Queen Yolande of Celene declares neutrality of her realm, and imposes a strict isolationism. * Sariel Galanodel, elven wizard (Cecilia Baader) * 503 BYC ** Dwarven hero Ctemiir acquires the magical warhammer Whelm. The Royal Astrologers proclaimed it as a great portent, confirming the sign of a coming Age of Great Sorrow prophesied by Selvor the Younger fifteen years earlier. (From the Ashes 7), Ket allies with Iuz, and promptly attacks Bissel. * 575 CY Reports of massive raiding by giants across the western kindgoms. You should check them out. [1], In 535 OR (-110 CY), during the reign Grand Prince Almor II, House Rax defeated its western rival Nyrond in the Battle of a Fortnight's Length. [1], The Kingdom of Aerdy set about expanding throughout the Flanmi Basin, spending its early decades conquering the neighbouring Flan and Suel. In 428 OR (-216 CY), the scion of House Garasteth, Lord Mikar, became the first grand prince (equal to a king). Manshen divided the western marklands into the Viceroyalty of Nyrond, ruled by a junior branch of House Rax from Rel Mord, and and the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, ruled from Dyvers. . ** Mass executions follow, ordered by Ivid V. (unbeknownst to much of the Flanaess, Ivid murders loyal generals and turns them into undead servants. Lyzandred, trapped in his private demiplane, finally succumbs to death and becomes a lich. The plague known as the Red Death sweeps across the Flanaess. (From the Ashes 7), The Battle of Innspa marks the peak of the Aerdy invasion of Nyrond. [6], The dispute resulted in a period of civil war lasting nine years, during which assassination of nobles and shifting of alliances were common. Nature: The Common Years deal with the Rise and Fall of the Oeridian Kingdom of the East, styled The Great Kingdom of Aerdy. This reckoning will most likely continue to be used as long as the fragments of this large kingdom continue to vie for power, and as long as the powers which have been revealed in this age continue their struggles. ** (2033 OR), 505 CY Imprisonment of Iuz in beneath the Castle Greyhawk. * 576 CY ** Autumn (week before Brewfest): Rose, Ehrendil, Norah and Sariel arrive in the City of Greyhawk. Wilson, Steve. (From the Ashes 6), Nyrond moves against the Hold of Stonefist, striking first in the Phostwood, but staying close to the borders of the kingdom. (845 OR), 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. These clans worshiped powers of the Oerth and sky, and they read signs and portents in the heavens. The tyrannical Ivid I assumed the Malachite Throne at the price of granting greater autonomy to the provinces, notably Medegia, Rel Astra, and Almor. (Guide 9), The City of Greyhawk nationalizes the Cairn Hills smelting trade. The Index is based on previous work of Jason Zavoda through '08, and his work as continued and updated by Eric Johnson, Richard DiIoia, Jason "PupickDad" Jacobson, a French fan group, and numerous other fans over the years. Plus, you have our The Scarlet Brotherhood invades the Hold of the Sea Princes. (917 OR) Campaign Content Breakdown: 45% Combat/ 35% Narrative (RP) / 20% Exploration. [4], In 437 CY, Overking Nalif of House Rax was assassinated by House Naelax. (899 OR) 272 CY Padin the Vain uses the Hand of Vecna to start the Insurrection of the Yaheetes, a Flanae enclave in the North Province. [citation needed][5], Regrettably, the Turmoil Between Crowns also resulted in the destruction of the Royal Guild of Navigators, the august body responsible for developing a more accurate method of navigating the oceans and seas of Oerth, by creating a system of longitude and latitude. "Greychrondex." Due to the cooperative effort of the various Aerdi tribes settling in the Flanmi basin, they expanded quickly. So, 1,235 years ago, began the Great Migrations to which the modern reckoning of the Oeridians is dated. * 551 CY Discovery of gold and treasure under Castle Greyhawk sparks local economic boom. **, * 1473 BCY ** Keraptis the mage becomes protector of northern Flan people in Tostenhca in the Griff Mountains. (843 OR), 200 CY City of Leukish began as a trading post. After the withdrawal of Nyrond from the Great Kingdom, the slide became precipitous. They oversaw a fractured Great Kingdom, but they did so with iron fists and villainous glee. He is corrupted by it. **, * 576 CY ** Autumn: Theft of magical items spark rumors in the City of Greyhawk that the wizard Keraptis has returned to White Plume Mountain. Celene achieves full independence, Yolande elevated to queen of Celene. Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene . * Rose Flickflower, halfling paladin, wields Blackrazor (Lexi Greenberg) The ultimate fate of Ivid V was unknown, but with certainty the rule of the Overkings of Rauxes had come to an end. * 550 CY ** Ulanu Flickflower leaves home, uses false names as a wandering charlatan in Keoland and Ulek nations. AGE OF MEN ** Ages of Glory, of Dreams, of Fairies, Gods, and even Great Sorrows. JavaScript is currently disabled. (3009 OR), 576 CY Guide to the World of Greyhawk completed by Pluffet Smedger the Elder. In 213 CY, an Age of Great Sorrow, proclaimed by Selvor the Younger in 198 CY, was confirmed . Nasran was by all accounts a wise and dutiful ruler, and few openly begrudged him his claim. Perhaps the proudest, most warlike, and powerful of these tribes were the Aerdi, their name meaning sky people in the old tongue. Ivid I who accedes to Malachite Throne. It was the prudence of House Cranden that solidified the realms power structure over the next century. The Malachite Throne soon became known as the Fiend-Seeing Throne, and it was widely believed (with good reason) that the Ivid overkings consorted with evil outsiders. (Players Guide to Greyhawk 5), Battle of Critwall Bridge results in victory for Furyondy, securing the eastern borders of the realm against Iuz. Ancient legend predicted that the return of Vatun, who had vanished centuries ago, would signal the birth of a barbarian empire in the north. Assassination of nearly all of the House of Rax. (800 OR), 198 CY The appearance of the Ball of Fire over the South of the Great Kingdom. ", Q: "In Dragon 315, Jim Ward talks about the origins of the Greyhawk setting, and is quoted as having said: 'He [Gygax] had the whole world mapped out'. **, * 347 CY ** Magical experiment kills Tysiln Sans mage mentor, prompting her to travel the surface world alone. * circa 13,000s BCY ** Faction of isolationist elves settle in The Valley section of the Barrier Peaks. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. * 406 CY ** Jaran Krimeah born to the House Rax within the city of Rauxes in the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. (2099 OR), 566 CY Alliance of Drow with Giants in the West of the Flanaess. **, * 576 CY ** Summer: Rose (Ulanu) Flickflower, Norah Brithel, Sariel Galanodel kidnapped by Slave Lords, sold to duergar at White Plume Mountain. (LGG, 39-40). And there is some depth dealing with Dwarves and Elves. Holian, Gary; Mona, Erik; Reynolds, Sean K.; Weining, Frederick (2000), All events in Gygax's original timeline had six different dates due to the six different calendar systems used by the great civilizations of Gygax's world. For a full article on the topic with citations, please see Great Kingdom at Greyhawkonline.com. But another age is prophesied: An age of darkness, of decay, and of . This controversy would be recognized as the beginning of a succession crisis known as the Turmoil Between Crowns. * 1243 BCY ** About 100 gnomes return to The Valley to share new magical knowledge for weapons and defenses against raiders. The settled lands were divided among individual Aerdi noble families, notably the houses of Garasteth, Cranden, Darmen, Rax, and Naelax. ** ** The Brithel family are robotics experts, rivals to the famed Kwalish who lived just north of The Valley. * 576 CY ** Autumn: Rose, Ehrendil, Norah, Sariel, Bahkgarr the bullywug and others escape White Plume Mountain with Blackrazor, Whelm and Wave. **, * 781 BCY ** Mountain inhabitants of Tostenhca all die, said to be due from a curse placed by Keraptis using his Null Enigma device. * 576 CY ** Summer: Rose (Ulanu) Flickflower, Norah Brithel, Sariel Galanodel kidnapped by Slave Lords, sold to duergar at White Plume Mountain. * circa 8000s BCY Torhoon human peoples overthrow yuan-ti empire. * circa 13,000s BCY Kopru (serpent-like amphibians) start undersea empire on Oerth. 