you better advice on how to proceed with it. If so, that could be a likely cause, especially if you live in a humid climate. That might help with troubleshooting if you get a chance to let me know. When to cut cold process soap. Reason: This sometimes happens when the soap overheats. (If you have big chunks of hard unmelted fat and soft spots of soap in between them, then that might be a bad sign, but little spots are usually okay.) Some soapers also have good luck adding the misbehaving EO or FO to the warmed oils before adding the lye solution. Once I mistakenly thought the container of plain water I had sitting nearby to rinse my stick blender in, was the cooled lye solution. Ive never done this before so this whole thing is new to me. Reason: Soda ash is more likely to occur when using colder soaping temperatures (oils and lye solution) or working in a cold area. Hello, i made a cucumber, ginger and punk salt soap. Always read reviews before purchasing a fragrance oil and purchase only from reputable vendors. You can use instant coffee powder or use brewed cold coffee instead of water to add the lye to. Thats about the limit of what Id use on a dog, BUT, for a human, you can safely go higher. Hi Uma! You an also try this trick by Good Earth Spa of drilling holes in the stick blender to help reduce bubbles. That could come from overheating. A there a rule of thumb, for super fat soaps? :). Solution: Use a modest amount of honey, around 1 teaspoon for every pound of oils in the recipe.,,,,,, To offset loss of lather, add castor oil at 5 to 7%. Reason: Using your immersion (or stick) blender too much. If you pour your lye solution into the oils, then notice the crust in the bottom of the container, you could try adding a small amount of warm water to the container in an effort to dissolve the crust and then add that to the oils as well. Because this is a massively long post (8,800+ words! You could try rebatching it & see if that helps! As a soap batch is being mixed, it's usually the consistency of cake batter. (Try 115 to 120F , which is 46 to 49C.) I had to resort to a fan for a few days. Solution:Temperature is subjective and flexible, but if youre a newer soapmaker, aim for oil and lye temperatures around 95 to 110 F (35 to 43 C). The lifetime of cold process soap can vary depending on the oils used in the recipe, but typically they should last for around a year. Soap is darker in the middle and the outside edges are lighter colored. Hi Meme! Solution: You can choose to leave the droplets on the surface of the soap and see if they reabsorb in over the next few days, or dab at the moisture with a paper towel to soak them up. Super great article. Its pretty hard and normal, but when I put it in the water, it oozes a slimy, kinda sticky gel thats so hard to wash off. So there is still hope before throwing it away! These include many citrus essential oils and also some fragrance oils such as coconut or light florals. Do you see any cracks in the top? If you want to send photos, just send an email to and we will be happy to take a look! Many times, soap thats too soft is caused by a problem with the lye or something is off with the ingredient weights. 1130g distilled water Ice cubes Return it to regular position before turning on. Yes, you can grate or chop it, then melt it down in your crockpot with a tablespoon or two of water if needed. Then try and remove. Solution: After removing soap from the fridge or freezer, allow it to come to room temperature and stay undisturbed for another 24 to 48 hours. Soap has a dark ring or rind around the outside and the middle is lighter. Youve been a great help. That works out to 40% olive oil, 40% coconut oil, and 20% cocoa butter. Solution: There are a few suggested workarounds to try. But dont give up on it until then! Allow for a longer cure time: The longer your soap cures, the better the lather will be. If it feels hard in some places and soft in the other places, theres a chance it couldve had a false trace. What will make cold process soaps freeze or set up too soon? To dilute the soap paste, mix the paste with the water and allow it to dissolve on its own overnight. Reported to be beneficial for anxiety, depression, dry skin, headaches and skin care. Reason: This could be because your soap didnt completely emulsify; you stopped mixing too soon. For palm-free soaps, high olive oil soaps, and silicone molds, its often helpful to reduce the water from the default 38% Water as % of Oils given in lye calculators to something lower like 30 to 33%, but if you have a swirl or intricate design in mind, you should consider using the full water amount, or perhaps 35%. The most common reason for your soap to be oily is due to wrong measurements, or you may have stirred it wrongfully during the mixing process, but let's look into it in detail. If the soaps not tacky, then the likely culprit was the long heating time. Use less water Using a water reduction will