Keeping your damper working properly is important. Thanks for the tip on water pressure! One option is to try and use a tool to help you turn the knob. Why does one burner on my gas stove release no gas, but the rest work fine? Then, hit the fireplace's ignition switch, which is typically a red button located near the control knob. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Then, you can turn off the gas fireplace knob situated under the fireplace. Next time a penetrating oil like PB Blaster or Liquid Wrench might help. It was still hot out and that pilot was throwing off a good amount of heat so I used the wall shut-off valve to turn it off. Congratulations. As a result, your gas fireplace will not be fully lit up as well. If your valve is old or damaged, it might be sticking because its not seating properly anymore. I can easily stand a little internet poking but rude, ridiculous rants that cover three standard deviation cases without adding anything constructive to the thread just get in the way of a solution. Getting a tool with linear slot that fits over the valve's knob which appears to be created for opening valves. We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Doing so allows the chimney to exhaust all the smoke that is created by the fire, without losing all the heat.
\nYou can clean a dirty or rusty damper with a wire brush along with lots of elbow grease. The way a gas fireplace works is pretty simple. Turning the knob to the off position stops the flow of gas to the combustion chamber and extinguishes the flame. Its stuck about 3/4 of the way to completely open. (Rob's suggestion) As the valve is located outdoors, there was a bit of rust or dirt that can add friction to the valve. The average gas fireplace produces around 30,000 BTUs of heat, which is enough to warm up a 500 square foot room. When the damper is operational, work it back and forth while applying a high-temperature lubricant at all the joints and moving parts. If your gas fireplace knob is stuck or wont budge, there are a few possible reasons why. More about us. I have pros that I've used for many years & they seem to enjoy working for mego figure. (Rob's suggestion) As the valve is located outdoors, there was a bit of rust or dirt that can add friction to the valve. Stuck or Non-Working Fireplace Dampers. After the fire has started, close the damper as far as possible without causing smoke to back up into the room. . When the knob is in the off position, gas stops flowing to your fireplace and the pilot light goes out. This guide can help get you on the path to a warm and cozy night by a burning fire. First, make sure that the gas valve is in the off position. 2. Purging the air from the tubing allows gas to flow through it and produce a flame more easily. They also appear regularly on CBS News Saturday Morning.
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