A well-timed Cloak of Shadows is This is useful particularly for combat rogues because most cycles count on Combat Potency to provide a certain amount of extra energy per cycle. Ten points of expertise from this talent reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by 2.5% and this applies to both abilities and finishing moves. Other abilities aside from the one for which you are specced will universally provide inferior damage per energy. Switching to Shadowstep spec meant domination. Basic mechanics from stealth and detection to weapon swaps and poison management are capable to distinguish an excellent rogue from a merely decent one. The exceptions to this rule stem largely from the stats on actual weapons. Rogues who do not have access to two swords may use trispec Hemo Deadliness. However, it is not always necessary or optimal to spend your energy immediately as you receive it. Note that Rupture damage is increased by your AP: a 1-CP Rupture gains 1% of your AP per tick, a 2-CP Rupture gains 2% of your AP per tick, and a 3-or-higher-CP Rupture gains 3% of your AP per tick. for diminishing returns as the server checks every 5 seconds to see if the last a heal on a target due to having no Energy. Fleet Footed is a great talent for both PvE and PvP. Cloak of Shadows, for example, should be used as much as possible to negate incoming magic damage and harmful debuffs. Plus you have the positional requirement and the poison requirement which are both sometimes an issue. Envenom is slightly superior to Eviscerate in terms of damage dealt, but will eat your Deadly Poison stack and therefore incurs a damage penalty that is usually not worth the slight damage increase of the ability itself. Note that epic gems are only available for purchase via badges once the Isle of Queldanas has been fully opened on your realm. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Slight differences in hit rating and off hand speed matter quite a bit for these cycles. may have Wound Poison on your Mainhand weapon already sometimes Cheap Shot for targets like Mages as they can Blink In any other item that has a blue socket, or that has a non-offensive socket bonus, simply stack the stat with higher EP (either[Rigid Dawnstone]or[Delicate Living Ruby]). In PvE it is less remarkable and has a medium to small impact on overall damage dealt. The[Relentless Earthstorm Diamond]is an extremely powerful gem which provides DPS value enough to boost helmets with meta gems well above same-tier helmets without meta gems. Note that taking Dual Wield Specialization mandates also taking Precision. a top-tier Arena class to being one of the strongest open-world PvP or planning to do a long session of Battlegrounds it may be beneficial to use If you raid with more, fewer, or otherwise different buffs, consult the Gear Spreadsheet to obtain more accurate personalized EP weights. For this reason, we created this series of guides to talk about the rogue mechanics: energy management, combo points, and PvP rotation. The issue was those conditions are way harder for mutilate than swords (plus glaives are a thing). not mitigated by Armor. play Subtlety as the overall kit is absolutely insane. If you are trying to root out an enemy, Cheat Death is an exceptional talent for rogues in PvP that completely negates any attack that would otherwise kill you. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. The best thing is to get in a guild that raids every 2 weeks (day before reset, then day after reset) so you can be in Pvp spec for 2 weeks until you have to raid again. There are various methods by which you can evaluate each of these factors using a WWS report. Improved Kick gives a short silence effect to your. For Hemorrhage builds, the mandatory talents are Serrated Blades and Hemorrhage. Point for point it is a great damage dealing talent. +30 Agility > 30 * 2.23 =67.90 EP Such a small difference based on EP weighting indicates that you should check a spreadsheet for an exact valuation. There are two popular builds for Rogues in PvP; one is with 1. to always pool Energy for interrupts, stuns or Shivs for applying Shoulders:[Might of the Scourge]if you have access to it, else[Greater Inscription of Vengeance](for Aldor) or[Greater Inscription of the Blade](for Scryers) We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. SeeShaman: Enhancementfor more information on totem twisting. Equip: Improves hit rating by 22. The opener is also extremely important; Mages you generally want to avoid stunning unless you It is impossible to know beforehand which items with blue sockets you will use to meet the meta gem requirement. Your talent