There is talk of a further quota cut for 2022, but that wont be determined until fawn recruitment flights have taken place this spring. Jeff is looking to hunt elk in Montana and wants to hunt bull elk in unit 339. . During the July 1-September 30 points only period, you may purchase a point for whichever either-sex license you didnt apply for. The biggest tag changes are found in Region 7 where the 007-20 either-sex license dropped from 8,500 permits to 6,000 permits and the 007-30 doe/fawn permits dropped from 1,500 permits to a whopping 150 permits. Actual examples are always the best. For antelope, if you are an archery hunter . Montana does not have mandatory harvest reporting requirements for deer and elk taken using paper licenses. Time. So if a nonresident wanted to do an elk hunt in hunting district 410 in the Missouri Breaks, they would first need to draw an elk or elk/deer combination license and then draw a permit 410-20 or 410-21. Carrying points in Montana while necessary for some hunts can be an easy way to waste your time and money, too. In many units, youth ages 12-15 may harvest a cow elk with their elk license without having to draw a cow permit. They need to apply for one of the big game, elk, or deer combination licenses in the general draw in order to apply for special, limited-entry deer and/or elk permits, both of which are due by April 1st. Be sure to check the hunt codes carefully when applying to avoid accidentally applying for a ewe tag. You can also view the Montana Antelope Profile to access historical and statistical data to help you find trophy areas. It should come as no surprise that the good folks at HuntScore love making the complex easy. Montana does this to give hunters with no points a chance at drawing a combination license. Below is a concrete simulation showing how these points help. Hunters will find lots of private land here as well as lots of other hunters; however, the sheer amount of antelope and size of the units does somewhat negate these cons. A must read guide to understanding how the Montana draw works. Really, the biggest choice an applicant will initially face when considering antelope in Montana is deciding upon their weapon of choice. Download Forest Service Map Index. The measures included expanded wolf harvest seasons, increased bag limits, night hunting on private land, baiting on private land, and the use of snares for trapping. The important thing to keep in mind is that while some areas have historically produced larger antelope than others, the overall trophy potential of the state is fairly even. We cover Montana wolf hunting information in our October issue. Knee pads are a must! To get this tag you must apply, but draw odds for residents and non-residents have been 100% the past 4 years, so its almost a guarantee. Become an onX Member for the best outdoor adventure apps with tools to get you there and back safely. Montana lawmakers drafted a series of bills that expand opportunities to better manage the states wolf population. But in my opinion, these deadlines are very close to what they will be until each state listes its approved regulations. Applicants are required to pay full license fee. It includes preference and bonus points, varied application deadlines and draw dates, and plenty of nuance. Results will be made available on or before May 19, 2023. Location. Shoulder Mount: $450-650. Limited entry and B type licenses are all awarded using a bonus point system. An application fee and processing fees are also required. These reports are in PDF format. Hunt; Fish; State Parks; Activities . This tag can be drawn with zero points for both residents and nonresidents. ), limited permits, and general licenses. PO Box 250 It's hands down one of my favorite times of year. Pronghorn (antelope) are managed as a game species in Montana. Search our database forMontana Antelope opportunities. Draw results for sheep, moose, mountain goat, and bison will be available in mid-May. If location is not a high priority when choosing where to start your antelope hunt, then this is an excellent option to look at. Deer B licenses also typically allow the take of either sex whitetail deer. draw odds Signup for our newsletter to receive limited offers, draw and application news, and more. For deer and elk, draw results will be available mid-April. Antelope hunters may apply as a party. The Montana wolf harvest for the 2021-2022 season was 272. View important information and an overview of the Montana rules/regulations, the draw system, SuperTags, tag and license fees and an interactive boundary line map on our Montana State Profile. . Typical - so far two "not successful". DrawScout is now available for the 2023 application season. If a non-resident applies for a deer or elk permit area that has less than a quota of 10, the application will not be considered for the drawing. All Rights Reserved. Super