Referred to as "the most popular self-help book." There is a . Sketch of the Life of St. Francis of Sales v A Dedicatory Prayer xiii The Author's Preface xv PART THE FIRST CONTAINING THE COUNSELS AND EXERCISES NECESSARY FOR CONDUCTING THE SOUL FROM ITS FIRST DESIRE FOR THE DEVOUT LIFE TO A FULL RESOLUTION TO EMBRACE IT I. We can glorify God in a secular world, and be a testimony to the world of God's abounding grace and love. This early 17th century classic is a proven spiritual guide for living an authentic Christian life. The final edition was published in 1619, prior to the death of Francis in 1622. Evening exercise gratitude, examination, offer to God yourself, ask for protection. CHAPTER XIV. His feast is celebrated on January 24. Be like a little child with one hand clinging to your father and the one hand gathers fruits. I have produced this example, Philothea, in order that you may know of what importance it is to direct all your actions, be they ever so mean, with a pure intent to the service of Gods Divine Majesty. These writings are conveniently divided into small sections of advice. 0 Ratings 10 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read Lewis and the Case against Scientism, Summary of Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila, Summary of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy, Summary of The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross, Summary of Vatican II's Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests "Presbyterorum Ordinis". It is typically categorized as a form of reading known as lectio divina ("divine reading"), based on the Christian monastic practice of spiritual reading. By St. Francis de Sales Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V Part First. Paperback. I'd never put it away, it needs to be a regular reference. Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy. Things that I did not recall reading before were powerful this time around. We must develop a spirit of resistance, strengthened by continual prayer, participation in the Sacraments, and trust in God. Examination of the Soul's Condition as regards God. Like The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, it is considered a spiritual classic in the Christian tradition. This book was like having a saint as your personal spiritual director. The Love which Jesus Christ bears to us. To be purified from all affections of sin, we must have a clear and hearty consciousness of the exceeding evil of sin, by which means we attain deep and earnest contrition (20). Introduction to the Devout Life is a compilation of letters and notes. Introduction to the Devout Life by Saint Francis de Sales The most popular Catholic self-help book of all time is written for laymen. The book speaks to what is devotion and why we need devotion. Charles Borromeo had a great influence on Francis de Sales because of his pastoral approach to bringing devotion to the Christian in the world. It is the first in a new series from Ascension press called Christian Classics, and there is a podcast version by Gregory Pine and Jacob Bertrand Janczyk. Francis de Sales preached and wrote with a simple clarity. CHAPTER I. But it is the great perfection of heavenly love to make those who love God suffer and fight for his love, not knowing whether they possess the love for which and by which they fight (258). This is one of the few books that "stays on my nightstand." CHAPTER X. This time I got the audiobook version since I know I will keep coming back to it. CHAPTER V. Considerations, the Second Part of Meditation. CHAPTER XXIII. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER XVIII. Devotion is suitable to every Vocation and Profession. In essence I worked through the book twice. Introduction to the Devout Life is a timeless gem and I was truly blessed by reading it. Reflections suitable to the renewal of Good Resolutions. If during vocal prayer your heart is drawn to mental prayer, do not restrain it, but let your devotion take that channel (except if bound to recite the Office). Join the movement! Should you relish the fruits, or any of them, stop without going further, like the bees, who never quit the flower as long as they can suck any honey from it; but if, upon trial, you do not succeed according to your wishes, proceed to another consideration with a calm and tranquil mind, without hurrying yourself or fatiguing your soul (70). Highly recommend for anyone looking for concrete advice on the spiritual life! Infallibly true to anyone who strives for Sainthood. The devout life is faithfully represented by Jacobs ladder, True devotion is suitable to all vocations and professions, The necessity of a spiritual guide for progress in the devout life, Part 2: Counsels Concerning the Souls Approach to God in Prayer and the Sacraments, Aspirations, Ejaculatory Prayers, and Holy Thoughts, Pick one virtue to cultivate or vice to crush, Part Fourth: Some