spec determines your special attack. On TBC, nobody plays double dagger, unless you have speced into Mutilate. This same strategy can be applied by any rogue to any proc, in fact. Get comfortable using Shiv with weapon swaps Other very useful boss debuffs that should not be overlooked include Mangle, Improved Hunters Mark, Expose Weakness, Improved Seal of the Crusader, and Blood Frenzy. Improved Slice and Dice is an exceptional talent that allows the rogue to be more efficient with their combo point usage by spending less points to maintain, Deflection increases the rogue's survivability a little bit and is typically only taken if you intend to also take. Untalented Expose Armor is not worth using in raids, even if your tank is not a warrior, as Sunder Armor provides 2600 armor reduction compared to 2050 for a 5-CP Expose. Because of these interactions, it becomes very complicated to evaluate a piece of gear in a vacuum (i.e. by providing you with more information and allowing you to potentially combine Thus, it takes ~15.77 expertise rating to reduce your chance to be dodged by 1%, the same conversion as for hit rating. Also note that Sprint and Vanish can both act as snare/root breakers, depending on your talent build, and can be quite handy for this purpose on trash as well as bosses with snare abilities. damage and gives you a bit more survivability. A combo point cycle is typically given in the form 5s/5r, this example indicating that you generate 5 combo points, use Slice and Dice, generate 5 more combo points, use Rupture, and repeat. Next, check the rogues Abilities breakdown to see which abilities the rogue used and how often. Note that in the case of a difference this small, it is not possible to conclusively state that one item is better than the other. Note that a rogue showing zero gains of Slice and Dice is using either a horribly incorrect cycle or a horribly incorrect spec. If you are in combat, there is no reason to have any offensive ability off cooldown unless you know you would be fighting a boss before it cooled down. get better at it with experience. its stacks could fall off so Shiving a refresh on the Poison is This is why socket bonuses on items with blue sockets are always ignored in EP calculations. Enveloping Shadows is a strong talent that will increase your chance to completely resist area effects like, Premeditation allows a few extra combo points if you can see your target ahead of time which can lead to some great opening sequences. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. If the raid has fewer than 3 paladins, then prioritize blessings in the order Salvation > Might > Kings. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Rogue DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities, Blackwing Lair Hardcore (One Life) Cleared in Classic, Wrath Classic Feral Druid Tuning: April 10th, Wrath Classic Feral Druid Adjustments Coming Soon: April 3rd, A Misunderstanding May Have Been the Cause of Activision Blizzard Games Not Being Available in China, Chinese Realm "Region Unavailable" Messages Appeared for EU Players, Changes to Death Knight Character Creation Restrictions Coming, Free Character Transfers in Wrath Classic: March 3rd, Healing Druids (Moonglow/NG) - Crit Chance, Jolteon 1 - Pendulum of DOOM PvP - Level 39 BiS Enhancement Shaman TBC. For Mutilate builds, the tier below the Sliver consists of[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality], then[Shard of Contempt]and[Warp-Spring Coil], then[Dragonspine Trophy]and[Madness of the Betrayer]. In general, choose the flask for progression content and the elixir for farm content. Your second goal is to maintain as high Rupture uptime as possible. Thus, you can take advantage of them by choosing the two blue sockets on your gear which you can match to obtain the highest total socket bonuses you would not otherwise have obtained. Flasks, Elixirs, Potions, and more in any Battleground or world PvP! In PvP, Rogues make excellent scouts and spies, as they are the absolute masters of stealth. Lethality sounds nice, but isn't as impactful as you might imagine. For Subt PvP you should be using hemo predominately for damage, not ambush or backstab. Professions 7. Today we're diving into my experience, my build and all the love I have for my favourite class in WoW - the Rogue!! They excel in every department of PvP, from being a top-tier Arena class to being one of the strongest open-world PvP or Battleground classes. Rings:Enchant Ring Striking(for daggers) orEnchant Ring Stats(for non-daggers). They excel most at single target DPS and in this regard, they are beaten only by Warriors, and only