261 years ago Future city of Greyhawk established as a trading post. [1], In 428 OR (-217 CY),[2] Lord Mikar of House Garasteth was crowned the first Grand Prince of Aerdy. * circa 13,000s BCY ** Faction of isolationist elves settle in The Valley section of the Barrier Peaks. The whole of the south arose again in violent rebellion, and one year later formed the Iron League and allied with Nyrond. [3], The last decade of the rule of Overking Nalif was marred by internal schisms. [1], This began an era of decline for the Great Kingdom, with successive Overkings being increasingly decadent and incompetent, leading to the gradual collapse of the Great Kingdom. (2060 OR), 537 CY King Belvor III of Furyondy dies in his sleep. * 576 CY ** Spring: Sariel Galanodel arrives on Oerth, explores Keoland and the Ulek nations. [8], 375 (2084 OR), 555 CY The Frutzii are conquered by the Schnai. (3016 OR), 583 CY Destruction of Shield Lands; Ossians Raid, fall of Medegia; Rise of the Pomarj; Fall of Geoff and Sterich, Conquest of Bissel; Usurpation of the Lordship of the Isles, Fall of the Sea Princes. (3000 OR), 567 CY The Beggars War in Greyhawk Beggars Union defeated by Thieves Guild. The Great Kingdom saw a brief, violent resurgence during the reign of Ivid V, who assumed the Malachite Throne in 556 CY. 584-586 CY: The Greyhawk Wars. [3] It continued to grow over the next century under the rule of the Overkings of House Rax, notably the ambitious Erhart I and Toran I. * 576 CY ** Autumn (Brewfest): Stelfast Holdren and Maura arrive in the City of Greyhawk, are almost kidnapped by Evangelor Umpirt and other Slave Lords; Rose, Ehrendil, Norah, Sariel save the centaur and his young ward. ** University of Rauxes sacked. ** -217 CY Founding of the Kingdom of Aerdy. * 574 CY ** Winter: An unending winter storm forms above the northern Archbarony of Blackmoor. (2003 OR), 478 CY Iggwilv is overthrown and imprisoned. * circa 5500s BCY Founding of the Suel Empire. * 1283 BCY ** Gnomes from The Valley come under tutelage from Keraptis at Tostenhca. [5], In 586 CY, Herzog Grenell of North Province declared his holdings the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy, and took the title of Overking. When the struggle between the Baklunish and Suloise empires threatened to engulf central Oerik, it was proclaimed that the destiny of the Aerdi and other Oeridians lay far to the east. In time, the Aerdi arrived at the shores of the great eastern waters, their long journey at an end. * 576 CY ** Autumn (1 week after Brewfest): Ehrendil does research at the Guild of Wizardrys library; Norah mixes with archmage Jallarzi Sallavarian; Rose mixes with Guildmaster of Thieves Org Nenshen; Sariel crashes classes at the University of Magical Arts; Stel and Maura protected at the Temple of Rao. Several noble houses resorted to in-fighting or settling old scores with rival houses. * 254 CY Ferrond province breaks from The Great Kingdom, becomes the independent Kingdom of Furyondy. (DRA#354), Surviving Baklunish migrate north to the shores of the Dramidj Ocean. This article is a stub. Nyrond declared independence in 356 CY during the reign of Overking Portillan, whose attempts to reconquer the territory were blocked by an attack on the Great Kingdom's heartlands by Flan barbarians. A Brief History of Greyhawk . * 576 CY ** Autumn (Brewfest): Stelfast Holdren and Maura arrive in the City of Greyhawk, are almost kidnapped by Evangelor Umpirt and other Slave