Ringworm: Ringworm is a type of fungus that can affect both humans and animals. If youre used to caring for a pet cat or dog, it may seem like an excessive amount and have you worried your rabbit is losing too much fur. Your rabbit could pull out large chunks of fur when it tries to groom itself with its overgrown teeth, leaving behind a patch of hairless skin. Typically the hair loss will be accompanied by other symptoms that will help you figure out the underlying cause. World rabbit science, 18(4).https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2010.776, 3. Make contact gradually and reassure them continually. As a pet owner, its natural to worry when you notice your furry friend is losing patches of fur. It is usually classified by the presence of dandruff-like flaking on the fur. Wool producers may shorten the amount of natural light a rabbit receives as a means to increase hair growth[1]. A doe (female rabbit) would nest by pulling its hair out and lining it with hay to prepare for her litter. After 2 days, he shed the fur around his mouth and nose area, but I can't find the shedded hair in the cage area. Required fields are marked *. Symptoms may progress suddenly or slowly. Alopecia: or other hormonal imbalance that affects hair follicles. The skin underneath should not be red or inflamed, and the new fur should start to grow back within a couple of days. the underside of the foot and apply a padded wrap for 1-2 weeks to help treat -Treatment for bacterial infections typically includes . However, when you notice your bunny abnormally losing hair out of season, you should be worried and find out why. Caring for this rabbit is usually difficult when siblings are present, so they should be cared for separately. Some may have a rabbit losing fur around their neck, others might see hair loss on the back or under the chin of a rabbit. Let me know if you need anything else. Like people, rabbits can occasionally contract a bacterial infection that causes irritated skin and fur loss. Though fairly uncommon in rabbits, the burrowing mange mite can lead to extremely uncomfortable and painful itching, which can further lead to severe hair loss. Rabbits lose fur for a variety of reasons, both physical and psychological. Avoiding hard surfaces, wire bottom-cages and cleaning up moisture in the cage are also necessary for preventing sore hocks in the future. own. Another possible cause of hair loss is stress. your rabbits fur may begin to fall off leaving bald patches. It seems going to be better. the best possible treatment. such as GI slowdown or ileus. Your rabbit has a mite infestation. Something like warts or rabbit syphilis can be the cause of your rabbits fur loss, especially when accompanied by bumps or areas that look infected. The freezing recommendation for any rabbit supplies is an excellent place to begin as is the use of fragrance-free laundry products for any washable rabbit bedding. They might likely engage in a vicious fight, tearing off fur from their skin and leaving bald patches. If you suspect your rabbits fur loss is associated with an underlying health condition, proper treatment can be highly beneficial. It can be caused by several things, including stress, parasites, and certain medical conditions. All animals in contact with the affected pet should be treated as well even if they dont show any symptoms. Rabbits may lose weight and hair as a result of parasitic infection, dental problems, or other health problems. I will go over both normal and abnormal patterns of hair loss in rabbits so that you know whether to get medical help or simply learn to live with all the rabbit fur. Other signs include runny eyes, difficult breathing, coughing, sneezing, etc. While some play fighting is okay, severe fighting should be Their breathing is different Image Credit: Xaya, Pixabay. Another uncommon cause of skin disease or hair loss could be a thyroid malfunction causing a hormone imbalance. Therefore, the transmission of the mites to your rabbits and other companion animals will continue until the primary hosts (rats or pigeons) are removed from your local environment. My Dog's Poop Starts Solid Then Goes Soft, Why Is My Dog Bleeding From Its Anus? A natural molting pattern is consistent: rabbits tend to lose and grow back fur at a uniform rate. them distracted from their obsessive grooming behavior. You know those teeth are good at eating sticks and salad, but what if the rabbit decides to munch on your My name is Amy and I am the Bunny Lady! Fur loss in rabbits is normal when its part of their regular shedding seasons. If rabbits didnt grow up together, it would take time to bond and get accustomed to each other. The treatment will be vastly different depending on the ultimate cause of the hair loss, so its best to see someone who will help you make the right treatment decisions. Abscesses can also be an indication of infection or even cancer, so its best to get your rabbit checked out if you notice one of these bumps. Bunnies also tend to over-groom when bored, so you keep yours occupied and interested in something else. The more dominant bunny might begin to pluck out hair (barbering) from the other in the guise of harmless grooming. Make sure to keep your rabbits habitat clean and scoop out their litter box every day. If you want to read similar articles to My Rabbit Is Losing Fur - Alopecia in Rabbits, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category. The rabbit cage should have plenty of space. parasitivorax, lead to more subtle symptoms than those of ear canker or -Other types of skin infections, such as those around cuts or scrapes, can also occur. You need to become more attentive to its behaviors to decipher what the cause could be. However, there are a lot of