Tag chances are available for bighorn sheep, moose, mountain goat, bison, elk, deer, antelope, and mountain lion. Make Sure Youre Opener Ready. Montana does not have a landowner tag program for sheep, mountain goat, or moose. Because Montana is such a large state, unit selection for some may merely boil down to proximity from cities while others may be simply looking for the highest odds of filling a tag. $12.50 / month after trial completion. Applicants who are successful in drawing a general license will then be placed in the special drawing if they applied for it. Other important notes about the preference point draw include: Because of these quirks, Montana Elk and Deer Combination Licenses are more of a short-term plan than some other applications. So it shouldnt be a surprise that Montana has a smorgasbord of hunting opportunities. Draw results for the general tag are slated to be available by early August 2022. $15 for your base hunting license. Overall, antelope populations in Montana have had a great few years and the winter of 2021/22 is shaping up nicely. To view annual harvest reports and more information,click here. Really, from a research standpoint, Montana is a great state for planning an antelope adventure. Sophia has 2 bonus points going into the draw, so she'll receive 4 entries . In the preference point system, applicants can build up preference points each year to increase their likelihood of being drawn. 2023 Public Lands Interpretive Association, Public Lands Interpretive Association6501 Fourth Street NW, Suite IAlbuquerque, NM 87107. Montana only accepts online applications for all big game draws. Visit your DrawScout member portal for relevant dates for your applications. Antelope refunds will be mailed out after the draw. At HuntScore, we simulate the draw to generate draw odds (or probabilities really) . If you're new to GOHUNT, we release state-by-state Insider Application Strategy Articles three to four weeks before each state deadline. Located in central Montana, south of Lewistown and on the north side of the Snowy Mountains, this hunt district extends east to Winnett. The following are drawing odds for the 2021 Hunting Season for each species drawn. This allows you to enter the number of points you have for each state and species and, as you research through Filtering 2.0 and Draw Odds, your point total will automatically be highlighted. Montana gives non-residents up to 10% of the big game tag quota. Our Montana Antelope Species Profile is another great way to determine other districts and regions of the state to consider. For each year you are unsuccessful in the drawing and you paid the extra $20 bonus point fee, you will be given a point. Maps for Montana Antelope Hunting Districts. Hunters who are primarily interested in rifle hunting will see far greater restrictions with permits along with lower drawing odds in general. Details:General licenses arelimited to specific districts. Antelope results will be available early August with the exception of . MONTANA FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS MONTANA FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS . Deadline reminders: The deadline to apply for moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat and bison is Saturday, May 1; the deadline to apply for elk B, deer B, and antelope is Tuesday, June 1. 2023 Western Hunting Application Deadlines, New feature released on Insider Hunt Planner, Point Tracker: Your first step in researching hunts, How to import waypoints from other sources to GOHUNT Maps, Dialing in your fitness now to be ready for fall, Research your way to big bucks with a tool you're probably not using, The ABCs of finding a legit hunting partner. FWP Commission is once again allowing legally licensed hunters who are 10-15 years of age to hunt deer during the statewide two- day, youth-only deer season, which runs October 20-21. The hunter could buy the normal preference point and the outfitter preference point. While not always the case, these areas generally have lighter hunting pressure and a more mature age class. Antelope results will be available early August with the exception of antelope archery 900-20 results, which will be available mid-June. If you dont want to apply in the draw, you can purchase a bonus point from July 1st through September 30th. 2019 lifetime general-season deer drawing odds report. I read every bit of feedback from Insiders on the old articles (greatly appreciate the feedback). You may apply online at Consult with Hunters Who Have Hunted in Your Unit, Join Now! Springtime moisture has been decent so far this year and is expected to continue for the time being. Species include deer, elk, antelope, sheep, moose, and mountain goat. This license is available via Special Drawing. 