Lords; Rose, Ehrendil, Norah, Sariel save the centaur and his young ward. * 575 CY ** Autumn: Ehrendil Stone captured by Slave Lord agents near the city of Gryrax, sold and transported to duergar occupying the dungeons below White Plume Mountain. Lord Holmer, leader of the Knights of Holy Shielding is captured and taken to Dorakaa. * circa 6000s BCY Torhoon Empire falls; Olman people escape to southern Flanaess. **, * 524 CY ** Norah Brithel and Ehrendil Stone become friends working together in The Valley. [3], By 100 CY, the Great Kingdom stretched the entire breadth of the Flanaess, from the Solnor Ocean to the Fals Gap, and as far north as Perrenland and the north and northeast of the Vesve Forest, and from Sunndi to the Griff-Corusk mountains. **, * 576 CY ** Autumn (1 week after Brewfest): Ehrendil does research at the Guild of Wizardrys library; Norah mixes with archmage Jallarzi Sallavarian; Rose mixes with Guildmaster of Thieves Org Nenshen; Sariel crashes classes at the University of Magical Arts; Stel and Maura protected at the Temple of Rao. (858 OR) 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. However, it quickly became clear to all the noble houses of the Aerdi that power in the Great Kingdom was being centralized in the hands of the rulers of Rauxes, and that the fortunes of the Great Kingdom would now rest with them. (899 OR) . Claimants to the throne marched on the capital of Rauxes, when the city was engulfed by a wild and unpredictable magical effect. The World of Greyhawk, The City of Greyhawk, The Temple of Elemental Evil (T1-4), Rary the Traitor (WGR3), The Marklands (WGR4), Vale of the Mage (WG12), Vecna Lives . * 498 BCY The lich Vecna founds an empire through the central Flanaess. **, * 575 CY ** Autumn: Ehrendil Stone captured by Slave Lord agents near the city of Gryrax, sold and transported to duergar occupying the dungeons below White Plume Mountain. **, * 453 CY ** Norah Brithel born to mother Torgga Mightyhammer of Clan Dankil and father Oskar Brithel of Clan Fireforge in the Barrier Peaks foothills overlooking Little Bissel in the Valley of the Mage. (2015 OR), 494 CY Ivid I dies, Ivid II ascends the Malachite Throne. (2014 OR), 480 CY City of Elredd founded by a Wolf Nomad warrior on the site of earlier camp settlements. Accounting for the lack of a year zero in the Common Year calendar, 428 OR should be -217 CY. . Contents At its greatest extent, the Great Kingdom stretched from the city of Rel Astra on the Solnor coast to the Viceroyalty of Ferrond in the west; and from Sunndi in the south to Ratik in the north. Buffoons and incompetents sat upon the Malachite Throne, and their mismanagement split apart the Celestial Houses. ** (917 OR), 283 CY Thrommel III begins construction of Chendl. After the accidental freeing, good-aligned troops raze Robilars estate, driving the fighter into exile. So proceeded an inexorable decline that began as the rulers of House Rax became progressively neglectful, decadent, or dimwitted. (During the following 1,200 years, Suel develops ever-greater magics. Population: 2,618,200Human 79% (Os), Elf 9% (sylvan 90%, high 10%), Halfling 5% (stout), Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1% Languages: Common, Nyrondese, Old Oeridian, Elven, Halfling Alignments: LG, LN*, NG, CG, N Religions: Heironeous*, Beory, Rao, Pelor, Zilchus, Norebo, Pholtus, Ralishaz, Boccob, Delleb, Celestian First they conquered the Flans crumbling kingdom of Ahlissa in the southwest, then swept north to contend with other Oeridian tribes who had settled the Flanaess behind them. He ruled into old age before declaring that his last surviving offspring would claim the throne. Waters, their long journey at an end province breaks from the Ashes )! ( 3009 OR ), 198 CY the appearance of the Knights of Holy Shielding is captured and to. Shielding is captured and greyhawk age of great sorrow to Dorakaa Tysiln Sans mage mentor, her. 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