Needful Remedies Against Ordinary Temptations, Part Fifth: Counsels and Exercises for the Renewing of the Soul, and Her Confirmation in Devotion, Summary of The Rules for Discernment of Spirits by St. Ignatius of Loyola, click here for the PDF of the 10 meditations, 9 Practical Tips from Dubays FireWithin, 7 things I learnt from Catechesi Tradendae byJP2, The Magician's Twin: C.S. PART IV. (1) Begin all prayer, whether mental or vocal, by placing yourself in the presence of God. $1.99; $1.99; Publisher Description. Temptations The 3 degrees by which we fall into sin temptation, delectation, and consent. CHAPTER XXX. Read & meditate on Sacred things. Pray 12-minutes a day to help God save America. Devotion is suitable to every Vocation and Profession. CHAPTER V. The First Step must be Purifying the Soul. You will always find His eyes fixed upon you with unchangeable love (84). I didn't know how old this book was until just! Actions We must be faithful in things great and small. Meditation on the Benefit conferred on us by God in calling us to His Service. CHAPTER XXXVIII. Try to meet the occupations which come upon you quietly, and perform them with regularity, one after the other; for if you endeavor to do them all at once, or in confusion, your spirit will be so overcharged and depressed that it will probably sink under the burden without accomplishing anything (152). CHAPTER XXIV. "[7], According to Mark Plaushin O.S.F.S., Francis De Sales' approach is "Christian humanism", an optimism about the human potential for cooperation with God toward redemption. If your virtue is deeply rooted you can enter into unimportant activities out of charitys sake but be careful if you are only starting out on this path. Persevere We must be patient and persevere in the path of Christian perfection. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Q. Picture Jesus looking down from heaven on you. Frequently repeat the words of St. Paul that you are not your own. It enjoyed wide popularity, and was well received in both Protestant and Catholic circles, evidenced by its translation into all major languages of the day. Friendship The more your friendship stands on the foundation of virtue, the more perfect it will be. Pray 12 minutes a day to help God save America. In order to cure our faults, it is doubtless well to mortify the flesh, but above all we must purify our affections, and renew our hearts, and it is advisable never to adopt bodily mortifications without the direction of our spiritual guide (193). He died in 1622 on December 28, and was canonized by Pope Alexander VII in 1665. CHAPTER VIII. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. We must be Faithful in Things Great and Small. OUR LADY: THIS BEAUTIFUL SACRED OBJECT PROTECTS YOUR FAMILY, THIS AMAZING BESTSELLER WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE (ONLY $1! Be content to simply drive them away. He teaches on how to perfect ones lifestyle to make these changes permanent. Reveal temptations to your spiritual director. Introduction to the Devout Life (Digital), A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament (Digital), Ignatius Bible (RSV), 2nd Edition - Leather, Ignatius Bible (RSV), 2nd Edition (Digital), The Greatest Philosopher Who Ever Lived (Digital), Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy, Making spiritual progress through daily, monthly, and yearly exercises. I've read this book a few times, and although it's about 400 years old, it's a gem. He takes the reader through the finer points of meditation, establishing a prayer life, integrating with church life, connecting with saints, the use of frequent confession, mass, and partaking of the Eucharist. Wheresoever we may be, we may and should aim at a life of perfect devotion (10). CHAPTER XVI. CHAPTER VII. sdegutis Humility consists in really knowing and freely acknowledging our abasement. Fr. Dryness If you experience dryness, recourse to vocal prayer, or read a book until you feel reassured to enter back into prayer or stir up your heart with actions or gestures. For example, boldly acknowledge that you would rather die than commit amortal sin. Second Consideration--on the Excellence of Virtue. Introduction to the Devout Life Saint Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622) First published in the early 17th century, it has proven its value as a daily spiritual guide and helpful reference for living an authentic Christian life. Consolation must encourage us to humility and good works. How to strengthen the Heart against Temptation. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. [4] According to poet Kathleen Norris, "De Saless easy way of employing images from nature is one of the great pleasures of his book. The Nature and Excellence of Devotion. This should be fitting in regards to the state of life to which God has called you. Receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Always entertain a sincere hatred of the sins you confess, even though they be trifling, and a heartfelt resolution to amend Accuse yourself honestly and simply of the special omission or commission (104). The necessity of a spiritual guide for progress in the devout life The path of humble obedience and full trust that God is working fully through him. Dont waste your time dwelling on any trifling temptation. This took me almost all year to read, because I read it a bit at a time, but it was amazing. Humility makes us rejoice in our own Abjection. Have a quiet, calm, and persevering repentance. It's full of practical advice on prayer, virtues, vices, friendships, and so much more. When to use such Amusements rightly. This beautiful book provides inspiration and guidance for all Catholics to deepen their personal relationship with God while living out their unique vocation. Privacy. Be poor in spirit. Be ready for martyrdom but in the meantime meekly endure all little evils, trifling inconveniences, and unimportant losses, which happen daily; for by using these little opportunities with a good and loving purpose you will overcome your heart and have it entirely under control (222). Of a Well-Balanced, Reasonable Mind. Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy. We must (1) forsake, reject, and detest all sin, (2) dedicate our whole beings to serve and love God, (3) speedily rise again after any falls. Advice to married persons there is no union so precious and so fruitful between husband and wife as that of holy devotion, in which they should mutually lead each and sustain each other it is truly a blessed state in which the faithful husband and wife sanctify one another in the sincere fear of the Lord (235). CHAPTER XVII. The devout life renders all such actions easy, pleasant, and grateful (6). Meditation is an act of understanding consisting of one or more reflections made with the view of exciting our affections towards God and the things of Heaven (70). Search the history of over 804 billion Of the Difference between True and False Friendship. The Affections to be excited after such Examination. This is a Lenten reading of the spiritual classic, Introduction to the Devout Life, authored by Saint Francis de Sales, and read by Father Rob Ketcham. CHAPTER VIII. Copyright 2023 Ascension Press. True devotion is the perfection of charity. Of the other Public Offices of the Church. Pray 12-minutes a day to help God save America. "[5] "It is an error, or rather a heresy, to wish to banish the devout life from the regiment of soldiers, the mechanic's shop, the court of princes, or the home of married people. CHAPTER IX. One of the many pleasant aspects of this work is that it does not sermonize extreme ways for acquiring grace, but for people who have lived on the opposite side of the moral spectrum far longer than they care to acknowledge, bits of the book may seem very extreme. To which is prefix'd a summary of his life, and adjoyn'd a collection of his choicest maxims. There are some persons who dare not or will not think about the graces with which God has endowed them, fearing lest they should become self . on the Internet. Some Useful Hints as to Meditation. Always follow holy desires if your affections are greatly kindled towards God after your preparation, yield to them without heeding any formal method. It is a favourable feature of this war, that so long as we will fight, we must be victorious (15). ReadFullDescription. To you however, my child, I would teach a deeper humility, for that of which I have been speaking is almost more truly to be called worldly wisdom than humility. But, all things in moderation, and in careful consideration of consequences to the soul. So far the best translation I saw was. Morning exercise gratitude for the night, firm resolution for the day ahead, review the upcoming day, humble yourself, offer yourself to God. Introduction to the Devout Life Frivolous Attachments. CONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS AND EXERCISES FOR CONDUCTING THE SOUL FROM HER FIRST DESIRE TILL SHE BE BROUGHT TO A FULL RESOLUTION TO EMBRACE A DEVOUT LIFE. The historical record suggests that her name was Louise, but somewhere around 2015, scholars start referring to her as Marie) The correspondence began when Madame de Charmoisy, in Annecy, confided to Francis her desire for piety amidst the struggles and distractions associated with life at court. As Bishop of Geneva in the first quarter of the seventeenth century, Francis de Sales saw to the spiritual needs of everyone . CHAPTER XXVII. He was a fervent proponent of the universal call to holiness and spent much of his time guiding lay people on the road to sanctity. It was. If there ever was a much required and sincere "how-to" guide to bring people back to God while also repairing the interior damage of the self as a result of environment, people and inborn human flaws, Introduction to the Devout Life would be and is, very high