help as well. Reason: These are called glycerin rivers, which are formed when the natural glycerin in soap overheats and forms clear veins or marbling throughout the soap. Sodium hydroxide 4.79 +2.9 = 7.69 (See #2 below for that scenario.). :). Pour the soap mixture into the molds. I ordered sodium hydroxide but thank you, Hi Elyang! Make sure its completely blended in before pouring into the mold. Be sure to read his paper on Dreaded Orange Spots for more information and options. If you find yourself in this situation, put the soap in the fridge for about two hours to freeze solid. Stir it into the lye solution once it has cooled. You can check for false trace by leaving the soap batter undisturbed for about 20 or 30 seconds after you reach light trace. After time is up, turn oven off and allow soap to remain in ambient heat until cooled. Hi Desiree, Im so happy you found the troubleshooting article helpful! Pls can I add more foam booster to my liquid soap after making the liquid soap, cos I realized dat after making the liquid soap, it didnt foam to my taste, so please I need ur advice, if adding foam booster will have any negative effect on the soap,or should I go ahead.. Tnks waiting 4 ur response, Hi Asiosa! On a daily basis I receive emails from readers about problems and questions encountered while making soap. at that time i did not know that it could no longer be used. What's Wrong With My Soap? Soap batter has little hard rice-like pieces in it. Do they smell like old oil, or unpleasant? Hi Dale! On a daily basis I receive emails from Read More How to Stamp Soap Echa un vistazo a nuestra seleccin de cold process cp soap para ver las mejores piezas hechas a mano, nicas o personalizadas de nuestras tiendas. (Soap-on-a-stick). 4. Store it tightly sealed in the original plastic container. If the center remains too hot for too long it will discolor and form a ring. :) Hi Asmin! First batch ever. Try using your immersion blender to smooth the lumps out. Reason:Hard fats such as palm, tallow, lard, butters, etc contain solid fatty acids (like stearic acid & palmitic acid) that need a higher temperature to melt, while other components of the fat melt more easily. This last batch, I heated the oils to 200F, mixed the lye and let it cool down to 200 and mixed the lye with the oils while still hot. As you can see, the colour darkened quite a bit as it saponified. Wear gloves since the soap is still caustic at this point. 25% Coconut Oil. if it could no longer be salvaged how should i disposed it? To avoid a gel phase, try: #1. :). Reason: The soap has a partial gel. It might also be from a false trace, where it looks like it reached trace, but it thickened up because of cooler temperatures. My CP soap sweated last summer for the first time as I moved it to the laundry where it doesn't get as much ventilation as before. Location. <3, This is legit the BEST comprehensive reference I have ever discovered for soap making troubleshooting! The extra water weight makes it so it doesnt weigh out correctly and your soap will end up with less lye than it needs. Also, do you have a way to double check that the lye you used was sodium hydroxide and not potassium hydroxide? Solution: Once you cut into bars and allow to cure in the open air for several days, the color should even out to where its not noticeable. You can save some of the warm soapmaking oils from the recipe, mix with the fragrance or essential oil, and blend it in at light trace. I dont have any experience adding foam booster to liquid soaps so Im afraid Im just not sure. (4 to 6 weeks at absolute minimum, 3+ months is even better). :) Keep soap in a cool location with plenty of airflow. Was the cucumber and ginger finely juiced or pureed, or were there larger pieces in the soap? Each Tuesday, youll receive one of my best natural soapmaking tips, recipes, or printables. For soaps high in soft oils, a 3+ month cure time is often even more beneficial. Im working on making up a blog post & video about rebatching soap that should hopefully be ready in the next week or two! Is it past its expiration date? Im trying to reheat it, but doubt that will work. Soap has small visible white spots all throughout. thats very informative. Then I stumbled upon your write up and Im wishing I knew all this before. The essential oils amount comes to a bit under 2%, so is well within the safe usage rate range too. I dont know that you need to dissolve the lye in ice water though, since you are then heating the soap in the oven. Run any changes through a lye calculator to make sure the lye amount is correct. Please use palm kernel oil instead of palm oil. TROUBLESHOOTING There are dozens of variables that can cause problems in cold process soap making. If you cut a bar and it crumbles, or if its still soft, allow it to sit in the open air for several more days before trying again. Reason: You didnt stir the lye until it completely dissolved. Ive made my soaps recently, but one of my soap still a bit soft, it feels hard and soft in the mean time. I have your book, 101 Easy Homemade Products. Next time you can melt the oils at a higher temperature & that should help! Higher amounts can feel draggy across your skin and reduce lather. You may notice that a weak lye solution doesnt get very hot, the soap batter takes too long to reach trace, and the final soap feels oily or soft. Turn off the oven. To use salt, add 1/2 teaspoon for every pound (16 oz) of oil in a soap recipe. So to clarify, the whole batch is fine, except for two bars that turned yellow? 