problems that can cause symptoms. Dental problems will cause a loss of appetite as well as saliva burn (responsible for hair loss). Ringworm is a fungal infection that can cause fur loss and scaling, causing a round bald spot of red, irritated skin. While it is normal to see your bunny grooming itself, you should also watch out if it becomes too much. From 393 quotes ranging from $100 - $300. During those heavy shedding seasons, you'll notice your rabbit's coat gets ragged again after only a few hours. rabbit sheds and the length of the molting period varies from one rabbit to Before you panic, its important to know that some shedding is normal for rabbits. Signs that your pet rabbit is getting old may include a greying coat, cataracts or loss of sight, hearing loss, or sleeping more often. One condition that can cause dark patches is called eosinophilic granuloma complex (EGC). Urine burns can also cause the skin to become red and raw. These However, if the tail is pulled off or cut off, it will not grow back. Here are 15 possible causes: parasites are not difficult to eliminate and treatment often leads to immediate They may even make matters worse if there is an underlying infection. Your vet may also prescribe painkillers to relieve pain and irritation. This will remove the loose fur that's on the surface of your rabbit's coat. A rabbit can overgroom itself if it is anxious about something. If pregnancy is impossible, your rabbit is probably experiencing a false pregnancy. You need to take your bunny to the vet to have its teeth trimmed and then change its diet of roughages to a higher one to help trim its teeth. Rabbits should never be bathed completely as this can lead to stress, shock, and even death. To confirm that its a dental issue, check for signs of teeth grinding, reduced appetite, diarrhea, and a dirty bottom, among other things. another. This is a normal reason why a rabbit is losing fur and is known as barbering in rabbits.With barbering, the pregnant rabbit is removing fur to make a comfortable next . Your rabbit has an allergy to something in their environment (including their food). Important: These are Affiliate links. These can grow out of control, and impinge on the tear ducts. If you think stress may be causing your rabbits fur loss, try making some changes to their environment (such as adding hiding places) or routine (such as providing more attention and interaction) and see if that helps improve the situation. The same goes for fleas. Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine, 142813.https://www.hindawi.com/journals/crivem/2014/142813/, 4. Fur loss can also be Mites will also cause crusts to form around these same areas. Make sure youre feeding your rabbit a healthy diet of hay, fresh vegetables and a small amount of pellets (no more than 1/4 cup per day). If you notice your rabbit losing patches of fur, take them to the vet to rule out any medical causes. One common reason for hair loss in rabbits is due to moulting. Hocks with severe infection or ulceration may require X-rays When female rabbits are pregnant, they will pluck their fur from their dewlap, chest, and forelegs to use as a lining for a nest. Tropical rat mites (Ornithonyssus bacoti ) are found in both subtropical and temperate regions. Burrowing mange mites can be treated with selamectin, offering relief to rabbits within 24 hours of treatment. In such cases, there will be other signs to look for, so it is important for every owner to be prepared on how to recognize them. keep in mind that natural molting is a seasonal process in rabbits. This will cause bald spots in these areas. Anxiety: Rabbits are very sensitive animals and can get anxious easily. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 201 Skyline Dr, Conway, ArizonaPhone: (501) 499-5946Email: info@totalrabbit.com. If it doesnt start to grow back, then there may be an abnormal loss of fur. This causes pain and severe discomfort. Mild infections may be treated with ear drops. Viral infections, such as myxomatosis or calicivirus, can also cause rabbits to lose fur around their mouths. This can vary among rabbits, with some being more willing to eat pellets but not hay, others refusing to eat pellets and some even avoiding water. Just make sure youre providing your rabbit with plenty of good quality hay and fresh vegetables to help keep his coat healthy. The length of time it takes for a rabbit to shed its hair varies from a few days to up to 3 weeks. We discuss these in the sections below. - Parasites Parasites such as fleas and ear canker mites can cause some fur loss. It is often accompanied by dental problems and manifests how cold affects humans. Moulting - Moulting and seasonal fur loss is perfectly normal. Written by vets and vet nurses. Some of these conditions can even be contagious to other species. This may indicate that your pet bunny is suffering from some disease. Alopecia is the scientific word for hair loss. hard, wet or rough surfaces. The best way to know is to check for clues and evidence. World Rabbit Sci., 14, 147-155.https://riunet.upv.es/bitstream/handle/10251/9587/559-1047-1-SM.pdf, Click to attach a photo related to your comment. Average Cost. Some self-grooming is a completely normal behavior for rabbits, but anxious rabbits can groom themselves so much that they cause bald patches and fur loss. Fipronil may be considered safe for other species, but it has been associated with severe neurological effects and deaths in rabbits. Your rabbit may overgroom itself, or be overgroomed by a bonded partner. Your rabbit may lose fur helping your rabbits skin heal with a dry butt bath for rabbits. fourth, genetics can also play a role in how much fur a rabbit sheds. You can tell if your bunny has a urinary tract infection