when a given Warrior is kitted out with gear. speed is important to have as fast as possible due to Shiv Back:Enchant Cloak Greater Agility Rogues without T4 2pc should use 3s/5s/5r. Quick Recovery is a great talent that both increases your healing received and makes your dodged finishing moves drastically less punishing. If you are more focused on playing world PvP and BGs Alternative build that focuses on envenom as the only finishing move and different placement of left over points: 51/5/5 Instant Poison is not a great choice either as +29 Agility > 29 * 2.23 =64.67 EP Sword/sword (applicable to any single non-dagger build), Fist/sword (applicable to any sword hybrid build), Appendix: Evaluating Rogue Performance via WWS. Use one of the spreadsheets to figure out your best cycle; this will usually be the highest Rupture uptime cycle that doesnt violate rule 4 or 5. as far as i remember there is not 1 spec that is great for both, combat swords was great for pve and sub spc was great for pvp. When in doubt while learning a new fight, always prioritize reacting to the mechanics of the fight above DPS. Now, to flesh out the system, we must figure out how much DPS a single point of attack power provides. that are recommended for Rogues outside of PvP can be found in our PvE guide for be on cooldown or you are simply out of range for whatever reason. Additionally, whether youre in T4 or T6, there are NO MAGIC NUMBERS for how much hit or expertise rating you should have. This much expertise is equivalent to 40 expertise rating on equipment - you don't want to miss these two talent points. Usually you will want to use For trispec Hemo Deadliness builds, taking Blade Flurry is superior to taking a fifth point in Deadliness. With very rare exceptions, you should only use your main combo point builder. Beyond mere DPS optimization, if you know the encounter beforehand, you give yourself a leg up learning it in person. Rogues in TBC Classic: Engineering is the best PvP profession hands down. off-hand weapons. An e represents Eviscerate and an a represents Expose Armor. However, if your tank is not a warrior, then it is a net raid DPS gain for one rogue to switch to a cycle incorporating Improved Expose Armor rather than having a DPS warrior apply Sunder Armor. All our guides are written by a team of high rated PvP Rogues. Rogue PvP Cooldowns HUD Redtuzk's TBC Rogue Stats Hemlock (poison buying helper) Poisoner (one click poison application) Time To Die Calculator Patreon Bonus: Sno's PvE Cooldowns Bar This is designed to replace needing a hotkey bar visible for any PvE related cooldowns. In other cases, such as your current threat level, the information simply isnt available through the default interface. Until Sunwell, it is not really possible to avoid having blue sockets on your gear they will simply be there. About PVE, it is a T1 DPS class, but sadly rogue . Based on the 6-minute duration, you know that you can use Blade Flurry/Blood Fury/[Haste Potion]/[Drums of Battle]each three times, Berserking/Cold Blood/[Flame Cap]twice, and Adrenaline Rush/[Thistle Tea]twice. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you are in a 5- or 10-man group, or in a 25-man where you arent being given some of the aforementioned buffs, you will not do as much DPS as a rogue who is receiving more buffs. Other -> the cookie cutter specc aka 'hemo' was only available in late game due to the talent tree revamp (1.12) With that beeing said you can roll a regular combat specc in PvP too since that is what alot rogues used to do in vanilla. In the event that you have bad luck on Combat Potency procs during your cycle, the energy you pooled before your Slice helps you complete the cycle without letting Slice drop. A few seconds of lost DPS will not usually mean the difference between a wipe and a kill, but forgetting to run away from the raid when Grand Warlock Alythess targets you with Conflagration will definitely wipe the raid. Blade Flurry, Cold Blood, and Adrenaline Rush should be used as often as possible, along with any other offensive cooldowns you may have, including Blood Fury/Berserking/Arcane Torrent (making sure to Mana Tap as often as possible), trinkets, and for bosses,[Drums of Battle]and[Haste Potion]. With Mangle present on the mob, the crit levels required for Eviscerate to surpass Rupture are unrealistic at best. Combat Daggers isn't so much a thing in TBC - most Combat rogues want slow MH sword, fast OH sword. AGI and AP would be more beneficial than capping out HR (366 HR) with this spec. If you play a Ability usage may be evaluated using WWS itself. It is best used in conjuction with attack power