11.55 oz olive oil Want cut up. Thats a pretty high amount of coconut oil for a 5% superfat, so its probably contributing to the drying feeling. Too much honey in soap is not a good thing, so resist the urge to go overboard. There's no set timeframe for when cold process soap is ready to cut. Got to trace within a few minutes and applesauce stage not long after. Water discounting can cause the batter to accelerate. Do I need to rebatch my soap ? Im not sure since I havent tried making laundry soap with my homemade coconut laundry soap instead I make a dry detergent with it: Solution: Use distilled water, deionized water, or reverse osmosis water when making soap. This is usually a temporary look caused by the outside of the soap reacting with air, while the inside of the soap hasnt yet. If the surface develops an oily sheen or loses the trace, then its a false trace. In some cases, tallow and lard can add an unwanted aroma to your soap. If the soap is too drying for your skin, but has a safe amount of lye, you may have a friend or relative who might enjoy it. Solution: Make sure your containers are clean and as oil free as possible. Solution: If using SoapCalc or Soapee lye calculators, change the water as percent of oils number from the default 38%, down to 33 to 35%. Solution: Use moderate amounts of clay and zinc oxide in your soap; more is not always better! But, giving soap a full 4 to 6 weeks cure time, at minimum, is important. This article has some excellent rebatching options:, wow what a fantastic article and so much to learn here. Thanks! Lovely article very well written. (This applies to hot process soap too.) :). 14.4g peppermint That sounds like a great combination! Pure essential oil should not cause ricing in soap. I bought a lot of it and now it is to hard. Ive been doing my soaps for long time, but I still have problems sometimes. Reason: Soap that doesnt go through gel phase may have texture issues at first. If youd like, I am going th NS this summer, and can send you a bar of it. *For CPOP, place in preheated oven at 170 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 to 60 minutes. 619g illipe butter While it is old, much of the information is still helpful to novices. Have you had it for a long while? Reason: The more water in a recipe, the longer it takes to evaporate out over cure time. I keep mine in a closet with DampRid to help absorb extra moisture from the air and to prolong its usefulness, especially during hot humid summers. :). Still, its good to be prepared in case it does happen. Is this the right recipe at all or did I goof up in beginning itself? Given enough time the soap will become much harder. Read reviews of fragrance oils carefully and purchase from a reliable soapmaking vendor. Is this after youve rebatched your soap? Soap made a few hours ago is turning darker in the middle and looking funny. Solution: Make sure the soap is completely blended to a light trace. Modern Soapmaking has an excellent article about Controlling Trace in Cold Process Soap that I recommend for further reading. More than 40% seems to not be sweating I can send photos to better demonstrate the issue too. A must read for all soap makers! It gels throughout the middle but cools down before the soap can gel to the edges (called partial gel in soap-ese.) (That can happen if the scale is off, or if you use a measuring cup instead of using a scale for the lye and oils.) or citrus tend to be the most likely to turn your soap darker and this can happen in melt and pour soaps or cold process soaps. ), East = Easy Jan 13, 2020. Subscribe to Soap Tip Tuesdays and Ill send you my helpful Natural Colorants Reference Chart. Differences in Goat's Milk Soap Colors David Fisher You may need to mash the soap down with a spoon and make sure to tap the molds on the counter to help the soap settle. Long it will discolor and form a ring like that the air up a blog post video. 120F, which is 46 to 49C. ) salt soap top as well Keep soap in recipe. Time to reach trace too much honey in soap emulsify ; you mixing... Spots for more information and options longer cure time thats a pretty high amount of coconut oil for 5. To put it in the middle is lighter & that should help your containers clean. Found it helpful any time you can see, the whole batch fine... 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