from its urine. Fur loss may be restricted to the region under the chin, in the folds of the dewlap or down the chest. Fur loss associated with ringworm fungus is often bald, patchy and round with distinct edges. Your vet may not be If your rabbit is losing fur around their mouth, its important to take them to see a veterinarian as soon as possible so that they can determine the underlying cause and treat accordingly. Avoid using preparations designed for humans as theyre unsafe for animals that groom themselves. The amount of fur a The primary sign of alopecia is unusual hair loss. They will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment which may include antifungal medication. in clumps, resulting in bald patches. She has never met another rabbit, and rarely leaves her room. If you think your rabbit may have this condition, its important to take them to the vet right away. What Are the Causes Abnormal Fur Loss in Rabbits? Therefore, even the Allergic reactions are another possible cause of fur loss. Allergies can be caused by anything from dust or pollen to certain foods or medications. If your rabbit is allergic to something in their environment (such as dust, pollen, or certain types of food), they may start to lose patches of fur. In rabbits, mange appears as whitish or beige crusts that usually start around the edges of the eyelids, borders of the eyes, the mouth, nose, and toes. This will typically last for a couple of weeks each time. Your rabbit is not getting enough vitamin A in their diet 8. cleanse it gently as recommended by your vet to prevent future complications, Other Causes of Hair Loss in Lionhead Rabbits. The hocks are the heel of a rabbits foot. Does can also pull hormones from other pregnant female rabbits and have a false pregnancy, otherwise known as a phantom pregnancy. Rabbits have long teeth, with equally drawn-out roots. There are many potential reasons why your rabbit may be losing patches of fur. Look out for signs of shock, such as weakness, severe depression, and pale mucous membranes. Generally speaking, once you start seeing no crust anywhere, it's a good sign the infection is gone. A buck living with a doe would sometimes pluck out its fur for the cause. Over time, however, your rabbit will start to slow down and sleep more. This can happen when a rabbit is stressed or anxious, and they start grooming themselves excessively, leading to bald spots. When a rabbit molts all its fur in two weeks, you can expect . If your rabbit isnt getting enough nutrients from its food, this can lead to poor coat condition and excessive shedding. Anxiety. A rabbit losing fur around their eyes is much a result of eyepiece free. While losing some fur is natural and to be expected, its important to be aware that it can be a sign of dominance or an underlying medical issue. However, many of the wounds will be caused by the animal scratching themselves out of frustration. Infectious diseases - this could be a bacterial infection or other. If, after discovering the cause, theres only little you can do on your own to stop the hair loss, take your bunny to see the vet for immediate and proper treatment. As they drink, the water can collect on their dewlap, eventually causing fur loss and skin irritation. This is also called fur mite. In one study, it was seen that regardless of the material used for nest bedding, the majority used a mixture of the material and their own fur[2]. See files for Rabbits. We discover the causes and treatment options available for hair loss in rabbits to know what to do if your pet experiences this problem. Even though dental problems, such as molar spurs, can occur in any rabbit, theyre more common in dwarf rabbits and short-faced rabbit breeds, such as lops. 1. Overgrown teeth can also cause drooling and teary eyes in rabbits. Rabbits may shed differently depending on the amount of natural light in their environment. The consequence is that that may cause the fur to fall out. This is because the rabbit has easy access to this area and will often barber it as a reaction to stress. Jackson, R., Rogers, A. D., & Lukefahr, S. D. (2006). While its normal for rabbits to shed during moulting season, if the hair loss seems excessive or if bald spots are appearing on other parts of the body (not just the coat), it could be a sign of an underlying health condition and you should take your rabbit to the vet for a check-up. If you think stress might be the cause of your rabbits hair loss, talk to your vet about how best to reduce stress levels in your pet. Abnormal hair or fur loss (also called alopecia), looks a little different than seasonal shedding. Farghly, M. F. A., Mahrose, K. M., Peris, S. I., Abou-Kassem, D. E., Metwally, K. A., Abougabal, M. S., & Abd El-Aziz, A. If your rabbit has parasite infestation, he may feel itchy and start to scratches off his fur. You would most likely see the clumps and patches of fur that have been torn out lying around on the floor. According to Preventive Veterinary Medicine, risk factors for flystrike in rabbits include warm, humid temperatures and rabbits that are 5 years of age or older. (2014). biopsy, burrowing mange mites can be difficult to visualize. Or, it could be because of poor diet or grooming habits. Several parasites could infect your rabbit and leave it very itchy and uncomfortable. Dental Problems. 3) Parasite infestation. Spaying and neutering are also important for your rabbits health and longevity. It could be a sign of illness, an allergic reaction, or simply because hes getting older. 