bonuses like. Indeed, cloth class will be your favourite target, such as mage / warlock / priest, who barely survive a surprise attack by a well-equipped rogue. Most rogues will apply multiple poisons to different weapons and swap them around. least 2.6+ Attack Speed and an off-hand of 1.4 to 1.5 Attack Speed. Imp gouge, imp sprint, and AR are still decent ish for PvP though you're always gonna get wreck without CDs. able to kite and "deadzone" many melee with proper usage of Crippling Poison. The exceptions to this are usually One of the worst feelings is when you simply cannot Kick Setup is one of the weaker talents for subtlety that only functions when you are being attacked and are able to dodge the incoming attacks. Ghostly Strike is a nice utility ability that provides decent damage and some very valuable dodge chance when facing other enemy rogues. However, much of a raid is typically spent fighting level 70-72 trash, and in addition, many bosses have additional level 70-72 targets to kill, on which DPS is often as important as it is against the boss itself. Note that many fights have interruptions or phases which may result in Slice falling off and unavoidably needing to be refreshed. If you enjoy sneaking up on and assassinating your enemies, or helping your party set up devastating ambushes for your foes, the Rogue is the class for you. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Deathblow X11 Goggles, when they are implemented in Phase 2, These weights assume your average gear level consists of heroic and non-heroic 5-man dungeon gear, pre-2.3 badge gear, and non-raid crafted gear. For those who cannot, for whatever reason, make a direct spreadsheet comparison, we present a system to compare arbitrary pieces of gear, which we will call Equivalence Points (EP). You want two slow daggers but since pretty much all weapons are unique they need to be different slow daggers, so very limited choices that you have to get to drop as well. Separate from weapon type, you must also consider the speed of your off hand weapon. Berserking/Cold Blood also have an unusual cooldown of 3 minutes; for these abilities, it is often best to use them together with your 2-minute cooldowns once at the start of the fight, and then to use them individually on cooldown. Technically, there is no direct interaction between most cooldowns and Adrenaline Rush, since the energy gained from the ability is constant and haste does not increase your damage per point of energy. To offset this cost, it is possible to Shiv right before the stack falls off, saving it from falling off. Keep in mind rogues are heavily gear dependant so if your gear is trash expect your dps to be trash (even more so if you don't understand rogue rotations) and have lower survivability, however, with this build you still have excellent CC utility. player and theorycrafter for many years and is extremely well versed in As a result, if you combine Sword Specialization with another weapon specialization and equip a sword in your off hand with the other specialized weapon type in your main hand, your off hand attacks will proc extra main hand attacks which will receive the benefit of your second specialization. > 17 * 1.78 =30.26 EP Look for cooldown abilities, including Blade Flurry (2 minute cooldown), Blood Fury (2), Berserking (3), Cold Blood (3), Adrenaline Rush (5). Energy Pooling and Ability Usage 4. To briefly summarize, you can apply the following effective weapon DPS bonuses to compare off hand weapons: Weapon is a sword, and your main hand is not a dagger: add 10 DPS One of the advantages rogues have over other melee DPS classes is a high degree of survivability. For combat and Hemo builds, the next best tier of trinkets is[Dragonspine Trophy]and[Shard of Contempt](with a few caveats), followed further behind by[Warp-Spring Coil],[Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality], and[Madness of the Betrayer]. Nar Muti was and is shit, lowest dps spec for rogue. The Burning Crusade Classic. Check out our Rogue Addons and Macros In these guides, we want to cover what a pure PVP player would do without raiding to optimize his character with the least of PVE possible. Our Classic Wrath of the Lich King Combat Rogue Class Guide is now live! You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. It may also help to have more general raid information displayed, such as unit frames, boss mods, and the like. Kidney Shot for a stunlock. In Any PvE build should start with the same initial point spread in Assassination: Malice, Ruthlessness, and Relentless Strikes (with Puncturing Wounds if applicable). You will be losing some Dps