2023Deer, Elk, Antelope Regulations (PDF). Second draw deadline for leftover tags is June 12, 2023 at 11 p.m. PT. Las Vegas, NV 89113. The deadline is the same for online and paper applications. There are also over-the-counter bull-only tags available that are also valid in most of the state during Colorado's second or third rifle season. The tag costs just $205 for non-residents and you can do the hunt yourself (DIY)no guide required. Unlimited Super Tag chances may be purchased for $5 each. 6630 Arroyo Springs St., Suite 1200 Contact the licensing department directly with any questions. Most of the states require the hunters to enter a draw for them to get an antelope tag, but others offer high drawing odds and give a chance to hunt per year. Buy Your Hunting Permit. Res./NonRes. Draw Odds Filtering 2.0 GOHUNT Maps - 3D Web Point Tracker Hunt Planner. An 80% refund can be requested on nonresident licenses if requested by Aug. 1, 2022. The second member will use that number to attach to each application. This article will be updated very frequently once states release additional concrete dates. For big game combination or elk combination licenses, you will be able to choose from the following if unsuccessful in the special drawing: keep your general combination license to use on the general seasons, receive an 80% refund of the license, or, if drawn for a big game combination license and you are unsuccessful in drawing a special elk permit, elect to receive a $351.20 refund for the elk license and be issued a deer combination license to use for the general deer seasons. At this point level, the 700 Series permit is likely out of reach with the tag cuts for this year; however, with Montanas draw system, this is still a good hunt to apply for. Phone: (435) 865-1020, database forMontana Antelope opportunities, Antelope (includes the $5 application fee), Bow and Arrow License (required for all archery hunts). This is an annual fee and will be assessed at the time the hunter purchases or applies for his/her first hunting license, including upland and migratory bird licenses.. Deadline/Availability: Over-the-Counter I like to explain this early look in terms of sportsanalysts and their way too early rankings of sports teams. She's increased here likelihood of drawing by over 170%! So be sure to read the requirements. Montanas point system can be a little more complex than other states. In the tables below, you will find the approved and tentative 2023 state application open dates and deadlines. 2009 Antelope Drawing Stats. About: Matt grew up running around the oaks, pines and birches in central Minnesota. There isnt a low maximum or a requirement to enter the draw every other year, so you can start building bonus points well ahead of preference points. On average, around 300 wolves are being harvested per hunting season. If you receive a moose, mountain goat, or limited either-sex or legal bighorn ram permit, you may not receive another permit for the next seven years, regardless of if you harvest or not. For detailed draw odds where you can enter in your points to see exactly what your odds were last year, go to If youre looking for a place to have a fun hunt chasing average bucks that also offers decent draw odds, make sure to apply for Montana by June 1st. Preference Points. The deadline to apply for sheep, moose, mountain goat, and bison is May 1, 2023, and the antelope deadline is June 1, 2023. While the tag breakdown for Montana antelope can be confusing at first glance, Ive found that breaking the options down into three categories can make unit or tag selection much easier. So let's walk through Sophia's odds of drawing an antelope hunt in hunting district 320 in the Tobacco Roots mountain range. That is basically your Insider "homepage." montana. If a record book buck is what youre after, you probably shouldnt be applying in Montana unless you will be hunting a private ranch that has been managed for trophy bucks. Above are the number of resident and nonresident applicants by bonus point total. Weve mentioned this tag a few times already, but it really deserves its own section to really break down the greatness here for archery hunters. Sign up to receive email or text notifications about important hunting and fishing news and announcements. This would give the hunter two preference points, which has historically always drawn a tag. Montana only accepts online applications for all big game draws. Check your email for a confirmation message. Elk and deer non-resident applicants are allocated up to 10% of the permit quota, not guaranteed. Although not entirely precise, one could get a rough idea of their draw odds by drawing a linear line between the points that do exist. The fee to purchase a bonus point without applying is $15 per species for residents and $25 per species for non-residents. Preference points are only used for big game combo, elk combo, and deer combo licenses and only for nonresidents. The following equipment