on the list, for as he gloriously writes on page 291: "Such are the joys that lure my sight,/All pains grow sweet, all labors light. Humans have always been human, who knew? **. Saint Frances de Sales, great saint that he is and patron saint of writers, leads you through a purification of the soul, the purging of sin in ones life and, indeed, in the cleansing of ones soul. Preaching during the Counter-Reformation, he is estimated to have converted 70,000 Calvinists in his short lifetime. CHAPTER VII. After the examine Thank God for His help. CHAPTER XXXIV. The desire to be closer to God that he found in people from all levels of . An introduction to a devout life Written originally in French by St. Francis de Sales . Charity alone can place us in perfection, but obedience, chastity, and poverty, are the three principal means by which to attain to it. something w lots depth and wisdom that would challenge and shake me up a bit. One of the best Catholic classics I have ever read. How can virtues be pursued and vices rooted out when temptations and occasions of sin abound? CHAPTER I. CHAPTER XV. [2] It was first published in January 1609. Let St. Francis de Sales illumine the path to holiness and strengthen your desire to walk that road with the Lord. De Sales explained: "I address my words to Philothea, since I wish to direct what was first written to one person alone to the general benefit of many souls; "[3], Unlike many other writings in this category, it is distinguished by addressing itself to all Christians in any state of life, rather than to just those who have been called to a religious vocation. Simply brilliant. Without it repose is but idleness, labour but trouble; therefore, I beseech you, cleave steadily to it, and never forsake it (91). Chastity has its origin in the heart and its substance in the body. Assuredly nothing can so humble us before the compassion of God as the abundance of His mercies; nothing so humble us before His justice as the abundance of our misdeeds. The First Purification, namely, from Mortal Sin. It's aimed at laypeople, to show how devout life is possible no matter what one does in life, that devout life is not just for the clergy or monastic life. If you earnestly desire to be delivered from some evil, or to attain some good, above all things calm and tranquilize your mind and compose your judgement and will; then quietly and gently pursue your aim, adopting suitable means with some method (272). CHAPTER XVIII. Faithfully render'd into English. St. Francis de Sales (15671622) was the Bishop of Geneva and a renowned spiritual director. Introduction to the Devout Life is one of the great religious and devotional masterpieces. Language updates that make the text accessible without changing its meaning or message, Aleather-like cover, foil stamping, and a place-holding ribbon. During his lifetime, Francis de Sales gave spiritual direction to many individuals. St. John said to him: Why do you not carry your bow always bent? St. Francis de Sales is deeply influenced by the thought of St. Philip Neri and embraces some elements of the life of the laity that were previously thought sinful. Battling wisely against temptation Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. CHAPTER VII. Do not spend longer than an hour unless expressly desired to do so by your spiritual director. Introduction to the Devout Life enjoyed wide popularity, and was well received in both Protestant and Catholic circles, evidenced by its translation into all major languages of the day. When I saw in the Life of St. Catherine of Sienna her many raptures and elevations of spirit, her many words of wisdom, nay, even sermons uttered by her, I doubted not but that, with the eye of contemplation, she had ravished the heart of her Heavenly Spouse. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). YOU aim at a devout life, dear child, because as a Christian you know that such devotion is most acceptable to God's Divine Majesty. Without it you cannot follow the contemplative life well, nor the active life without danger. Your spiritual guide must be filled with charity, knowledge, and discretion. Amusements recreation is good to relax the mind and body but we must guard against excess either in the time they occupy or in the importance given to them (for then they become evils as soon as they absorb the heart). Ever read best Catholic classics I have ever read never put it away, is! Read this book was until just desires if your affections are greatly kindled towards introduction to the devout life summary... On December 28, and in careful consideration of consequences to the death of Francis in 1622 on December,. A regular reference we may and should aim at a time, but it AMAZING... Devout life is a timeless gem and I was truly blessed by reading it few. Be filled with charity, knowledge, and was canonized by Pope Alexander VII in.. 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