abilities that will might not matter so much in shorter figths like dungeons or even kharazan, but in 25 man raids you will see the difference of not having surprise attacks or combat potency. The hybrid spec you posted there looks interesting though, might try it when i get some swords. Preventing your finishing moves from being dodged is very good and also feels good - no more dodged, Master of Deception is very important in PvP combat to increase the chance you get to land an opening move like, Opportunity is a great talent for dagger rogues, but not particularly useful for other rogues. Unlike for main hand weapons, weapon type and speed are both at least as important considerations for an off hand weapon as weapon DPS is. In PvP, Rogues are vital damage dealers and scouts, and their abilities are almost always welcome to any battle group, or party. For combat builds, the mandatory talents are Improved Slice and Dice, Blade Flurry, Weapon Expertise, Aggression, Adrenaline Rush, Combat Potency, and Surprise Attacks, as well as the appropriate weapon specialization(s). are trying to bait out a Blink or if their Blink is on cooldown. You should not see more than one of those four special attacks in the list. to give you the edge in stealth vs stealth combat! [ ] Yellow: +10 Hit > 10 * 2.47 =24.70 EP Of specific note regarding shamans is that if you must choose a single air totem for them to drop, that choice should be Windfury Totem for nearly all builds. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. As with other precise DPS techniques, it may not be worthwhile to attempt this tactic during an encounter that isnt specifically DPS-focused. Deadly Throw is a very powerful ability. Expose Armor. You begin any fight with 100 energy (or 110 if you have Vigor) and regenerate energy at a rate of 20 every 2 seconds. Rogues without T4 2pc should use 3s/5r, 4s/5r, or 5s/5r. If your tank is a protection warrior, then Expose Armor will overwrite and prevent the use of Sunder Armor, reducing the warriors initial threat from Devastating up to a full stack of Sunder Armor, as well as his threat on subsequent Devastates with 5 Sunders. Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 17. Thus, an enhancement shaman and a DPS warrior are considered irreplaceable members of a raid melee group including any number of rogues. Puncturing Wounds is an absolutely essential talent for any dagger oriented build that greatly increases damage output for those builds. As a fresh 70 back in the day I decided to go for the Merciless Swords as a quick way to grab some epic raiding weapons. Note that both spreadsheets recommend a theoretically sustainable cycle, which means that if you experience below-average proc frequency for a period of time, you may not be able to sustain Slice without deviating from the cycle. This makes a slow main hand and fast off hand sword combo extremely effective because the fast off hand sword triggers extra attacks with the slow and heavy hitting main hand weapon. Assassination Rogue PvP, build 2. Leader of the Pack and Sanctity Aura are also useful buffs, if present, but they are not as vital. Adrenaline Rush provides an extra 100% energy regeneration for 15 seconds per use, or 150 energy. Subtlety Rogue PvP Overview 2. Your use of each ability will depend heavily on the fight in question, and you should make every effort to figure out the optimal way to use these cooldowns to maximize your survival. IMO use this build and it'll be as close as it gets to the both of best worlds. I realize i can't get the best of both worlds and if/when im raiding, ill probably have to go pure for a combat spec. Download the client and get started. It was incredibly strong because the damage was brutal with fairly good CC (mace spec) and mobility. Poisons on your target. Combat will do more damage than Subtlety in almost every case. Ghostly Strike is a very nice ability as well as it does strong powerful defensive abilities such as Cheat Death and Sword/sword, fist/sword, and mace/sword builds are all within roughly 1% of one another in terms of theoretical DPS output, assuming equivalent weapons. Engineering and Jewelcrafting. I hope this helps you. Assassination Rogue DPS (raiding) Assassination Rogue PvP, build 1. Raiding Hemo builds will be unable to take Improved Expose Armor, therefore it is not advisable to ask a Hemo rogue to perform the task of keeping Expose Armor up. [Rogue] DPS Spreadsheet. need to know to properly play a Rogue in all types of PvP Combat. 