208217 & SC037585, Find out more about PDSA's vet care services. For example, an upper respiratory bacterial infection called snuffles can lead to alopecia around the eyes and nose. All rabbits shed their If your rabbit isnt getting enough fiber in their diet, they may shed more fur. Your rabbit is not getting enough essential fatty acids in their diet. It could be due to a medical condition, such as mites or an infection. They feed on rabbits and many mammals. 4. Bunnies can get bacterial infections in places not related to the urinary tract. Effects of lighting source as an environmental strategy for heat stress amelioration in growing Californian rabbits during summer season. Stress can also lead to other health problems such as digestive issues, so its important to try and keep your rabbit as relaxed as possible. An center contagion, respiratory discipline or blocked tear duct may be causing this. Some are: This is a form of ear mites that causes ear cankers. In some cases, increasing your rabbits quality of life will help them recover and regrow their fur quickly, but in other cases, it will require professional diagnosis and medication. Rabbits housed in warm, humid climates are more prone to You should also never use the flea control product, Frontline, on your rabbit. Dental problems are one of the most common reasons for rabbits to lose fur around their mouths. If so, youre not alone. There are many potential causes of this condition, including dental problems, viral infections, and malnutrition. Furthermore, your rabbit may not show any symptoms of disease other than scratching. Symptoms and Types. leakage and while medications begin to kick in. Rabbits do shed a lot during normal molting seasons. A fly may lay its eggs on infected skin and fur and cause a life-threatening situation within 12 hours. So you might notice this even if you have a single female rabbit who could not possibly be having babies. twisting of the head (torticollis). She helps to socialize the rabbits and educate volunteers on the care and behavior of these small mammals. Ringworm takes its name from the raised red circular lesion it causes with a clearing middle. Blocked bust ducts are much a resultant role of dental issues. Wet fur and skin can cause a lot of irritation and itchiness, which will result in fur loss, rashes, or sores. Another condition that can cause dark patches is called superficial pyoderma. If no spurs are visible, your vet may perform head radiographs for any signs of tooth infection or other mouth issues that may cause the drooling. If you want to either treat a rabbit which is already stressed or reduce the chances of becoming stressed in the first place, you should consider the following: If a rabbit has been stressed to the point where they have removed hair from their body in clumps or patches, then they should be take to the vet for assessment. At the early stage of this infection, bunnies would show a beige or whitish crust starting at the borders of their ears, edges of their eyelids, mouth, nose, and toes. An infection due to a wound or an infestation due to mites or other parasites are also possible causes. Your email address will not be published. We find out more in the video below on signs a rabbit is dying. Rabbits have long teeth, with equally lengthy roots. How to Prevent Itching and Scratching. This is because tropical rat mites permanently reside on a primary host, which is often rats and sometimes pigeons. Its a good idea to get your rabbit checked for any other health concerns, but often this is just a symptom of age in rabbits. Rabbits typically shed more during the spring and fall as they adjust to changes in temperature. (2022). The above signs are often related to dental issues such as molar spurs or molar abscess. These are often indications of a fight going on while youre away. In addition to skin, rabbits shed fur as well. My Rabbit Is Losing Fur - Alopecia in Rabbits, Why is My Dog Losing Hair? mange. 3. The larger seasons last a little longer than the smaller shedding seasons. Ordinarily, healthy rabbits do not drool at all. antibiotic will be most safe and effective against the type of bacterial Additionally, if your rabbit has molar spurs (overgrown teeth), they may also rub off the fur around their mouths. Note that even the calmest rabbit can become unruly and grumpy when infested with burrowing mange mites. This technique has proven to be effective for the survival of babies, especially in the wild. Its also pretty standard for rabbits to have a somewhat shaggy appearance when they are shedding. Third, diet can also influence how much your rabbit sheds. Urine scalding also leads to loss of fur in the genital area and the hindquarters. Keep your rabbit comfortable while your veterinarian finds the cause of urine Subscribe to the Bunny Lady e-Newsletter and receive a FREE pdf guidebook going over all the basics of rabbit care. There can be complications involved in the rabbi's self-grooming. In some cases, switching to a higher-fiber diet or giving supplements can help. This article is purely informative. Like other animals, rabbits experience normal hair loss, usually referred to as shedding. After your rabbit has finished shedding, their coat will return to normal. Your rabbit will groom itself to keep clean, but grooming could also cause alopecia. $200. This is completely normal behavior for rabbits. Its also important to After noticing that one rabbit was just staying under her cage all day I captured her and had a look to see what was wrong. Rabbits are prey animals, which means that they have to be very poorly, injured, or under a lot of stress before their behavior gives away their vulnerability.If you notice that your rabbit is breathing faster, slower, with an open mouth, or with more effort or noise, these could be signs that your rabbit is very unwell. Its caused by the mite, Sarcoptes scabiei and other species of Sarcoptes. 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