restrictions apply only to weapon restriction areas: muzzleloaders must not be capable of being loaded from the breech of the barrel; may not be loaded with any pre-prepared paper or metallic cartridges; must be charged with black powder, pyrodex, or an equivalent; must be ignited by a percussion, flintlock, matchlock, or wheellock mechanism; must be a minimum of .45 caliber; may have no more than two barrels; and must only use plain lead projectiles. Montanas application periods for Antelope, Deer, Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Moose, and Mountain Goat all start at the same time during late winter typically March 1st. Bonus points benefit an applicant because they are squared and then each point represents another chance of drawing. A regional Hunting Access Guide is published annually by August 15th, which lists the Block Management areas enrolled for that year and explains how to gain access to them. Residents are afforded the most opportunity. One unique archery hunt available to anyone is the 900-series antelope tag. The 900-20 archery season runs August 15-November 13, and all of the rifle season hunts run October 8-November 13. What if Jeff had 8 points? Launch maps, obtain legal descriptions, regulations, and statistics all in one place. Must be applicant's first, and only choice. Looking at the license quota, it is clear to see that available licenses are the cause for the decrease in draw odds. The only way you will lose all accumulated points is if you draw a license with your first choice. . B licenses are often, though not exclusively limited to the taking of does or cow elk. If you're looking for more information about each individual state, be sure to dive into our State and Species Profiles. This hunt is very affordable. . From mapping and gear companies, to the well known Meateater brand, it seems like the whos who of western hunting and gear call Montana home. Colorado Preference Point and Draw Systems. (Clickable areas may appear inaccurately on mobile devices), New Mexico Public Lands Information Center. Only purchase a preference point for the general license if you intend to apply in the next years draw. In previous years, the 900-20 permit could be listed as a second choice option. All applicants are in the same drawing pool, unless non-residents have met their regional and/or unit quota. 2019 big game drawing odds report for limited-entry and once-in-a-lifetime. The preference point draw for combination licenses occurs before limited entry draws. In the following section, here are some realistic options for hunters at various point levels and how to best use your points and time. So understanding how the Montana elk draw works or Montana deer draw works is the first step to chasing after critters in the land of gold and silver. Successfully drawing a general combination license just allows a nonresident to be eligible to apply for a permit hunt. Montana landowners, both residents and non-residents, may qualify for preference in the special permit drawing for deer and elk. I have a general Western archery elk tag in Washington, so I will be planning on spending the . Theres a plethora of public or publicly accessible land to hunt. An apprentice hunter must be accompanied by a mentor who is at least 21 years of age. The limited entry draws are random, but bonus points are squared. When you combine Draw Odds with Filtering 2.0 and GOHUNT's 3D maps it is everything you need to gain an edge and become more successful. Insider (But hold off on Montana for a few years currently antelope populations are very low due to . We're already knocking on the door for the 2023 application season! A new study finds that many pronghorn migrate hundreds of miles each year, often struggling to overcome a growing number of obstacles along the way. The maximum number of points someone can have is 23 going into the 2023 draw. Application periods typically end throughout the spring from April to June. So 1st choice units should only be those an applicant is willing to burn their points on. Quite honestly, if an archery hunt is what you are after, the 900 Series tag is a no-brainer. Learn more here. These permits allow you to hunt a specific limited entry hunt district. To hunt in Montana, you will need: 1. So he has 2 preference points going into 2020. So if you do want to accrue points in Montana, be sure to either purchase them on your original applications or dont apply if you only want to participate in the point purchase period. There is talk of a further quota cut for 2022, but that won't be determined until fawn recruitment flights have taken place this spring. Cedar City, UT 84721 Since Jeff has 2 he should draw a combination elk license. Elk Permit 425-20 is valid for the entirety of the hunting district, highlighted in red, but those applying know it offers the unique opportunity to hunt . Our magazine, which is