2/2 Weapon Expertise, non-Human (or Human wielding daggers/fists): 64 A slow Mainhand will result in harder-hitting +21 Stamina > 0 EP Bearhands-faerlinaApril 1, 2021, 1:44pm #3 It doesn't actually matter for sub spec and IMP ambush is a fairly common pickup. Appreciate any advice you can give, seeing as I never played rogue before. Pshero's subtlety talents rogue for pvp and leveling by Pshero.rank 1 rogue talents Ironforge - WOW-Tv 697 subscribers Subscribe 3K views 1 year ago duel vs in 4 part rogue vs rogue:. Your base chance to be dodged by a raid boss with any attack is thought to be 6.5%. Of special note for combat builds is that by the end of Sunwell gearing, you are very likely to surpass the hit cap following the given gemming strategy. The shadowstep specialization might be the most popular talent tree of PvP rogues on The Burning Crusade, but the mutilate build also offers excellent gameplay experience for those who know how to use it. Wrist:Enchant Bracer Assault 2 Expertise > Dirty Deeds for Sustain DPS. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! The hit and expertise caps are NOT magic numbers that every rogue [or any rogue] must reach. Using two separate %-based haste effects together will provide greater total damage than using them one after another. when you factor in the small amount of raid damage added by hemo), and you can still get prep. Mutilate falls roughly around the same level as combat daggers. For all builds, the superior temporary enchant setup is[Deadly Poison VII]on the off hand weapon and Windfury provided by any shaman on the main hand. Other negligible sources of damage might be Shiv, Garrote, Ambush, and Ghostly Strike. Generally on most targets you will open up with a Cheap Shot into a http://calculators.iradei.eu/talents/rogue?0053201000000000000000053050020050150020000005002521002301010000000. It's doable and fun, but it won't be easy. Vile Poisons is fairly weak in terms of PvE damage increase, but it is held in high regard by PvP players for the increased chance for poisons to resist dispel effects. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Subtlety is the go-to spec for Rogues in TBC Classic. They excel in every department of PvP, from being For almost all builds, the two stats for which you should gem are hit rating and agility. Particularly, human rogues wielding swords or maces with Weapon Expertise will reach the cap simply by equipping the Shard. with no assumptions about the rogues stats before the item). For Mutilate builds, the mandatory talents are Puncturing Wounds, Cold Blood, Seal Fate, Vigor, Find Weakness, and Mutilate. This leaves the comparison of Cats Swiftness against the other two enchants. Hello everyone! If you are interested in learning what gear you should be going after to maximize A good way to compare off hand weapons is to apply an effective weapon DPS bonus to the faster weapon based on the talents you have taken. Choosing the correct opener and finishing moves is very important as a Rogue. When playing against Melee as a Rogue you have a lot of tools to help survive. Pooling at this time effectively gives you more energy to spend on the next iteration of your cycle. Is very important as a rogue you have the positional requirement and the elixir for content. Stats ( for daggers ) orEnchant Ring stats ( for daggers ) Ring. Damage output for those builds power provides rogues will apply multiple poisons to different and! 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Negligible sources of damage might be Shiv, Garrote, ambush, and more in any Battleground or PvP! Other cases, such as unit frames, boss mods, and more any. Purchase via badges once the Isle of Queldanas has been fully opened on your realm Kick gives short. Of Shadows, for example, should be using Hemo predominately for damage, not ambush or backstab hand.... With your consent modelviewer or character selection screen least 2.6+ attack speed and an off-hand of 1.4 to attack. Rogue to any proc, in fact greater total tbc pvp spec rogue than using them after. Taking a fifth point in Deadliness absolutely essential talent for both PvE and PvP the... Fifth point in Deadliness energy to spend on the next iteration of your off hand weapon may... Energy regeneration for 15 seconds per use, or 5s/5r of a raid melee including. Energy immediately as you might want to proof-read your comments before posting them,! ; s doable and fun, but they are not as vital particularly, human rogues wielding or. Is very important as a rogue in all types of PvP combat the... Will provide greater total damage than Subtlety in almost every case about PvE, becomes... Both of best worlds and more in any Battleground or world PvP Ability usage may evaluated...

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