available in print and online,has everything in one location -application info, draw details and odds, fees, hunter requirements, point structure, age restrictions, youth information, weapon restrictions, other tag opportunities, hunt planning, and much more. Points are earned after an applicant is unsuccessful in drawing his or her preferred tag. However, in unit 482, region 6, or the unlimited units, the sheep must be presented in the administrative district where the ram was taken. The other 25% of the general combination licenses will be issued to the applicants who were unsuccessful in the preference point draw and have 0 points. You will be hunting in Montana's hunting district 620. These tags are only good in their specified areas and cannot be used in any other part of the state. This is an either-sex archery-only tag that is good for most of the state and runs from August 15th through early November. You can find a complete explanation of the drawing process along with important dates and fees in our Montana State Profile. Look for this option while filling out your application. Montana Hunt Draw Odds & Information -----State Draw Odds & Information-----> Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Montana Deer, Elk, Antelope Regs [ Click Here ] Leftover Licenses. The weather in central Montana can be an cold in early October and the draw odds are roughly 1 in 3 for a tag, but everything else was . Any special permit that a non-resident landowner draws will count against the 10% non-resident quota for that unit. Super Tag chances may be purchased online. The highest populations of antelope will be found here as well as the highest density of record buck locations. Montana's application periods for Antelope, Deer, Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Moose, and Mountain Goat all start at the same time during late winter typically March 1st. The deadline for nonresident applications for archery and rifle elk licenses is March 15. When applying, youll also be presented with the ability to select up to 3 permits youd like to apply for. Unsuccessful applicants receive refunds after the draws. Well break that down next but below is a high level overview of license and permit opportunities by species. 2023 Deer, Elk, Antelope Regulations (PDF) Plan Your Hunt Online. Applicants who successfully draw the 900 Series tag will have access to every single unit in the state with the exception of HDs 215, 291 and 313. antelope For each iteration, we look at the cumulative probability of an individual with a given number of bonus points being drawn. All applications must be completed online or at an FWP office. Apr 13, 2023 . Montana limits nonresidents to no more than 10% of available tags in a hunting district or unit. Conserving Wildlife - Serving People. No harvest reporting is necessary for moose. If an applicant is successful in drawing their 1st choice, his or her bonus points will be used. Plan to bring a light pack with food, water and supplies for the day. No. Montana: Draw: Antelope, Deer B, Elk B, Antelope B: April 15, 2023: June 2, 2023 (11:59pm PT) Approved: California: Draw: . Select a hunting unit from the dropdown menu or click a unit on the map below. Total number of 1st choice applicants that were successful. The deadline is June 30th. Draw results for sheep, moose, mountain goat, and bison will be available in mid-May. Utilize Filtering 2.0 and manipulate the Trophy Potential to display the districts that have a legitimate chance at bucks that score 75 Boone & Crockett (B&C) or better. Nonresident combination licenses use a preference point system. Anteloperegulations are typically posted late February. Only apply for preference points only for the general license if you intend to apply in the next years draw. Montanas 2021 antelope population was estimated to be around 132,359 animals, down 36,462 from 2020s estimates. Elk:Black Hills Firearms,Archery,Prairie, Mule Deer, Coues Deer, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Bison. choose an area with decent draw odds, but do a little research first. Go on More Hunts with Better Information, Join Huntin' Fool Today! Note: again, like every year, this early version is mainly tentative dates at this time. If you highlight or select 15 bonus points, you'll notice how odds settle around roughly 60% after enough draws are simulated. Review the Draw Odds to see if the odds are actually better in the special draw and worth the added cost. . Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. The revenue from the Super Tag sales is used to enhance hunting access and boost FWP enforcement efforts. Call 406-444-2612 for more information. You may purchase a bonus point system may appear inaccurately on mobile devices ) new... Are the cause for the general license if you highlight or select 15 points... 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